DNC Board Meeting - October 1, 2013
Location: 10th Floor of Woodwards
Attendees: Hendrik B., Jezz M., Bill B., Roland C., Anthony G., Rob M., Jacek L., James O., April S., Tina T.
10 Attendees, 8 board members present
1 Street Market
2 Racial Profiling
3 Bus Company
4 LAPP Update
5 Media
6 Pharmacy
7 Carny Newsletter
8 Mediation
Jacek reads the constitution
Roland reads last weeks minutes
Comment by Rob that there was a mistake and he actually did attend the meeting.
MOTION: accept minutes with amendment. Rob moves, Hendrik seconds, motion passes
MOTION: approve agenda, Roland moves, James seconds, motion passes
Street Market
Tina reports that police told her friend that they were going to start cracking down on sidewalk sellers.
Jacek says that they are forcing us to open, but they are not providing bathrooms.
They are definitely trying to micromanage the market.
We need an official DNC representative at the market.
MOTION: Roland motions to create a DNC rep position at the market from 11-3pm with a stipend of $20.
Hendrik adds that we strike a sub-committee to manage this position. This position will rotate among
board members. Rob seconds. motion passes.
Rob volunteers to be the first DNC rep at the market
Racial Profiling
Meeting with PSS, inspector turned things around and said that victim was a dealer
Also claim that victim mailed drugs up north. She was the only native at the corner.
This charge came out of nowhere.
Copwatch will now approach this as racial profiling. Now seeking meeting with next
level of PSS
Rob voices that it is good to make these complaints because then they are forced to
do everything by the book.
Bus Company
Roland reads proposed letter to bus company.
Anthony made a complaint last week to bus company. CEO of bus company called anthony
and driver has been suspended for 3 months, now has to give urine samples, and fined $2,500.
Jacek also reports on discussions with woman on transit task force. She went to
Seattle and they have a rotating free shuttle for poor people. Jezz - Calgary also
has a free zone. Hendrik says that there is a free shuttle in Vancouver, but it only carries
tourists. If you don't look like a tourist, you can not get on.
Hendrik lists other cities with free shuttles - Geneva
Agreement to send the letter to Coast Mountain.
LAPP Update
Rob begins the LAPP discussion. There is an extension until Jan.
Herb is not here to give us a proper update.
Karen Ward told Rob that the LAPP was given an extension.
Hendrik reports on a piece on the Radio. Andrea Reimer is the representative
for council talking about the LAPP. She clearly does not understand that the
DNC was not included in the process.
MOTION: Hendrik motions to request a meeting with Andrea Reimer and DNC board Re: the LAPP process,
Rob seconds, motion passes.
Hendrik says that the vice article was good. AHA has been asked to do media for the street market.
Table discussion because this should be approved by the street market board, not DNC.
Location: 10th Floor of Woodwards
Attendees: Hendrik B., Jezz M., Bill B., Roland C., Anthony G., Rob M., Jacek L., James O., April S., Tina T.
10 Attendees, 8 board members present
1 Street Market
2 Racial Profiling
3 Bus Company
4 LAPP Update
5 Media
6 Pharmacy
7 Carny Newsletter
8 Mediation
Jacek reads the constitution
Roland reads last weeks minutes
Comment by Rob that there was a mistake and he actually did attend the meeting.
MOTION: accept minutes with amendment. Rob moves, Hendrik seconds, motion passes
MOTION: approve agenda, Roland moves, James seconds, motion passes
Street Market
Tina reports that police told her friend that they were going to start cracking down on sidewalk sellers.
Jacek says that they are forcing us to open, but they are not providing bathrooms.
They are definitely trying to micromanage the market.
We need an official DNC representative at the market.
MOTION: Roland motions to create a DNC rep position at the market from 11-3pm with a stipend of $20.
Hendrik adds that we strike a sub-committee to manage this position. This position will rotate among
board members. Rob seconds. motion passes.
Rob volunteers to be the first DNC rep at the market
Racial Profiling
Meeting with PSS, inspector turned things around and said that victim was a dealer
Also claim that victim mailed drugs up north. She was the only native at the corner.
This charge came out of nowhere.
Copwatch will now approach this as racial profiling. Now seeking meeting with next
level of PSS
Rob voices that it is good to make these complaints because then they are forced to
do everything by the book.
Bus Company
Roland reads proposed letter to bus company.
Anthony made a complaint last week to bus company. CEO of bus company called anthony
and driver has been suspended for 3 months, now has to give urine samples, and fined $2,500.
Jacek also reports on discussions with woman on transit task force. She went to
Seattle and they have a rotating free shuttle for poor people. Jezz - Calgary also
has a free zone. Hendrik says that there is a free shuttle in Vancouver, but it only carries
tourists. If you don't look like a tourist, you can not get on.
Hendrik lists other cities with free shuttles - Geneva
Agreement to send the letter to Coast Mountain.
LAPP Update
Rob begins the LAPP discussion. There is an extension until Jan.
Herb is not here to give us a proper update.
Karen Ward told Rob that the LAPP was given an extension.
Hendrik reports on a piece on the Radio. Andrea Reimer is the representative
for council talking about the LAPP. She clearly does not understand that the
DNC was not included in the process.
MOTION: Hendrik motions to request a meeting with Andrea Reimer and DNC board Re: the LAPP process,
Rob seconds, motion passes.
Hendrik says that the vice article was good. AHA has been asked to do media for the street market.
Table discussion because this should be approved by the street market board, not DNC.
[Note: both participants were specifically asked if the stories should appear in the minutes.]
Tina - These buildings are using our own mental health issues to further marginalize us.
They locked her in a psych ward because she threatened to sue after they caused her to be raped.
Rights issue is serious in these buildings around here. She went to health
professionals review board. Her residents agreement says nothing about them taking
over her medical life. Their pharmacy only does daily witness meds. $7.95 per medication
per witness. They now run 27 buildings.
Rob moved into woodwards last November. Staff wanted him to switch pharmacies. Rob
refused. He refused on the grounds that he wanted to stay with Van Native Health. Also,
he asked staff to hold on to his meds. Rob is not on a meds restriction.
DNC should fill the role as a safe place for people to complain. We already have a housing
Suggestion to start taking stories and experiences from people and posting these experiences
Tina also relays the fact that staff can go into people's apartments anytime they want
without notice. Things are stolen and there is no way to complain.
Hendrik voices support for Tina. Agrees that she probably did not sign anything to restrict
her rights as a tenant. Housing organizations do not have a right to take away tenants rights
without due cause and due process. This should all go through tenancy branch. Hendrik also
did not sign anything to take away his rights as a tenant. Hendrik is willing to take testamony
from tenants at the street market on Sunday.
Rob says that staff has told him to stay away from Ivan Drury. Started meeting near the contact
centre. Rob never filled out an application to live in woodwards, but merely found out that he
won a lottery.
Carny Newsletter - tabled
Roland reads email from Catherine Ludgate about mediator that she has selected for us.
We assume that we will get a chance to review the process before it is begun.
Motion to adjourn
Tina - These buildings are using our own mental health issues to further marginalize us.
They locked her in a psych ward because she threatened to sue after they caused her to be raped.
Rights issue is serious in these buildings around here. She went to health
professionals review board. Her residents agreement says nothing about them taking
over her medical life. Their pharmacy only does daily witness meds. $7.95 per medication
per witness. They now run 27 buildings.
Rob moved into woodwards last November. Staff wanted him to switch pharmacies. Rob
refused. He refused on the grounds that he wanted to stay with Van Native Health. Also,
he asked staff to hold on to his meds. Rob is not on a meds restriction.
DNC should fill the role as a safe place for people to complain. We already have a housing
Suggestion to start taking stories and experiences from people and posting these experiences
Tina also relays the fact that staff can go into people's apartments anytime they want
without notice. Things are stolen and there is no way to complain.
Hendrik voices support for Tina. Agrees that she probably did not sign anything to restrict
her rights as a tenant. Housing organizations do not have a right to take away tenants rights
without due cause and due process. This should all go through tenancy branch. Hendrik also
did not sign anything to take away his rights as a tenant. Hendrik is willing to take testamony
from tenants at the street market on Sunday.
Rob says that staff has told him to stay away from Ivan Drury. Started meeting near the contact
centre. Rob never filled out an application to live in woodwards, but merely found out that he
won a lottery.
Carny Newsletter - tabled
Roland reads email from Catherine Ludgate about mediator that she has selected for us.
We assume that we will get a chance to review the process before it is begun.
Motion to adjourn
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