Saturday, 12 January 2013

DNC Board Development Meeting - January 12, 2013

Summary of Officer Elections: 
DNC Co-President: Richard Cunningham
DNC Co-President: Kelvin Bee

DNC Treasurer: Roland Clarke
DNC Secretary: Garvin Snider

The New DNC Signers are: Jacek Lorek, Richard Cunningham, Kelvin Bee, Rob Morgan
Previous signers are now no longer signers

Minutes of Meeting are as follows (for elections portion):
(for those in attendance, please let me know of any corrections or omissions)

DNC Board Development Meeting - January 12, 2013
Location: DTES Neighbourhood House
Starting time - 10:45am
Expected end time - 1:30pm

DNC Board Attendees: Kelvin B, Roland C, Jacek L, DJ Joe, Garvin S, Rob M, Richard C

Both Tami Starlight and Herb Varley were called shortly after 10am to remind them of 
the time and location of the meeting. All board members were emailed and texted about
this meeting on Thursday night, and previously.

Other Attendees: Helesia Luke - will facilitate

Prospective Atlarge Board Member attendees: 
Debbie Kroll, Ben Smith, Diane Johnson, Nick A, Bill B, Dean, Sheri, Sandra Pronto

Kelvin Does the opening

Garvin reads the constitution

Round of introductions

Richard, housekeeping - bathrooms, wash hands before food, respect the space

Richard passes meeting to Helesia

Roland - reviews what was decided at the last Thursday planning meeting regarding a planned agenda

Motion to approve agenda
Motion carries unanimously

Discussion of requirements in bylaws for officers
Helesia - interpretation of person of color should be how they identify themselves

Duties of President and Co-presidents

1) Represent the Board, Talk to Media, Sign letters on behalf of board
2) Time commitment?

Helesia - call for nominations for President and Co-chair

Richard Cunningham
Garvin Snider
Kelvin Bee
DJ Joe 
Rob Morgan

We all agree that there are 7 board members present and eligible to vote, this meets quorum requirement.

Short Speeches by everyone to explain why they are running for president

Miles Bruce counts the votes - Helesia's son
We generally agree that this is an acceptable protocol

We agree to announce just the winner and not the number of votes

Richard Cunningham is now one of the Co-Presidents of the DNC

Nominations for Vice-Chair, or other Co-President

Kelvin Bee
DJ Joe
Rob Morgan
Garvin Snider 

The first ballot, 3 votes was the winner, not a majority
We make a decision that the vote winner should be elected by a majority, not just a plurality
We will hold another vote
New nominations - after Garvin withdraws

DJ Joe
Kelvin Bee
Rob Morgan 

New vote - Kelvin and DJ tied for the win
Run off election now between the two of them

Kelvin is now elected as the Co-chair and other Co-President of the DNC

Richard and DJ nominate Roland as Treasurer
Roland Accepts nomination
No one else is nominated and no one else comes forward wishing to be treasurer.

Resolution to acclaim Roland as treasurer of the DNC
Mover - DJ, seconder - Kelvin
Motion passes

Nominations for secretary

Garvin Snider
Rob Morgan

Both accept their nominations

Garvin Snider is elected as the secretary of the DNC

Nominations for list of DNC signers

Jacek Lorek
Richard Cunningham
Kelvin Bee
Rob Morgan

All accept their new role as signers.
Motion to accept these signers for all DNC bank accounts, and that any previous signers are no longer signers.
These accounts include the CCEC account and the VanCity account. 

Rob M motions, Garvin S seconds
Motion carries

We eat the delicious lunch prepared by Bill, and offered by the neighbourhood house

12:00 noon

We invite everyone to the table to participate in the goal setting and planning section
of the meeting

1) What are you proud of?
2) What do you want to do in 2013? What does success look like?
3) What goals? What Strategies?

Miles will note take in this piece, I will join his notes with these for full minutes at a later time

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