Minutes for DNC Board Meeting: August 5th, 2014
Attendees: 11 board
X reads constitution
Aboriginal Committee Update
Housing/Oppenhiemer Park
Legal Committee Update
Poster must go up 14 days prior to AGM. X says any
amendments have to be voted on at AGM. Nomination form includes constitution.
Copies of bylaws and constitution need to be available at AGM. Natural
community members are appointed by the board. Date for pre-AGM is Tuesday,
August 19th. Nomination forms available at Street Market as well as by contacting members via phone numbers listed on Poster. Nomination forms also available at August 12th DNC board meeting. People need to receive nomination forms in time to submit to the nominating committee at the
pre-AGM by August 19th.
Nomination committee must be prepared to interview nominees on August 19th.
Motion: X motions
that members cannot be more than 15 minutes late for a meeting to receive a
stipend. Also, members must stay at DNC board meeting in attendance for 1 hour
and 30 minutes to receive a stipend. Motion passes unanimously.
Aboriginal Committee
X is doing outreach with Gen 7/WAHRS to be involved. X will
bring report to the board at next DNC meeting.
Discussion ensues about Oppenhiemer Park. People who use
drugs are being excluded from the park. X says this causes a problem for harm
reduction, there is a need for a safe injection tent. There appears to be zero
tolerance for service to assist people to avoid preventable deaths. Camp inspections may be a way to do an illegal
warrant and this puts people at risk.
Legal Committee
The legal committee has found there is a possible way to
submit the argument regarding offensive policy to a court. Committee is doing more research to find a
way forward.
There is a discussion among group about ongoing community
group consultation with VCH and agencies. There is a consultation process
taking place. X says disproportionate number of people never attend after first
appointment. Complex patients feel unwelcome. X says was told that X must be
clean and sober before receiving necessary service. X says if you are in a shelter you are not
considered a resident so you cannot attend the clinic. X says poor people are
treated without respect in waiting rooms. X says there should be more community
control of clinics. X says these problems occur even in community controlled
clinics. There is a general consensus that there should be more accountability.
Moment of Silence.
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