Thursday, 21 February 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes Feb 21, 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes Feb 21, 2013

Attendees: Richard Cunningham, Roland Clarke, Jacek Lorek, Bill Beauregarde, Ludvik Skalicky, Leo Mayo, Pete Fry, Diane Johnston, Debbie Krull, James Oickle

Opening, Housekeeping, Minutes, Agenda

1) SRA Letter
2) LAPP Process
3) Money - Accounts, Helesia, Vancity
4) General Meeting
5) Building ID Checks
6) Conflicts

Debbie does the opening, Roland reads the constitution, James reads the minutes

Jacek: mistake on minutes, Hank Bee was an attendee, also - Bill: decision regarding James was unanimous with one abstention to let James stay and that board believed that there was no safety issue

Debbie motions to accept minutes with corrections, Lu seconds, motion passes
Lu motions to accept agenda, Debbie seconds, motion passes

1) SRA Letter

Pete introduces himself as a new chair of SRA, SRA is more representative now with some low income renters. Has a personal issue to protect the low income rental stock. Talks of viaducts plan. Destruction of Hogan's Alley, and moving immigrant community out of neighbourhood. Geoff Meggs promised to get rid of traffic on Prior and Venebles. Land underneath viaducts is owned by concord pacific. Deaths happening on Prior. Some talk of shooting traffic along Malkin. City pitted the gardens guys against the Strathcona people.
1) 30 km zone on Prior
2) Reduce prior traffic flow
3) move the trucks to malkin/national
4) physically limit the six lanes on Pacific and prior east of Quebec
5) Dedicate resources to development of an eastern core strategy

Federal money comes in to build overpasses where road meets rail
Impact on Fire Station? Not large. How soon are they going to start breaking ground?

Community meeting on March 6th at Strathcona Community Centre
Could be opportunities to get community pool or other amenities if we create a united front

Debbie motions to support the SRA Letter to CoV and write an additional DNC letter with housing demands
Diane seconds, motion passes
2) LAPP Process

Richard and Debbie discuss the Monday and Tuesday LAPP round tables, Tom said today that there is one co-chair and one alternate, says that there will be no problem for Richard and Debbie to assume the roles of Co-Chair, there is a Co-Chair meeting before the Tuesday meeting, this will help prepare them. James bows out as LAPP Co-Chair alternate and says that he will ask Tom for a seat as DERA representative.

Jacek motions to find out the reality of the Vancouver Foundation grant to CCAP for the LAPP process, Roland seconds, motion passes
3) Money

CCEC account is functioning now, need to meet at Vancity Chinatown at 12:30 on Friday to discuss Vancity account
Review of meeting with Helesia, set up meeting with Catherine from VanCity to look into funding for DNC
Tuesday morning is set for best date for meeting with VanCity funder
4) General Meeting

Discussion tabled until we have a meeting with our potential funder
Helesia offers to help and provide an independent parliamentarian to facilitate in case of trouble
5) Conflicts

We need third party to come in and resolve the issue for us. A respected person that can resolve conflicts

Richard motions to write Jenn a letter that she needs to give the board advanced warning to attend a board meeting, Roland seconds, motion carries.Note: the board believes that there is no safety issue
6) Taking IDs at Atira buildings

Process is being phased out of taking ID at the desk according to Lu. PHS is still taking IDs. Carl rooms as well according to Richard.
Campaign against guest fees suggested by Roland 

7:00pm motion to adjourn
Richard does closing

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