Thursday, 31 January 2013

DNC Board Meeting Jan 31, 2013

DNC Board Meeting Jan 31, 2013
Jacob's Well, 5:30pm to 7pm

Attendees: Jacek Lorek, Roland Clarke, Rob Morgan, Richard Cunningham,
Garvin Snider, DJ Joe, James Oickle, Bill Beauregarde, Diane Johnston, Debbie Krull, Ludvik Skalicky

New Board Members
Letters to Tami S and Herb V
Membership List
Banking Update
General Meeting
Street Market

Motion to adopt agenda. Richard C motions, Roland C seconds
Motion carries

Housekeeping - volunteers for cleanup

Roland C reads minutes of last board meeting
Motion to adopt minutes by Richard C
Roland C seconds, motion carries

Debbie K requests to be a natural community member of the DNC
Roland C moves to accept her request, Rob M seconds the motion
Motion carries


Discussion of appointment of at large board members

Roland C discusses the lack of women on the board and on the executive, which
is why it is urgent to appoint some women to the open board seats

Jacek L lists some of the women that want to be on the board of the DNC such as
Sandra Pronteau, Debbie Krull, Diane Johnston, and Jenn Allan

Roland C motions to accept Debbie Krull and Diane Johnston as at large board members
Rob M seconds the motion
Discussion centers around whether there are specific housing categories that 
they may fit into. General agreement to appoint them to the at large seats
Motion carries

Rob M motions to nominate Bill B for the open board seat in the homeless category, 
and Ludvik S for the open seat in the market housing category
Garvin seconds, Motion carries


Membership issues

Jacek L discusses membership list issues, and how we need a strategy to deal with keeping the 
list up to date. He has experience helping VANDU with their list. 
Discussion around striking a committee to deal with membership issues
Garvin - need to update the list before the next GM

Richard C motions to form a DNC Membership Committee with membership of 
Roland C, Debbie K, Jacek L, Diane J
Jacek L seconds, motion passes


Banking issues

Roland C gives a brief summary of the VanCity account needing BC filings, and
CCEC is almost done, just needs two more signers to go down to the bank and Kelvin B
to sign the signature card

Also a summary of the provincial filings going out. Signed by Garvin S and Roland C

Decision by board to include the new board members on the provincial filings


Letters to absentee board members

Discussion regarding letters to absentee board members
There are six board members that have missed 4 of the last 4 meetings
These board members are Tami S, Victoria B, Tracy M, Rocky R, Patrick F, Shannon B
Rob M volunteers to give Tami S, Victoria B and Tracy M their letters since he will see them soon

Rocky, Patrick, and Shannon will wait until we get an address or a person
to deliver the letters to them


Street Market

Richard C discusses RPIC job interviews on Saturday at 2pm
Debbie K tells that Kerry Jang said that there was dated eggs and sausages sold at market
Rob M says that we look for this as RPICs and we ask those vendors to leave


General Meeting Discussion

Discussion of holding GM and needing funds
Roland C discusses that we can defer paying Dodson, but we need money for stipends
General decision to not rush into holding a general meeting before we are ready as a board


General Business

Jacek L motions to create a Media Communications Committee (to control the DNC wordpress website, 
DNC email lists at povnet, the twitter account, the DNC gmail account, and all other electronic communication). 
The committee membership will include James O, Roland C, Jacek L, Ludvik S, and Bill B. 
James O seconds. Motion carries.


Rob M makes an announcement:
Idle no more is doing educational session at the longhouse at UBC 1pm-4pm tomorrow (Friday Feb 1) 

Discussion of DTEast and fact that there has been no discussion or reports 
given to the DNC board. Report from meeting on Monday with Helesia Luke where she
did highlight the fact that there could be potential liability issues if the
paper is sued, the board might be responsible. Decision to deal with DTEast issues
at a later date.

Motion to adjourn, motion carries

Moment of silence

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