Thursday, 7 February 2013

DNC Board Meeting February 7th, 2013

DNC Board Meeting February 7th, 2013

Attendees: Roland Clarke, Diane Johnston, Debbie Krull, Jacek Lorek, James Oickle, DJ Joe, 
Leo Mayo, Tami Starlight, Krista-Dawn Kinsey, Bill Beauregarde

Proposed Agenda
1) Treasurer's Report
2) Salome Support
4) DTEast Discussion
5) Street Market Update: RPICs, Local Artists
6) DJ: Amy Salmon
7) Rally for Chelsea Holden
8) Upcoming Provincial Election

Diane does the opening

Debbie reads minutes from Jan 31 board meeting
Roland motions to adopt minutes, Jacek seconds, motion carries
Roland volunteers to write minutes for this meeting, no objection
Diane moves to accept agenda, DJ seconds, motion carries

Treasurer's Report 
CCEC needs one more signature on card - Kelvin, Needs two more signers to go down there to CCEC.
Then we can file with the province, then we can get access to the VanCity account because our docs need
to match with the provincial filings

Salome Letter 
Dave did not come to the meeting
James motions to ask Dave Murray to email board members some links or info on the project
Jacek seconds, motion passes

Discussion of the fact that Herb has not given a report this year, and missed the last 5 board meetings.
James volunteers to be the DNC representative and Co-chair of the LAPP
Jacek - motions to write a letter to Herb asking him to give a report to the board on the LAPP.
Debbie - being at the SRA meeting brought forward a massive gap in the LAPP process on lack of engagement from families and chinese community

DTEast Discussion
Discussion of having a disclaimer on the website 
Discussion of Helesia's warning that board could get sued if someone sues the paper
Discussion of Jacek going to the DTEast meeting and getting kicked out by Ivan Drury
Roland argues that we need to have a disclaimer in order to protect ourselves
Tami says that she is upset that she was not consulted on any of this. She wanted it noted in the minutes that she thinks that it was a requirement for her to be consulted. 
Debbie voices confusion about how people can work on the paper, thinks disclaimer is fine.
Vote of 5 to 2 on making a disclaimer regarding the paper and the board. Details will be worked out in the Media Communications Committee.

Street Market Update
Debbie summarizes our presentation to the SRA 
Jacek relays an incident where Ivan yelled at him outside the Carnegie, supposedly something about the market
It is generally agreed that the behavior was not in keeping with the DNC constitution, and will be referred to the membership committee.
Roland summarizes some emails with the health inspector, and also new the RPIC process and rotations

DJ: Amy Salmon
DJ's friend wants her friend to give a report on some people in Atira buildings that are getting kicked out and harassed.

Wednesday at 2pm on Feb 13th there will be a rally for Chelsea Holden
Thursday, February 14th - Women's Memorial March

Debbie - noted that DNC does not have a housing committee
Vision scrapped the green space and amenities on developments and now we have nothing

Upcoming Election
Leo - media claims that they are not biased, they are biased. They all take money from Oil.
Roland - maybe housing strategy can be pushed in the upcoming election
Helesia suggested that perhaps one or two issues be pushed in an all candidates meeting

Ludvik wants to add an agenda item or to make a motion to review the issues that DNC supports

James O brings up bottle exchange move
Atira is building market housing highrise apparently on that spot
Debbie - suggests that BC Housing should pull their support if they go ahead
Roland - We should get an answer from some people on the LAPP committee on what is going on here, and whether this project was submitted before or after the LAPP process.

Motion to adjourn~ 7pm.
Tami Starlight does the closing.

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