Decide that Board Development Meeting will be at Neighbourhood House
at 10:30 -> 1:30pm on Saturday Jan 12, 2013
January 10th, 2013
Board Development Meeting Planning Meeting
Attendees: Jamie R, James O, Jacek L, Roland C, Richard C, Bill B,
Garvin S, DJ, Ludvik
Beginning of discussion of goals at Board Dev. Meeting
Garvin - my priorities are:
DTEast Paper
Keeping monthly general meetings going
Keeping board functioning
Maintaining other coalitions where DNC belongs
Helesia is not here yet
All agreed to go to neighbourhood house for board development meeting on
Saturday, January 12 10:30am - 1:30pm (573 E. Hastings)
6:20 - Rob Morgan arrives
Bill B - neighbourhood house will donate food for the Saturday Board Dev. Meeting
Rob M - it was brought up at the VANDU board meeting
that Ivan D has all
the passwords for the DNC email lists and the website
Garvin - on Saturday we can decide a procedure for taking control of the online
messaging. Suggests that we strike a 3 person committee for determining what
goes on the websites and gets broadcast to the membership, and also to coordinate
the messaging with the DTEast newspaper committee.
Garvin - questionaire for the membership?
Jacek - Helesia is not here yet, we as a group need to suggest things and
ok it for distribution to general members
Roland - questions on housing
Garvin - something around safety issues in neighbourhood
Jacek - we can get all the questions at the board dev meeting
Bill - access to food
Garvin - speed and traffic issues
Ludvik - single parent issues, visitation rights
Jamie - lamplighter rules mean parents have to go in one at a time
Decisions about election rules
Elect officers sequentially in this order
1) Elect a president
2) Elect another co-president
3) Elect a Treasurer
4) Elect a Secretary
Elections will be preceded by a short (3min) speach
Elections will be by secret ballot
All officer positions will be separately held by different people
Before election of second co-president, decision will be made if any
requirements of bylaws need to be met by the second co-president (woman, or person of color)
Next part will be decision to pick new signers of the bank accounts
(CCEC, and VanCity)
Next, we will do a round of goal setting and priorities to report to general membership
We decide to do lunch after the elections and financial stuff, and then to the goal setting work
Meeting ends with moment of silence
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