Monday, 8 September 2014

Minutes for the Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council meeting: September 2nd, 2014.

Legal Committee
Conference Room
Next Election for Post-AGM
Other Business

Legal Committee
Rob will ask for a legal referral.  X makes suggestion that we will go to UBC to ask for assistance through law student program.  We will begin to draw up legal papers for complaint.  X will join legal committee. X will check with Darryl about time for next meeting. We need to have a power point presentation. We need a flow chart. Everyone must be able to understand the argument we‘re making. X suggests a moot court or some other exercise to help people understand. Goal is to take one month to create a presentation.

Conference Room
Staff at Woodward’s not helpful in booking space.  They’re not respecting our time in the room.  Cleanliness and behavior have not been an issue, so there is a question as to why we’re not being allow space. We currently have no space, nor any area to store coffee supplies.  X says E.W. says we are allowed space at Carnegie once per month.  X suggests we could use resident’s common room at Woodward’s building.  X will find a room.
Next meeting on September 9th will be at 208 East Georgia street. Go to the front door – tell the staff you are there for the DNC meeting in common room. The windows of the room overlook Main Street.

Elections will happen on September 16th.

Other Business
Website:  Needs a revamp. X will take minutes. X has forwarded video. X has not posted yet.
CCAP Open House:  Town hall meeting is September 11th, 2:30 until 4:30 pm at Carnegie.  X says we should attend and be supportive.  X says E.W. is supportive of us attending.  We will meet at #62 and go there together.  Next meeting on September 9th we will discuss particulars.
Street Market: Discussion that reps are not coming to the DNC meetings. X says this is an informal agreement.
Aboriginal Committee: X will be busy with two AGM’s for next while and then will be free to work on subcommittee.
Film Update:  Ed from group formerly called DERA is still taking money from filming in DTES for his own use. This is money that normally other resident’s associations receive. X suggests that all correspondence regarding this matter be kept professional and clean.  X suggests to list this problem on agenda for next week.

Moment of Silence

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