Tuesday, 15 October 2013

DNC Meeting Minutes - October 15, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - October 15, 2013

Attendees: Jezz M., Alex B., James O., Anthony G., Roland C., Jacek L., Ludvik S., Bill B., Tina T.,  Jamie R., Hendrik B., Steve B., Rob M., Debbie K.
14 attendees, 11 board members present

1) Phones
2) Copwatch
3) LAPP Meeting
4) Raise the Rates
5) Speed Limit signs
6) DNC Table Street Market
8) Housing Cmte
9) DNC President
10) Bill's conflict resolution attempts with infamous five (and others)

Anthony chairs
Steve reads the constitution
Alex introduces himself to the group
Quick round of introductions

Roland reads the minutes
Bill mentions that we should retract the comment about Ivan writing the article
MOTION: accept the minutes with amendments moved by Hendrik, Jamie seconds, motion passes

Anthony, Roland, Jacek, Ludvik, Bill, Jamie, Jezz get their phones paid $30 today

May 8th witness - Cal Penner wants to speak to the witness, but she is under protection from another investigation. Jamie needs to speak to people before he agrees to release her name. There is a specific timeline for complaints.
Revamping the copwatch membership list. Starting new gmail account: watchingthevpd@gmail.com
This morning Anthony met with Adam Palmer. CopWatch is now in Chinatown and Gastown.
Woman was beaten and raped after getting into what they thought was a taxi.  Security guards in Gastown do not carry radios or cellphones. A few years ago PIVOT wrote a report on private security.
Non-profits are now routinely giving staff BST training. CopWatch also wants to talk about the crazy over-reaction of the police on Monday to the guy holed up in the Roosevelt. He was in the room alone. There was no hostage situation. Brand new toy of mobile command centre is discussed. Copwatch will be
protesting the general overreaction of VPD in issues like this.

MOTION: to write a letter to the Gastown BIA a letter to discuss private security, who pays them, and whether we can open a dialog about community safety. Ludvik seconds. motion passes.

Sideline when Rob and Debbie
Rob brings up the fact that Debbie was there with the protesters on the Saturday of our cancelled general meeting. Rob relays the fact that Wendy knew that the meeting was cancelled the minute that Roland knew. Wendy called Rob a liar. They filled up his hallway and he was pissed. Rob asks the question of why Debbie was there.
Debbie missed our board meeting because there was a RayCam board meeting.
Debbie gave the notice that the meeting was cancelled by email. Debbie had scheduled the time and that is why she was there anyway even though the meeting was cancelled.  Lorelei advised her that Canadian law is based on British Law. Debbie feels that she is responsible to the speakers of the territory. She was there to receive questions.  Jean approached her and asked Debbie whether the meeting was cancelled. Debbie informed her that it was cancelled and Debbie knew that Jean already knew this. The Portland staff came down and told all of them that the meeting was cancelled. Tami confronted Debbie and told her that she was not a proper board member. Debbie was torn between going inside and  outside the door.
We can not practice the politics of personal destruction like they do. We can not shun people because of their associations or their actions. We should never make people feel or attack good people that are just trying to contribute to their community.

LAPP Meeting with Councillors
MOTION: To meet at the Atrium at 2pm have transport paid and to have $5 stipends for  going to the meeting. James seconds the motion. motion passes.
James, Anthony, Roland, Jacek, Hendrik, Ludvik, Stephen, Debbie, Jamie, Jezz, Tina, Alex says that they want to go.

Roland will write to Camilia to request minutes of tonights LAPP meeting.
General consensus that the DNC needs representation on the LAPP table and needs to get regular information from the LAPP process. Post LAPP needs to be on the agenda as well. Who are the territorial representatives?

Meet at Lost and Found Cafe at 12 noon on Friday to discuss our agenda - on Hastings.

Speed Limit Signs
We can bug Wes Regan about the speed limit banners. We also wrote a letter of support to HXBIA for good neighbours program Debbie wants to push for traffic cameras and raise money for neighbourhood

Street Market DNC Table
Tina volunteers to do it next week
Hendrik reports on the effort. DJ was very happy, got 3 statements from people that went right against the RTA. Double renting rooms, etc... DJ is mostly just taking a  quick statement and then will turn it into an Affidavit the next week.

DNC President
MOTION: Anthony motions, Jacek seconds that a letter be writen to both co-presidents,  the board is asking for their input and help for our board meetings and that their absence is effecting our organization.

Raise the Rates
Bill says that one of the resolutions to the conflict was to set up a committee to help raise the rates. General support for Raise the Rates campaign.

Bills conflict resolution with infamous five
We need to try and keep our minutes as neutral as possible. We already retracted our statement that Ivan wrote the article in the newsletter since no one has any direct evidence of this even though the style is clearly different than Paul Taylor.

Bill suggests that to keep things neutral we need to hold off from mentioning CCAP in our minutes in the future.

Bill says that the group says that everyone in 'the picture' is involved in the conflict. Roland pulls out a picture and a list of names and asks that Bill take it to the other group and fill in the missing names. (picture and list of names included in these minutes)

Jacek says that he went on the web and looked at all the things that are written about CCAP.
CCAP is hardly mentioned on our sites. Very few bad things are written by us about CCAP and there is really a lot of things written on their sites about the DNC. Lots of lies. Lies like the fact that Wendy and Ivan were kicked off the DNC, they were not. They were merely asked not to attend our meeting because they were disruptive and behaved badly at our April meeting.
There is no good faith being shown by them. If they want good faith, then they need to start by not attacking the current board. Two months ago, Jacek was at a meeting in the Carnegie Theatre and Wendy stood up and claimed that CCAP was never involved in the Pigeon Protest. Jacek says that a year ago he was at a CCAP meeting where Wendy and Ivan planned the strategy of attacking businesses and restaurants in the DTES. Jacek was there.
Furthermore, Jacek remembers that the strategy was not very popular with other people at the meeting and Wendy and Ivan rammed it through anyway.  Jacek was a witness to the fact that the entire idea was planned at a CCAP meeting.

Bill also confirms that the Friday (September 20th) before our cancelled general meeting, there was a meeting at the Carnegie Centre trying to organize people against the current DNC board.
Bill claims that Wendy said that this was her own meeting and had nothing to do with CCAP. Roland asks whether the meeting was on the third floor of the Carnegie Centre, Bill says yes. Roland asks whether this meeting took place immediately after a CCAP meeting, Bill says yes. Roland asks whether the same people were at both meetings, Bill says yes. Roland asks whether Wendy honestly wants people to believe that CCAP had nothing to do with the meeting when her meeting against the DNC took place immediately after a CCAP meeting and in the same room. Bill says that this is what Wendy is claiming. Roland says that this is exactly the kind of double speak out of Wendy that drove him nuts when she was on the DNC board. Wendy was constantly doing things with CCAP money for the DNC and pretending that it wasn't happening. Roland says that this is a good reason to reject her nomination for the board at our AGM if she choses to run again.

James relays the fact that the DNC was ruled by conflict from the beginning and Wendy kept bringing in new allies like Tami and Ivan to help her maintain control. James claims that they had a meeting where they were going to kick Wendy off the board back then because she was constantly causing trouble and using her position as a paid activist to control the agenda.

Motion to Adjourn

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