DNC Board Meeting minutes, November 25th, 2014.
Location: Woodward’s Building, 2nd floor, Conference Room.
Alive AGM
Matt’s meeting with Jacob.
Our Place, Our Homes
Online Survey
Vancity Funding
Women’s March – February 14th, 20
Alive AGM
Amanda was there as observer from DNC.
Matt’s meeting with Jacob.
Meeting was to discuss working with local businesses and
developers. Matt was asked what rent should
be for SRO. Matt said $375. Meeting was to find out the possibilities of
working with progressively minded developers.
Discussion about how board would feel about SROs being built in
Oppenhiemer area. These are developments
that could be supported.
Our Place, Our Homes.
On November 28th, this Friday at Ray Cam there is
a rally. Meeting after the rally. Discussion that board members will make
effort to attend.
Introduction of Guest: Kris.
Online Survey
Pros: Accessible, includes businesses, access to data, may increase
membership, we can update, make use of graphs, we can get people at St. Market
to fill out paper forms, will meet more market renters/owners. Cons: Will take
time, not everyone can operate a computer, the time and cost to get it done,
more middle class than poor will have access, questions can be limiting if
issues are not framed properly.
Roland: Suggestion of category questions. Owners/renters.
Jamie: Proposes using online program. He says he will send
the “monkey survey” out to google mailing list so we can all see.
Vancity Funding/ Charitable Status
Discussion that Pivot is closed down and UBC is not
responding. Amanda says meeting with UBC is next week, will have more to report
after the meeting.
Roland says Aaron should send email to Vancity.
Coffee Maker
John has coffee maker. John will do the coffee.
Shawn proposes that during December or January during the 5
week stretch that we have open house and offer hot dogs. Discussion tabled.
Women’s March – February 14th, 2014.
Discussion: Jamie and Marla will say tell organizers that
DNC wants to get involved. Also Jamie and Marla’s wedding is that afternoon.
Discussion of NPA update: The NPA is sending councilors on a tour with
us. This will happen in December/January. Discussion among board members that
Shawn and Jamie should do the tour.
Other Business
Rob: says Alive wants to work with us. This is going to get
bigger as government sells off BC Housing. Roland: Maybe you can’t stop the
sale. The resident’s group can make a shift though in mandate. Matt: They’re
privatizing poverty. We’re against P3s. It goes against DNC beliefs. BC
government should not sell off BC Housing.
Reminder of homework:
Discussion that members should each bring 3 questions for survey with
multiple answers.
Moment of Silence.