Thursday, 3 January 2013

DNC Board Development Meeting Planning Meeting on January 3rd, 2013

Sorry for not getting this out sooner. 
Let me know if you guys have any additions or corrections.
I will try and print out copies of this before our next meeting for those that did not attend.


DNC Board Development Meeting Planning Meeting on January 3rd, 2013

Attendees: Tracy Morrison, Jacek Lorek, Roland Clarke, Garvin Snider, DJ Joe
James Oickle, Kelvin Bee, Dave Murray

Garvin brings Helesia Luke from Ethos who may facilitate our board development meeting

Round of introductions
Helesia tells about herself, cofounder of ethos, also on RSCH 
(regional steering committee on homelessness), works with environmental groups

Garvin reviews our last meeting where we talked about planning a board development meeting

Helesia asks a number of questions about the DNC

DJ Joe leaves at about 5:50pm

Helesia talks about setting priorities for the development meeting, and can not possibly 
do all the things that we want in one meeting... ie) set priorities, build board processes,
and elect officers, how committees report back, etc...

6:10pm Herb Varley, Shannon Bundock, Louise arrives

New round of introductions

Helesia asks questions again to figure out what we can accomplish during the board development meeting.
Discusses teaching some best practices around how to conduct meetings.

Forming, Storming, and Norming stages of groups
Helps to be aware of where we are in the cycle

Environmental movement calls this the inside outside strategy. 
Inside - negotiation, Outside - blocking roads, etc...

Herb discusses the conflict resolution recommendations that were voted on at the Pre-AGM
We need to now discuss how we are going to impliment some of the recommendations

Garvin - part of the development process could be to set some of these recommendations as
goals, and then the board could impliment this over time

Helesia - there are two ways to go in terms of structuring Saturday, 
structure first, governance and then later go into the planning and visioning
Blue Sky - one to two year plan, and decide on what organization we need to build to get there

Kelvin - the goals have to be presented to the AGM because this is in our constitution,
also, there is an action at the border on Saturday for Idle No More, and this conflicts 
with our planned board development meeting

Garvin - we can delay the board development meeting if the date conflicts

Helesia - do we need to do a poll of members?

Kelvin - this should be examined

Tracy - last meeting was just a list of things that we've done. It would be good 
to ask the membership what the priorities should be. Not that the priorities were
not good, but we should ask the membership.

Garvin - I also support a survey to the general membership

Herb - Could this be the focus of our next general meeting?

Helesia - many strategic planning sessions begin with a member survey

maybe 5 questions at the most, with multiple choice
Helesia - set a goal for the survey

Herb - we need to develop the capacity of some of the board members because
last year most of the work was done by only a few members. We need to figure
out who can mentor who, etc...

Helesia - doing membership survey would put us in great position to look for
money for claricle support

city of Vancouver and vancouver foundation supports this kind of thing

Richard Cunningham joins at around 6:45

Herb - perhaps we could do quarterly planning meetings to try and accomplish 
all of this stuff

Helesia - city of vancouver has capacity building grants, they can do workshops
on legal, other things to build capacity

Herb - great idea to hand out the survey at the general meetings

Helesia - I use survey monkey

Herb - another organization I sit on does board evaluations before the AGM

Garvin - could we put it in DTEast?

Shannon - we've tried surveys in past without much success, but we could try it. 
Hand out at the meetings still seems like the best idea

Richard - I know at VANDU when we did board evaluations, we did a 1-4 scale for
rating people anonymously

Herb - 12, 19, 26 are the Saturdays coming up

Garvin - Saturday, the 12th of January

Helesia - I can do a draft agenda for next week

We agree to come together next week on Thursday, Jan 10th, to finalize the planning for the board development meeting

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