Saturday, 27 December 2014

DNC Board Meeting minutes, December 16th, 2014, Area #62, East Hastings Street.


Legal Committee
Business Cards
Christmas Party
Chair:  Amanda

Group discusses that the issue of sales of Stamps probably requires legal representation rather than just a protest. A political protest would smother the rights based issues.  There is agreement that members will commit to attending Stamps Tenant’s Council meetings.  Roland: Circulate date of next meetings.

Motion for a BC Housing subcommittee: Motion passed.  Subcommittee members are: Amanda (chair), Jamie, Marla, Chris, Roland, Jezz, Rob, and Aaron.

Rob: I will not be available from 23rd to January 6th.
Shawn: Proposal that we should state name of chair in minutes. Group agrees.

Decision to have a meeting focused on survey questions on Saturday, 9:30 a.m. at Vandu.

Legal Committee
Next meeting at UBC Learning Exchange is December 19th. Committee will report back.
Aaron: I will send email to Vancity and will CC Matt.

Business Cards
Matt will order cards, no gloss. Motion for Matt to give Jamie $25 to get cards printed. Motion passed.

Christmas Party
Matt proposes we forgo stipends and have pizza. Motion passed.


Moment of Silence

Monday, 15 December 2014

DNC board meeting minutes for December 9th, 2014 Woodward’s Building, 2nd floor conference room.


Legal Committee
Women's March
Christmas Party

Discussion that there are legal arguments to be made for residents who might become evicted or lose their housing as a result of the sale of BC Housing.

Legal Committee
Amanda: we have a meeting at UBC Learning Exchange on the 12th at 8:35 a.m.

Motion to decide on design. Tabled.


Aaron has contacted Vancity.  Vancity clerk searched for contact information for Kathryn Ludgate and could find none.

Discussion that next meeting is at 62. Amanda will ask Matt if they can both go and see if there is a room available at Woodwards. 

Women’s March, February 14th, 2015.

Discussion of getting buses to divert.

Christmas Party


Moment of Silence


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

DNC Board Meeting minutes, December 2nd, 2014. Location: Woodward’s Building, 2nd floor, conference room.

Reading and Adoption of Minutes
New Member
Women’s March
Stamp’s Place
St. Market Report
Mental Health and Addictions
Other Business

New Member
Motion for Marla to join board as a new member.  Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion that a survey in a way to find out more about the opinions and desires that residents have for the neighborhood. Discussion about what questions should be included on survey. Each member suggests several questions that might be included. Matt makes a list of questions.

Women’s March
Discussion about how DNC can participate. Amanda: Ask for something tangible.

Stamp’s Place
Discussion of what has happened. Group agreement that we need more information, list of buildings that will be sold off in dtes and communicate with resident’s groups at those buildings. We need to make a list of people we can meet with.

St. Market Report
Roland: Statements over funding are encouraging. We’re meeting with Howard Chow over issue of street disorder. We want to work as allies.

Mental Health and Addictions
Ann: I wrote a letter to the Bloom Group (formerly St. Vincent’s Society). Their objective is to coordinate the funders of mental health/addiction. Interagency (oversight) does exist but Oldman said it’s hard to get overview. We have a clear set of measures to inform us. Section 28 interventions are common. The DNC should demand accountability. Watari is heavily involved. These huge organizations do not answer to emails. We get no info on them. The other thing is we need an ombudsman who has enough power to advocate, more power than an advocate though. In terms of a group if Bloom Group says they’re going to speak on behalf of everyone they own everything and now unattached from the Church.

Other Business:
Discussion of conflict. Matt: If you have a beef put it on the table. Do not speak for others if you overhear. No facebook posts.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 1 December 2014

DNC Board Meeting minutes, November 25th, 2014. Location: Woodward’s Building, 2nd floor, Conference Room.


Alive AGM
Matt’s meeting with Jacob.
Our Place, Our Homes
Online Survey
Vancity Funding
Women’s March – February 14th, 20

Alive AGM

Amanda was there as observer from DNC.

Matt’s meeting with Jacob.

Meeting was to discuss working with local businesses and developers.  Matt was asked what rent should be for SRO. Matt said $375. Meeting was to find out the possibilities of working with progressively minded developers.  Discussion about how board would feel about SROs being built in Oppenhiemer area.  These are developments that could be supported.

Our Place, Our Homes.

On November 28th, this Friday at Ray Cam there is a rally. Meeting after the rally. Discussion that board members will make effort to attend.

Introduction of Guest: Kris.

Online Survey

Pros: Accessible, includes businesses, access to data, may increase membership, we can update, make use of graphs, we can get people at St. Market to fill out paper forms, will meet more market renters/owners. Cons: Will take time, not everyone can operate a computer, the time and cost to get it done, more middle class than poor will have access, questions can be limiting if issues are not framed properly.

Roland: Suggestion of category questions. Owners/renters.
Jamie: Proposes using online program. He says he will send the “monkey survey” out to google mailing list so we can all see.

Vancity Funding/ Charitable Status

Discussion that Pivot is closed down and UBC is not responding. Amanda says meeting with UBC is next week, will have more to report after the meeting.
Roland says Aaron should send email to Vancity.

Coffee Maker

John has coffee maker. John will do the coffee.
Shawn proposes that during December or January during the 5 week stretch that we have open house and offer hot dogs. Discussion tabled.

Women’s March – February 14th, 2014.

Discussion: Jamie and Marla will say tell organizers that DNC wants to get involved. Also Jamie and Marla’s wedding is that afternoon.
Discussion of NPA update:  The NPA is sending councilors on a tour with us. This will happen in December/January. Discussion among board members that Shawn and Jamie should do the tour.

Other Business

Rob: says Alive wants to work with us. This is going to get bigger as government sells off BC Housing. Roland: Maybe you can’t stop the sale. The resident’s group can make a shift though in mandate. Matt: They’re privatizing poverty. We’re against P3s. It goes against DNC beliefs. BC government should not sell off BC Housing.

Reminder of homework:  Discussion that members should each bring 3 questions for survey with multiple answers. 

Moment of Silence.


Monday, 24 November 2014

DNC Board Meeting  Minutes, November 18th, 2014, Woodward’s building, 2nd floor, Conference Room.


Voting in new member: Mike.
Election Day
Jamie’s case
Alive AGM
Aviva Fund
Charitable Status and fund raising.
Women’s Day March.
Shawn’s proposal.

Voting in of New Member.
Mike is on board of St. Market. Matt motions to accept Mike as new member. Motion passed. Unanimously.

Election Day
Saturday was successful. Discussion that some people thought the survey was to vote.

Jamie’s case
Jamie reports that arbitrator has been told Atira to cease asking his guests for i.d. Atira appealed to SC. Jamie asked CLAS for assistance. Response has been filed. Residential Tenancy Branch has also been named as a respondent. Jamie has done arbitration for another tenant, with the same issue. L/L asked it be stopped. Adjourned until SC case is heard. The arbitrators have ordered Atira to cease and desist. Abitrator says this applies to all tenants. Other tenant’s guests have been asked. So the tenant’s are asking for $500 for failure to comply.

Discussion that we were non-partisan. Discussion that we have good relationships. We can lobby.
Discussion that we need to start lobbying a little harder now. Discussion of what Matt should say on behalf of DNC at meeting with Richard. Matt will report on meeting.
Discussion that we need more members with cheque signing ability. Shawn: motions that Matt, Amanda, and Ann are signers.  Motion passed.

Discussion that Alive has AGM, Monday, 5 p.m. at Ray Cam.

Rob says St. Market is averaging 40 votes per day. We need a broker for insurance if we win. Matt has a friend.

Charitable Status
Aaron continues to work on charitable status with assistance from Pivot and/or UBC.

Roland will introduce Aaron to staff person at Vancity.

Women’s March
Jamie: February 14th is the Missing Women’s March. We want DNC to be involved.

Shawn’s Proposal
He asks us to think about proposal. The idea is that we create a carefully worded survey of dtes, online and on paper. Asks group to think about it. Jezz: The DNC mission statement should be part of this online survey. Us meeting them.

Jacek reminds the meeting will be at Woodward’s next week.

Moment of Silence.

DNC Board Meeting minutes.  November 11th, Woodward’s Building, 2nd floor conference room.


Community Builders
Aviva Fund
E. Day
Legal Committee Update
Charitable Status
Coffee Machine
Aboriginal Subcommittee

Community Builders

Discussion on private rental agreements at the West. Roland: “It says you can’t use a hotplate, a safe appliance. Is this legal?” Rob: BC Housing is selling off housing to non-profits. Will all tenants have to live by these rules? Discussion. Aaron motions that Ann find out if DNC can act as intervenors. Shawn: We need to hear more info from the lawyer, then we can decide.  Motion passed: to allow Ann to allow Gratl to advise whether to have DNC as intervenor.

Aviva Fund

Rob: the Street Market has applied for $50,000, and we’ve applied for third round.
Matt:  Do we have DNC members on St. Market? Discussion. We currently have Ann and Mike. Matt motions that at least once a month we have report from St. Market from our board reps. Rob seconds. Motion passed.


Matt: We are non-partisan. We should have a way for people to write down issues of concern to them.  You get a stipend if you fill out a card to say what issues concern you.  Aaron suggests we continue booth at St. Market for membership drive. Discussion. Matt: Motions for $500 for coffee, stipend for filling out form. Rob seconded. Motion passed.

Legal Committee

There is an upcoming meeting with UBC in 1st week of December.

Charitable Status

Aaron is working with Kathleen to get charitable status.

Coffee Machine

Jacek will get St. Market coffee machine for Saturday.  Aaron will go to Jamie to get coffee machine for DNC meeting. Jacek will get coffee machine for DNC meeting if coffee machine is not available.

Aboriginal  Subcommittee

Rob: We can invite Scott and find out what Alive is doing.
Discussion that Woodward’s is location for next meeting.

Moment of Silence.


Tuesday, 11 November 2014

DNC Board Meeting minutes, November 4th, 2014, 2nd floor Woodward’s Building, conference room.
Introduction of Guest
Legal Committee
E-day Plan
Meeting next week
Voter Registration at St. Market
Vision Vancouver
Housing March
Coffee Maker
Non-charitable Status
Meeting / Stamp’s Place

Legal Committee
Amanda and Aaron give report on day at UBC.
Aaron is working with Kathleen/Pivot on Charitable Status.
Discussion: Atira asking for judicial review of Tenancy Act. Atira has lost twice. Next hearing is next year. Issue is tenants forced to show i.d.  and being prevented from having guests in their homes. Also tenants forced to sign agreements that aren’t legal.  Jacek asks is it possible to get a copy of one of the contracts.

Discussion: Adriane Carr arrives to meet with group. Introduction of Adriane Carr. Meeting breaks for discussion with Adriane Carr.

Moment of Silence


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

DNC board Meeting Minutes – October 28th, 2014. Location: Woodward’s building, 2nd floor, conference room.

Present:  1 guest, 11 board members.
Tenancy Rights
Street Market Table
Election Day
Green Party Candidate – Adriane Carr
Rob Morgan -report

This was the 2nd tour with Kirk LaPointe. Matt, Amanda, Ann, Shawn and Kirk LaPointe started at 44, went to Vandu, First United, Front Door, Food at the Corner. Ann brought great fact sheets. We had coffee at Blenz.

Aaron will ask Jamie for transcript of court ruling re: tenant’s rights and i.d. Agreement to do a tenancy meeting. Tentative date scheduled: November 18th to 22nd.

Street Market Table
Amanda and Aaron will p/u printer from Ann.  We will put posters up in advance or leaflets. Roland will talk to Ray Cam to see if it is possible to use their vans to carpool people to voting booths.  We will provide coffee and muffin at 62 and walk people to the voting booth at Carnegie. 
Discussion re: coffee maker. Jacek will bring coffee maker. Everyone to bring their own cup.

Green Party Candidate – Adriane Carr
Adriane Carr scheduled to come to next DNC board meeting, November 4th.  Matt says come with questions.

Aaron will look into rules and process for acquiring charitable status.

Rob Morgan – Report
AGM/Downtown Eastside Street Market and AGM/Alive almost done: can begin work on Aboriginal Committee.

Moment of Silence

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

DNC Board meeting minutes , October 21st, 2014, 2nd floor, Conference Room, Woodward’s Building.

Minutes (tabled)
New Members
Legal Subcommittee
Street Market Table
Vancouver Eastside Votes

New Members
Group discussion about what criteria members must fulfill to remain in good standing or rejoin group. 

November 24th meeting at London Hotel common room to prepare for tour on November 25th, two hour walking tour with Kirk LaPointe.  Fact sheets prevented from Ann. Position paper provided by  legal subcommittee.  
Discussion that Ann will arrange tenant meeting for the SRO’s to discuss issue with tenant’s have to show i.d.

Legal Subcommittee
Meeting with Margot Young – law professor of UBC, October 29th. Committee has a goal to create experiential theatre and community forum.

Street Market Table
DNC is to pay for table for voter’s registration booth at street market. Motion by Ann. Seconded by Leo. Motion passed. DNC has purchased a printer to use for voter registration.
2:00 p.m. shift to be taken over by Leo and Jezz.

Vancouver Eastside Votes
Motion by Matt to support Vancouver Eastside Votes for advanced polling stations and additional voter registration booths in DTES. Seconded by Jezz. Motion passed.
Discussion of film liaison.
Discussion that secretary is to make phone list and distribute to members.
Discussion that Jacek will temporarily take over Sergeant-at-Arms position while Jamie’s on leave.

Moment of Silence.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

DNC Board Meeting – Minutes - Tuesday November 14, 2014

Location: Woodward’s Bldg, 2nd floor, Conference Room.


Motion to Adopt Agenda
Legal Subcommittee
Other Business

DNC 11 board members, 1 guest

1) - Reading of constitution / Reading of minutes from October board meeting

2) - Motion to adopt agenda by R Morgan, 2cnd A Boney, Passed

3) – Legal Subcommittee – Amanda B – awaiting scheduling of appointment with Margret Young UBC law dept 

3) – Film – awaiting stats so finish film liaison proposal. R Clarke

4) – Other Business - Walking Tour Saturday October 25, 2014 with Kirk Lapointe, attending John, Jamie, x.

5) – Other Business - Vision has responded to our invitation to speak at board mtg. Awaiting confirmation of date. November 23, 2014 – all candidates mtg at Carnegie.

6) – Other Business - Street Market will provide a table for DNC to set up voter registration booth every Sunday up to the civic election. Manning the booth every Amanda B / Aaron B 10-12 pm. Matthew G / Ann L 12-2pm.Rob M / John S 2-4pm.

7) – Oppenheimer Tent City – John S addressed the issue stating that 140 people are to be relocated to the 
Quality Inn on Marine Dr & Fraser which is in fact moving residents out of the neighbourhood.

8) – Motion to close mtg, 2cnd, passed / Moment of silence   

Friday, 10 October 2014

Location: Carnegie Center, 3rd floor meeting room.

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting, October 7th, 2014.

Street Market Society
Film Proposal
Law Subcommittee
Voter Registration
Location for Board Meetings
Other Business

Street Market Society/DNC Table
DNC will set up table at Street Market. Plan is for members to take two hour sessions to supervise table.  Table is to be used for voter registration and DNC sign up.

Film Proposal
Matt presented a 10 page proposal to secure DNC film liaison position.  Discussion of proposal.

Law Subcommittee
Subcommittee members waiting for call back from UBC.

Voter Registration
DNC is in process of securing documentation in order to register voters at Street Market booth. DNC will arrange safe rides to voting booth.

NPA candidate is only candidate who has responded to DNC’s invitations to meet with group.

Location for Board Meetings
Location for next meeting:  Woodward’s building, October 11th, 2nd floor conference room. Discussion of how to notify members who do not have access to internet. There are lots of places people can gain access to internet.  Members agree to notify those members in person who state they do not have access to internet.

Other Business
Discussion that Atira filed to have Supreme Court ruling set aside re tenants privacy rights.

Moment of Silence


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council Meeting: September 30th, 2014

Location: 2nd floor conference room, Woodward’s Building

12 members present
Kirk: meeting/tour
Next Tour with NPA/Kirk
Location of Next Board Meeting
Executive Elections
Legal Committee
Aboriginal Committee
Street Market Table
Registry of Voters at Street Market

Kirk: meeting/tour
Reading blog: Issue with residential safety. $360 million spent yearly but the funds do not reach the people. The services require an audit.
Discussion: X says we need a resident driven group to do the audit. X says there are funds going to service providers but the providers are not doing the service. The group has a discussion that we need accountability and a real economic plan. X says the way they administer welfare they have designed a system to prevent people from working.

X explains it is necessary to do a business plan. Plan is to be completed by next week.

Next Tour with Kirk
Two members will do the tour with Kirk in November to see conditions in cold weather.  X will provide information sheets to show how much funding each place gets. Tentative date: November 8th.

Location for next board meeting
X will try to book Carnegie room.
Legal Committee
Committee members have meeting with UBC Learning Exchange to find out if there are any resources to assist us to have a community forum on drug law policy.

Executive Elections
New board elected.
Two members tied for co-president.
X motions to allow three co-presidents. Motion accepted.

Street Market/DNC Table
X makes a proposal for DNC table at Street Market with DNC member to sell items made by persons with disabilities and/or as place to sign up new members. X says that there would need to be a stipend for person supervising the table.
X says co-presidents will meet to plan details re: table.

Aboriginal Committee
X says Street Market board to decide whether or not to allow deep fryer for fry bread at next meeting.

Moment of Silence

Monday, 29 September 2014

Minutes for the Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council Meeting: September 16th, 2014.

Bottle Depot
Legal Committee
New Board
Location of next meeting
Addiction Mental Health Task Force
Motion to accept Agenda – passed
Motion to accept Minutes – passed.
Bottle Depot
Atira to transfer old Bottle Depot and Ginseng building to subsidized housing. Current tenants have not received notice. Open house is 5 pm – 8 pm September 18th, 2014.
X is preparing business proposal.
Legal Committee
Motion to refrain from dehumanizing language that results in objectifying some people who use some drugs. Motion passed.
Motion to add a disclaimer to all media posts that use dehumanizing language that results in objectifying some people who use some drugs. Motion passed.
X will write the disclaimer.
New Board
Discussion that nomination of new board will take place after September 23rd meeting. Motion passed to leave nominating and voting until after September 23
Location of  Next Meeting 
Carnegie – 3rd floor meeting room: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Guest: Mayoral Candidate - Kirk LaPointe
Mayor’s Task Force on Mental Health and Addiction
Motion passed that X will go on speakers list at City Hall to present DNC position on the report.
Moment of Silence

Monday, 15 September 2014

Minutes for the Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council Meeting: September 9th, 2014.

Legal Committee
Film/DNC/Street Market
New Board
Location for next meeting

Legal Committee
We are looking at offensive policies. Drug testing is an issue. X will scan points of law at issue and send to board.

Film/DNC/Street Market
We have a meeting in two weeks with city. This concerns DNC but for reasons as yet unknown the Street Market also has been called to meeting. We want more information about the funds from filming in dtes. It’s okay to ask questions.

New Board
X motions for two new members to the board.
Motions passed.

Location for next meeting
Next board meeting will happen at #62 East Hastings at 9:45 a.m.

Moment of Silence

Monday, 8 September 2014

Minutes for the Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council meeting: September 2nd, 2014.

Legal Committee
Conference Room
Next Election for Post-AGM
Other Business

Legal Committee
Rob will ask for a legal referral.  X makes suggestion that we will go to UBC to ask for assistance through law student program.  We will begin to draw up legal papers for complaint.  X will join legal committee. X will check with Darryl about time for next meeting. We need to have a power point presentation. We need a flow chart. Everyone must be able to understand the argument we‘re making. X suggests a moot court or some other exercise to help people understand. Goal is to take one month to create a presentation.

Conference Room
Staff at Woodward’s not helpful in booking space.  They’re not respecting our time in the room.  Cleanliness and behavior have not been an issue, so there is a question as to why we’re not being allow space. We currently have no space, nor any area to store coffee supplies.  X says E.W. says we are allowed space at Carnegie once per month.  X suggests we could use resident’s common room at Woodward’s building.  X will find a room.
Next meeting on September 9th will be at 208 East Georgia street. Go to the front door – tell the staff you are there for the DNC meeting in common room. The windows of the room overlook Main Street.

Elections will happen on September 16th.

Other Business
Website:  Needs a revamp. X will take minutes. X has forwarded video. X has not posted yet.
CCAP Open House:  Town hall meeting is September 11th, 2:30 until 4:30 pm at Carnegie.  X says we should attend and be supportive.  X says E.W. is supportive of us attending.  We will meet at #62 and go there together.  Next meeting on September 9th we will discuss particulars.
Street Market: Discussion that reps are not coming to the DNC meetings. X says this is an informal agreement.
Aboriginal Committee: X will be busy with two AGM’s for next while and then will be free to work on subcommittee.
Film Update:  Ed from group formerly called DERA is still taking money from filming in DTES for his own use. This is money that normally other resident’s associations receive. X suggests that all correspondence regarding this matter be kept professional and clean.  X suggests to list this problem on agenda for next week.

Moment of Silence

Monday, 1 September 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes – August 26th, 2014.

Introduction of Guests
Minutes – AGM Review
Elections – Executive Postponement
Scheduling Board Retreat for New Board
Location for September 2nd Meeting and September 9th.
Other Business

Introduction of Guests
X explains guests can give input at this meeting. No votes until third meeting.

AGM Review
We gained over 60+ new members. There were 3 people who asked to be ‘at large’ members. X is on his third meeting today.
X says Sargent-at-Arms has resigned. We need a new person to fill the role. The role is to book meetings, maintain order.  X will take charge of booking room and coffee. X will donate coffee machine. X will also take care of storage of coffee machine.

Motion for X to be Sargent-at-Arms: Motion passed.

Election of New Board Members
X proposes that we wait two or three weeks for new elections. Normally we have elections during the board retreat. Two or three weeks will give us direction on which way to go. We all go to it. It will be a few hours.

Motion to postpone board elections until 3 weeks from now until retreat – motion passed.
Motion for September 16th, 2014 as date for board elections – motion passed.

Discussion of location of DNC board meeting on September 9th, 2014 is to be at The London Hotel common room. 
X will call E.W. for the Carnegie Room. 
X says has camcorder to record any disruptive behavior. E.W. supports us being there and says we are welcome to use the room at Carnegie.

Other Business
Discussion on meeting at City Hall: X was told CCAP gets no money from City Hall. CCAP does get office space. We must show proof of harassment by CCAP if this occurs when we go there to hold a meeting. E.W. will try to find office space.
X will email Brenda about W2 space.

Discussion of rules for attendance: You have to be here before 10:15 and be here for 1 hour and 30 minutes to receive stipend. Phones must be turned off or silenced.  You get one strike on this for whole board meeting. X says rules of conduct should be read before meeting.  We will do the reading of rules of conduct beforehand for 3 weeks. It’s a trial run. If this doesn’t work out we’ll add a penalty.

Motion to begin meetings with a reading of code of conduct – motion passed.

Moment of Silence

Quick photo 

Minutes of DNC Annual General Meeting – August 23rd, 2014.


Call to Order
Rules of Order
Motion to Accept Minutes of Previous AGM
Adoption of Financial Report
Adoption of Nomination Committee
Motion to Acclaim Those Nominated
Motion to Adopt Co-President’s Report
Legal Committee Report
Aboriginal Committee Report
Tenant Committee Report
Harm Reduction/Health Committee Report
Motion to Accept Agenda – Motion accepted.
Motion to Accept Minutes of Previous AGM – Motion Accepted.

Financial Report:
Treasurer explains how funds are allocated. Report handed out. We received $10,000 in January from Vancity.  We have $4500 left.  We are seeking funding from film industry as other resident’s associations receive this funding. There is a problem in that the funding in dtes goes to one individual formerly of DERA.  We’re working on resolving this problem.

Adoption of Financial Report – motion passed.

Nomination Committee Report:

14 people turned in nomination forms. 12 of those people live in the dtes. There was a problem in past as board was dominated by those who live outside dtes.  We have resolved the problem of people who live outside dtes dominating the board. We allow for people outside dtes to join board. 2 people who handed in nominations are in ‘at large’ category.  X introduces nominees and states where everyone lives.

Motion to Acclaim those Nominated – Motion passed.
Co-President’s Report:

The Downtown Eastside Council is an example of how well people can do things to improve the quality of life in their community, rather than have paid bureaucrats do it for us or speak for us. In the past four months we have done the following activities:

  •         We ran a harm reduction van, saving lives, until told to stop by VCH.

·         We've posted a legal argument for the equal treatment of certain people who use certain harmful drugs. The argument expressed what we believe is the correct operation of law. People’s human rights are at issue. We understand it is persons before the law, not “drugs.”  We have the assistance of a legal expert. We hope to have the argument heard properly via the media and in a court that has jurisdiction.

·         We've organized a tenant’s rights seminar and assisted people to fill out BC Housing applications, with the assistance of other organizations. We have Ann to thank for this seminar.

·         We continue to work closely with the Street Market, as we share the same values of people empowering themselves with the resources available to them.
·         We've begun to develop an Aboriginal Committee to assist the community to identify what programs can most benefit themselves in community.

·         We've gained press through donated services of the Editor of the Gastown Gazette. We have permanent space in that local newspaper.

·         We've done all of this in just 4 months. And on top of all of that we’ve had to hold two AGMs as the previous attempt to hold AGM was disrupted by people from CCAP.

Motion to Accept Co-President’s report - motion passed.

Aboriginal Committee Report
Motion to accept Aboriginal Committee Report – motion passed.

Tenant Committee Report
Many people living in SRO’s would rather live in park in tents during summer. There is a problem of people being overly monitored in SRO’s. People have their i.d. taken. We’ve been advised this is a violation of privacy. We’re exploring tenant’s rights. Many of the rules imposed on people here are only imposed elsewhere in prisons, and mental hospitals. We’re exploring the issue of tenant’s rights.
Motion to accept Tenant Committee Report – motion passed.

Legal Committee Report
Motion to accept Legal Committee Report – motion passed.

Harm Reduction/Health Committee Report
Roughly $60 million is spent in dtes every year on services. $12 million goes to Mental Health and Addiction services.  The medical clinics get a large portion of funding. There appears to be no accountability. The DNC wants people to have a say in how services are run.  One study shows that of 4000 clients who attended medical clinics only 400 returned.
DNC ran a safe injection van everyday for 2 months. Eventually Vancouver Coastal Health said we must stop. As homelessness increases there is greater need for safe injection site. Insite deals with 500 injections but there are an estimated 1500 injections that happen each day in dtes. If you would like to help come to a meeting or contact Ann.

Motion to accept Harm Reduction/Health Committee Report – motion passed.

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, August 19th, 2014.

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting  - August 19th, 2014
12 members present
Security for AGM
Sound System
Membership List
Board Package
Film Update
#1 Hastings

Motion to accept previous board meeting minutes – motion accepted.

X will stand at gate. We will use cameras to record any harassing behavior.
Sound System:
X says people should step into middle to be heard properly. Street Market crew will set up tents.
X suggests coffee and muffin. X will buy and be reimbursed.
Membership List:
X and X will do membership list at gate.
Board Package:
The board package will consist of membership form, constitution, by-laws, agenda, and the minutes from previous AGM.  Each committee will write a report to put in package. 
Film Update: The funding from film industry is the only funding that Strathcona Resident’s Association receives. A person named Ed McMurdy formerly of DERA takes all the money received in dtes for himself. We are working on resolving this as it seems rightfully the money should go to DNC for dtes residents.
Closed board meeting.

#1 Hastings:
As a result of building material falling onto park the residents have lost use of the park. People were endangered. Legal Committee will research possible actions.

Moment of Silence

Monday, 18 August 2014

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting, August 12th, 2014

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting:  August 12th, 2014

Attendees:  10 board members


Aboriginal Committee Update
Legal Committee Update
Flip Chart
Booking the Room

X reads Constitution
Minutes accepted

X will print poster for Pre-AGM.  Discussion of where the pre-AGM is to be held.  X will drop off posters at Ray Cam and Sunday Street Market.

Aboriginal Committee Update
X says that ‘Homes, Health and Families’ title includes all families, not just blood ties.  X has called on Scot Clark of Gen 7 to work with us.

Legal Committee Update
Discussion about presentation that X gave at Vandu. X says the next step should be to hold community meetings. X says people more comfortable with using language that relates to addiction. X says it is necessary to point out errors for people to learn how the language is wrong because such language results in errors in thinking that strips the person of all rights. X says they are astonished that anyone understands the issue.

Flip Chart
X will find out if chart is available at Woodward’s. Discussion about office space.
Motion: DNC to pursue office space either at Carnegie Center or another location. Motion passes unanimously.

Booking the Room
We cannot book the room at Woodward’s for August 26th, or September 2nd, 9th, or 16th.

Moment of silence

Monday, 11 August 2014

DNC Board Meeting minutes: August 5th, 2014

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting:  August 5th, 2014

Attendees:  11 board members
X reads constitution


Aboriginal Committee Update
Housing/Oppenhiemer Park
Legal Committee Update


Poster must go up 14 days prior to AGM. X says any amendments have to be voted on at AGM. Nomination form includes constitution. Copies of bylaws and constitution need to be available at AGM. Natural community members are appointed by the board. Date for pre-AGM is Tuesday, August 19th. Nomination forms available at Street Market as well as by contacting members via phone numbers listed on Poster. Nomination forms also available at August 12th DNC board meeting. People need to receive nomination forms in time to submit to the nominating committee at the pre-AGM by August 19th.  Nomination committee must be prepared to interview nominees on August 19th.

Motion:  X motions that members cannot be more than 15 minutes late for a meeting to receive a stipend. Also, members must stay at DNC board meeting in attendance for 1 hour and 30 minutes to receive a stipend. Motion passes unanimously.

Aboriginal Committee

X is doing outreach with Gen 7/WAHRS to be involved. X will bring report to the board at next DNC meeting.

Housing/Oppenhiemer Park

Discussion ensues about Oppenhiemer Park. People who use drugs are being excluded from the park. X says this causes a problem for harm reduction, there is a need for a safe injection tent. There appears to be zero tolerance for service to assist people to avoid preventable deaths.  Camp inspections may be a way to do an illegal warrant and this puts people at risk.

Legal Committee

The legal committee has found there is a possible way to submit the argument regarding offensive policy to a court.  Committee is doing more research to find a way forward.

There is a discussion among group about ongoing community group consultation with VCH and agencies. There is a consultation process taking place. X says disproportionate number of people never attend after first appointment. Complex patients feel unwelcome. X says was told that X must be clean and sober before receiving necessary service.  X says if you are in a shelter you are not considered a resident so you cannot attend the clinic. X says poor people are treated without respect in waiting rooms. X says there should be more community control of clinics. X says these problems occur even in community controlled clinics. There is a general consensus that there should be more accountability.

Moment of Silence.

DNC Minutes, July 29th, 2014

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting:  July 29th, 2014.
Attendees:  11 board members
X reads constitution

Aboriginal Committee
Legal Committee

Aboriginal Committee   

Legal Committee
Discussion that funding is provided by OSI to Pivot. X says it is necessary to find a good case first. DTES residents are disproportionately impacted by drug laws. It may be possible to take it as a civil case.
Motion: X motions to have Darryl Bickler present via skype or some other means at board meetings so that we can have his input to be better informed about offensive policies and other issues. Motion passes unanimously.

X says it is necessary to do a poster. X reminds group the poster has to state date and time. Meeting prior to AGM is the planning meetings (pre-AGM.) X says we must notify members via email list. There is a discussion about workshops. X suggests a workshop called ‘What is ‘it’?’ X suggests workshop on healthcare services in dtes.
There is a discussion about office space. No applications were accepted for any group to receive funding for office space from the city. X says the reason given was that none of the applications were acceptable. 

Moment of silence.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

DNC Minutes, July 22nd, 2014

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting: July 22nd, 2014.
Attendees:  11 board members present.
X reads the constitution

Guest: Darryl Bickler of the Drug Equality Alliance, UK (attending via Skype).
Legal Committee
Aboriginal Committee

Legal Committee:
Darryl Bickler on Skype explains the maladministration argument. There is a failure to implement policy in accordance with human rights and the stated objective of the Act. He explains that it would be possible to submit the argument in conjunction with a request in a public interest case. Court must have jurisdiction. This leads to discussion of how to gain standing. X says that this argument could be put forward by someone dependent on opiates, as a public interest case.
Aboriginal Committee:
DNC will provide funding for cost of producing fry bread: flour, oil, yeast. X says there is an issue because X thinks that cooking with oil at market is potentially dangerous. Discussion of equipment used to make it safe. X is not in attendance at meeting so discussion is tabled.
Motion: X proposes that there be a 2nd or 3rd person in charge of stipends. All stipends should be sealed in an envelope to cover the meetings when X (treasurer) is not able to attend meeting. Motion passes unanimously.
There will be a planning meeting at the Outreach Committee meeting, Saturday morning, July 26th, 9:00 a.m. at Vandu.
A subgroup of Vandu and some other groups have organized a City Wide Housing March. Discussion of why DNC was not asked to endorse or support the march.
Motion: X proposes that DNC endorse the City Wide Housing March. Motion then passes unanimously.
X reminds group that we need to work in the context of the LAPP, as much work has been done on this and we want to build on the work that has already been done.
X reports there is an issue that went to arbitration at Atira housing. The management was told to cease and desist from asking people for i.d. as they enter the building. The case won at arbitration as such requests must be on reasonable grounds. The same problem occurred at Bourbon Hotel. People feel their privacy is invaded without reasonable grounds. Atira is now appealing that decision.

 Moment of Silence, motion to adjourn

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - July 15, 2014

DNC Minutes - July 15, 2014

Attendees: 9 board members present.

 reads the constitution
X reads the previous week’s minutes. Minutes approved.


Legal Cmte
Aboriginal Cmte
Open House
Street Market
SRO Grant
Movie Cmte
Potters Mission

Motion to adopt agenda. Motion passes.

Legal Cmte

Discussion of drug policy work. British lawyer on Skype discusses that current drug laws are not the current operation of law.
Discussion around next federal election, topical nature of Liberal stance on cannabis. Discussion of updating website and adding statements regarding this policy with Amanda as the point person for contact.

Aboriginal Cmte

X gives report. WAHRS has been contacted. Proposal letter is written for the Ab sub cmte. HHF – Homes Health and Families? Over 50 people have expressed interest in attending this first committee.
Motion: Moved by X, seconded by X: to create the Aboriginal Subcommittee of the DNC. Motion passes.

Open House Plan

List of Organizations funded by VCH. Makes sense to invite large players if we have an open house.
If we stick to VCH funded non-profits, we could challenge the huge bureaucracy built in our nbhood by VCH. It could also be a way to introduce the residents to these various agencies.

AGM discussion

Reaffirm date of August 23rd for the AGM. The whole board should be the nominating committee. X will ask Scott to be our scrutineer.

Street Market

August 7 set for date of Community Forum on Street Disorder

City Grant

X and X will write the application for SRO tenancy services


Motion to send an official letter to Ed McCurdy regarding his continued snaking of community funds for personal benefit from the film industry.


Need to update the website

 Moment of Silence, motion to adjourn

Monday, 14 July 2014

DNC Minutes - July 8th, 2014

DNC Minutes – July 8th, 2014
11 members present
Legal Committee update
Tenant’s Rights Committee update
Open House Plan
Membership Outreach
Street Market Report
Women’s Art Group
Movie Business

Legal Committee Update: Members will have position paper ready for Thursday @ 1:00 p.m.
Tenant’s Rights Committee Update: X says the location was a good place for a meeting. X signed up 60 members.
Open House Plan: X says we need tarps. Need to invite relevant organizations. Discussion of items required.
Street Market Report: X says Street Market Society working well with police. Shows very well done pamphlet. Society has created membership tags. Members required to wear these on Sundays. Need for more volunteers. Need to hire professional security guards. Ideally, two people from dtes could be trained.
AGM: Discussion that AGM should take place in August.
Membership/Outreach:  X is working on revised pamphlet.
Women’s Art Group: Grant for painting containers going through Street Market Society.

Movie Business: X says DNC should get some funds, but requires that people provide a service.


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

DNC Minutes - June 24, 2014

DNC Board Minutes – June 24, 2014

13 board members, 1 guest


Guest – Ron Carten WCMHN
Meeting with City
Street Market
DNC/VANDU Tenant Meeting
Film Stipend
Community Forum
Grants Update

Motion to adopt agenda, motion passes
X reads minutes. Motion to accept minutes. Motion passes.


West Coast Mental Health Network on Pender near Cambie St.
Peer program. Funding was cut in December last year by VCH, but have some funding from City.
Assertive Community Treatment – Psychiatrist, social worker, nurse, sometimes police officer. Primarily to monitor whether people are taking their medications.
Section of Mental Health Act involves involuntary treatment.
When you are in that category, you can be treated against your will.
Your rights essentially, are taken away. There is another section called Involuntary Leave. You are allowed out, but have to abide by medication, etc…
The director of the hospital determines the category, recommended by the psychiatrist.
There have been a challenge to involuntary committal under section 7. The BCCLA has produced a pamphlet – and they are hoping to challenge the mental health act.
What the act argues is that mental health is a special case and people don’t know their own good. There needs to be choice in care, and choice in treatment.
Representation agreement act – provides every BC resident a right to appoint a representative. The exception to this is mental health treatment.
Section 15 – is also possibly a good section to use – which prohibits discrimination

Book called DSM4 – this lists all the mental health disorders that psychiatrists can think of.
Group is called madcaps – write letters to politicians. Met with CoV about ACT teams. Tried to get VCH to commit to the principle of Choice in Treatment. They are committed to patients’ rights, but always qualify it.
BCCLA has a position paper.
WCMHN – has a position paper on the representation agreement act. Group was not even invited to be part of the Mental Health Task Force.  They share an office with ARA mental health which was on the task force.
Police officers may now be funded as members of the ACT team by health money.
If a person has an ACT team this means that $30k is being spent on you. This may even be for people that don’t even have housing.

Meeting with City
August some time.

Missing board members

Street Market people were not here

Tenant Rights meeting
DJ Larkin will be there, also Diane from MadCap,
$200 budget for the event

Filming notice – table the program for a month

Community Forum – Need to have an AGM before end of year

Motion to adjourn – moment of silence