Tuesday, 8 October 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - October 8, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - October 8, 2013

Attendees: Jezz M., Anthony G., Roland C., Ludvik S., Jacek L., April S., Bill B., Leo M., Jamie R., Greg M., Clea M., Hendrik B., Debbie K., Michael Ma.
14 Attendees, 10 board members present

Guest - Greg M., Mike M
Traffic Campaign
Street Market
New business - Newspaper, Lorelei meeting
Carnegie Protestors

Jacek chairs the meeting
Jamie reads constitution
Roland reads the minutes from last week
Debbie adds that she sent her regrets for missing the last two weeks
Ludvik also adds that he sent his regrets for missing last week
Rob M also sends his regrets for this meeting
Tina also sent her regrets for missing tonight
MOTION: Hendrik motions to accept minutes, Jamie seconds, motion passes

Michael and Greg introduce themselves
Quick round of introductions by everyone at the table

Discussion of letting Greg film a board meeting in the future
Voices both for and against the idea. It seemed that the concept was tabled.

Traffic Campaign
Roland reports that he has not sent out the letter to Coast Mountain Bus company
Debbie - talks about City transportation plan - transportation 2040

Jamie - on Thursday there was a meeting with Cal Penner from PSS. Illegally entered his suite in May 8, then on May 23, they tried to enter, but he had his lawyer on speaker phone and filing complaint online. PSS took the statement on the two incidents.
Anthony - former SWAT member is still made nervous by copwatch, within next two weeks copwatch will protest PSS. Protest will likely be accompanied by media.

Street Market
Jacek - was supposed to get DNC paperwork for Street Market person, will do this next week
Hendrik talked to Doug King about using affidavit forms at street market
DJ said that we could take the statement and then they could deal with it later
She would prefer to be there. DJ could not commit to being at the market
Hendrik submits that we don't take any statements without setting things up properly
We could take statements from many people and then convince them to later give an affidavit.
Hendrik volunteers to be the DNC rep for the street market from 11am-3pm
Debbie wants to revisit the membership form, maybe the entire membership process
Hendrik says that there were changes to the societies act, and Council of Canadians changed all their members to 'sponsors'.

Requested meeting with Andrea Reimer Re: LAPP
October 18, 3pm is proposed
Hendrik - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
October 18 at 3pm is decided as a reasonable time for the meeting

New Business
Debbie talked to Lorelei who was a past member of the DNC
Both Kelvin and Lorelei are no longer engaged in the DNC
October 21 at 10am - RayCam meeting DNC with Lorelei

Carnegie Protesters
Bill met with a bunch of them, trying to come up with some kind of peace treaty
Bill met with Jean Swanson, Ivan Drury, Dave Diewart - they want to stop all the website nonsense
Bill wants to bring forward 5 requests to them from the board
General discussion of some if the items that could be included

Bill says that they want individual names not to be associated with CCAP on our websites
General agreement that this is ridiculous because CCAP has clearly been organizing all of this stuff
There were several people who went to the Friday meeting at Carnegie to discuss the protest at the DNC general meeting on the next Saturday.

Demand ideas:
1) stop organizing against and de-legitimizing the current DNC board at CCAP meetings
2) stop using the DNC logo
3) the Carnegie Newsletter needs to stop attacking the DNC (recent articles clearly written by Ivan)

Jacek proposes that they put their requests in writing and tell us who they are
If they do not belong to any organization, and we don't know who they are, then how can we make a deal with them and have any confidence that it will stick. Discussion that Ivan objects to Catherine Ludgate forming the mediation process because of his history with her when he was moved off of the CCEC board.
Why would they care so much that Catherine Ludgate is involved if the protesters are not associated with CCAP? She is now the funder of the DNC. Discussion of just letting her proceed.
Discussion that the anti-DNC pages should remain up because they are ridiculous, but they should just allow comments from the public like any reputable blog.

Motion to adjourn

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