Attendees: 13 total, 11 board members
Debbie Krull, Diane Johnston, Roland Clarke, Jacek Lorek, Ludvik Skalicky, Bill Beauregarde, Richard Cunningham, Elvy Del Bianco, Leo Mayo, James Oickle, Kelvin Bee, Garvin Snider, DJ Joe
1) Elvy Del Bianco - vancity
2) W2 - space, membership
3) LAPP - Herb txts
4) General Meeting - money
5) DNFD letter
Debbie does opening, Motion to accept the agenda (to move past minutes to allow Elvy to speak), Jacek motions, Debbie seconds, motion carries
Elvy - The vancouver economic commission is looking for a technology centre at the police station. Elvy's group - pushing for a social innovation hub, a model that was originated in Toronto. Co-ops, groups. Want a focus on social innovation rather than Tech. This comes out of a project initiated by Jim Green. Building is a bunker, but if
it doesn't happen there, it will happen elsewhere. It is significant as a place related to the missing women tragedy. Make it a community asset rather than a community blight. Asking for 1.5 million for project. SFU has agreed to do some fund raising. Want it open to the community to make it as flexible as possible. Group from california wants to fill it with market renters. This is not a vancity driven project, but they want to provide money. There could be a lot of other uses for the building, but we want to get a positive impact on the community. Talked about roof top green space. 65,000 sqft of usable space not including basement.
Garvin talks of social housing projects that have not been completed
James - what are the other uses for the space?
Elvy - the city is not looking for housing in there. they originally just wanted a tech centre. Then they added social innovation. We want to be mainly social innovation with tech added on. We definitely want to include artists
Garvin - I just came from Ottawa. Talked to a group like Pivot.
Elvy - Vancity is interested in funding the legacy for Jim Green. City will own it, separate non-profit (Jim Green Society) will lease it. Non-profit would have to come up with a fee structure to make it work but it would have to be sustaining in the long run. There would have to be some renters paying market rent - such as SFU, etc...
Garvin - hope in shadows, and megaphone co-exist, street market also is a self sustaining enterprise
Elvy - these are exactly the kind of relationships that we want to create
Richard - what do you want from the DNC?
Elvy - We have a draft letter of support. Drop dead date is around the middle of March
Decision to have Roland email Elvy and then forward the letter to the rest of the board
Roland reads minutes
James comments on bowing out. Says that he only bowed out if it was necessary and still wants to be a co-chair alternate. Richard motions to accept minutes with ammendments, Lu seconds, motion carries
Debbie - W2 got evicted because of non-payment of amenity fees. W2 has 300+ members, but no one was consulted. W2 had several partners in the beginning, but other groups left because of the length of time it took
to take space.
Goals: 1) biz plan, 2) meet with stake holders; 3) find way to pay amenity fee People are invited to Tues/Wed W2 meetings, Talk now of developing a Co-op to break up the amenity fee W2 society did lay off staff, and agree to work with city. Board agreed to step down, we are looking for more directors that won't be intimidated. Debt of W2 is around $350k. DNC could be a low income renter. Street Market as well. Richard suggests sending two people to the meeting on Tuesday. Garvin volunteers to go. Perhaps Leo also.
Richard - commenting on Herb not reporting to the board. We had contacted him many times, but he is still claiming that he was not contacted. Ivan was doing his thing of trying to say that we shouldn't
even in the room.
Jacek - the co-chair meeting, Ivan came very well prepared and came with minutes to a GM many months ago. The decision was that the position of the co-chair would be decided between Richard and Herb. Now Herb does not want to come to the board meetings. Ivan also has the minutes and why doesn't the DNC have them
Roland - Ivan just wants to create conflict, if we ask for the minutes we will just get sucked into the fight, let's just move on and ignore him
Garvin - we approached the secretary at the AGM - letizia, we have already made the ask, I agree, lets just move on
Debbie - the LAPP is important, we are still not getting a report from the LAPP, and we have a member of the board making up his own rules, I do not have time to be an alternate any more because of the work at
General Meeting
We need about $300+$120+$150+$50 = $620 or so for all the expenses
Garvin - I can contribute $500 in my mother's name to the GM fund
Roland - I can donate $150 from previous year's GM fund from anonymous donor
Bill - I can contribute $100
Bill later hands Roland $100 and Roland makes a receipt and Bill,
Roland, and Garvin sign it
Roland says that an independent facilitator can be found to make sure that we are not vulnerable to an attack or takeover. Roland will ask Helesia for help with this. Discussion of setting date for GM and whether we have enough capacity as a board to carry it off. General agreement that we are now strong enough to run a GM
Richard motions to set a date for the next GM of April 6th, Roland seconds, motion carries
Bill volunteers to make posters
DNFD Letter
Letter is read through and discussed
Diane motions to support DNFD letter, Jacek seconds, motion carries
Garvin's trip
Saw Libby Davies, and delivered them some DTES newspapers, met a lot
of people, a lot of offices have the megaphone and other DTES papers
now. There is a lot of development going on but they are creating
community spaces. Ethos - in Ottawa, partnering to create hub space on
bank street perhaps youth space or internet cafe. Great trip, well
worth the 3 day bus ride.
Richard - motion to adjourn, Jacek seconds, motion carries
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