Tuesday, 29 October 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - October 29, 2013

DNC Board Minutes - October 29, 2013


Attendees: Roland C., Anthony G., Jezz M., Leo M., Stephen B., Jacek L.,
Tina T., Hendrik B., Clea M., Jamie R., Scott C., Ludvik S., Richard C.,
11 Board Members Present
Rob M sends his regrets

-LAPP/Scott Clark

Leo reads the constitution
Roland reads the last week's minutes
Hendrik sent his regrets last week
MOTION: Anthony motions to accept the minutes, Hendrik seconds, motion passes
MOTION: Jamie motions to accept the agenda, Jezz seconds, motion passes

Scott introduces himself to the group
4 years ago created ALIVE
Often advocates on behalf of immigrants and other marginalized groups
Scott mentions the meeting at Lost and Found before our meeting with Reimer and Tang
18 months of LAPP now
The LAPP got an extension until January, report to council in December
Some want to abandon the healthy city for all discussion
Restructuring of parks board - 6 community centres lost in supreme court recently
Low income people in all areas of Van should have access to community centres
Possible to ask the parks board to come and give a presentation to ALIVE/DNC
Reviews the fact that the LAPP was not a safe space, open conflict was allowed in process
LAPP Meeting tonight was cancelled - Oct 29
City has not come up with Housing Chapter yet
Only 18 of the 30 LAPP members actually attend. Last meeting there were only 12.
No response yet from city regarding filling the vacated seats at the LAPP
City is afraid that no one at the LAPP table will actually support the LAPP report
Street Market will be mentioned in the LAPP
Woodwards space will also be mentioned
Cop Shop project will also be part of post LAPP
Bob Williams came to ALIVE to talk about plans for Cop Shop
Want to preserve space for low income communities
Vancouver Economic Commission is going to put together plan for Cop Shop
Woodwards space needs to be preserved for the community
It has been shut down for 12 months - Rent for space was not paid for a year by old W2 group
Woodwards will not be open until late spring if they go to RFP process
Do some background and then call a meeting with principals. Scott wants to meet with Heather
Deal, and ask what is going on. Amenity fee needs to be reduced or City needs to pay West Bank.
Our proposal was rejected due to 1) RayCam was the org behind it. 2) They did not like the math
on the restaurant component.
ALIVE AGM was last week. Three former UNN presidents on ALIVE board

Discussion of sending observers to the LAPP confict resolution process because the DNC also
experienced violence at the hands of the LAPP committee
3 signatories to the LAPP - BCS, DNC, City of Vancouver
Discussion of the fight that broke out. Meeting came to an end. Ultimately agreement
was to have governance subcommittee. Motions were put forward to remove Rob from process
There was a process in place to have a resolution but the motions sidestepped this process
At this meeting, Herb was acting as co-chair.
Roland reads the email sent to Kevin M at the City.
Scott suggests sending an email to Camille requesting all of the chapters so they can be
sent to all board members
As a senior signatory to the LAPP, the DNC should demand that these seats be filled
Discussion of making Richard the primary representative at the LAPP and choosing the alternate
LAPP meetings (main) are only once per month

MOTION: Jamie motions to move our board meetings to 4pm on Tuesdays.
Jacek seconds. motion passes

MOTION: Richard motions that Richard C, and Jacek L, will be the DNC representatives on
the LAPP, removing Herb Varley as DNC representative. Ludvik seconds. motion passes.

In the midst of making the picket signs
8 topics on the agenda. Kevin beaten up, Paul Boyd shot, Jamie liquid in eyes, assault of homeless man
Feeling that VPD feels that watchdog org represents a serious threat to law and order
Asian officer (Badge number is 2335) for sexual assault, also Cal Penner. This morning copwatch was handed a list of badge numbers and names for whole VPD.
Witness for May 8th - now could identify the member of exploited persons unit
Chipperfield was released of all responsibility for the execution of Paul Boyd
Suggestion of creating an anonymous blog for people to tell their stories about police abuse

Conflict/disgruntled 5
Our mailing address is PO Box 88265 Vancouver BC V6A 4A5
To date, the DNC has received nothing from the disgruntled parties.
Scott - at the end of the day, what has happened is that a group has lost control of the DNC
The only way they can gain back their political legitimacy is to retake the DNC

MOTION: Richard motions to accept Tina to the board of the DNC. Jacek seconds. motion passes.
Anthony wishes to have his negative vote recorded.

motion to adjourn

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - October 22, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - October 22 2013


Attendees: Jacek L., Roland C., Jezz M., Anthony G., Stephen B., Bill B., Jamie R., Valentina R., James O., Debbie K., Clea M., Deana C
12 Attendees, 9 board members present

Jamie reads the constitution
Roland reads previous weeks minutes

Raise the Rates
Community Coalition
Disgruntled 5/Conflict

Discussion that minutes should be posted with disclaimer that says 'draft copy' and then
when they are approved, the note "approved on such a date" will be added.

MOTION: James motions to accept the minutes. Bill mentions that names, especially Wendy's,
should not appear in the minutes.
Discussion of the importance of having transparent minutes ensues

Getting ready for May 8th. Jamie's witness found him.
Case of sexual assault with VPD. Male officer touching female.
Last 3 weeks, DT has lost 5 people. Skytrain incident, Patricia rooms
two people, Lookout employee as well, Alexander rooms
Review in March of danger because of 10 times the concentration of methadone coming out

Raise the Rates
Bill wants to put together a group to support Raise the Rates
James suggests inviting Jagrup to our board meetings
Formation of a committee that will reach out to Jagrup

MOTION: James motions to form a Raise the Rates committee. Roland
seconds the motion. Motion passes.

MOTION: Anthony G. motions to appoint Stephen B to the board. Jezz seconds.
Stephen introduces himself to the board. Motion passes.

Community Coalition/LAPP
Roland reads the press release from the Coalition of Neighbourhoods

MOTION: Roland motions to support the statement from the Coalition
of Neighbourhoods condemning the present planning processes. James
seconds. Motion passes.

November 17th is the date for the next meeting at Marpole community centre
James will volunteer to go to the next meeting and report back to the DNC

MOTION: Bill motions to assist James with going to this meeting by providing him with 2 bus tickets. Jamie seconds. Motion passes.
(Jacek gives James two bus tickets)

MOTION: Anthony motions that no one should be allowed to photograph or record our meetings without express permission of the board at board meetings or any other meetings unless quorum is present to give approval. James seconds. Motion passes.

Roland reads the email to Kevin McNaney Re: meeting with Councillors
Discussion of choosing the DNC representative on the LAPP is tabled for later

Rob says that he will be here on the 29th, but can not make it on the 5th due to the ALIVE board meetings
Rob announces that he was elected to the ALIVE board at tonight's AGM

Disgruntled 5/Conflict
The mailing address for the DNC is restated as PO Box 88265 Vancouver BC V6A 4A5
and there is a request that any communication from the disgruntled group be in writing in the future.
This should include who signs on to the letter, and the details of any grievances that the group may have so that it can be dealt with professionally.

Motion to adjourn

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

DNC Meeting Minutes - October 15, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - October 15, 2013

Attendees: Jezz M., Alex B., James O., Anthony G., Roland C., Jacek L., Ludvik S., Bill B., Tina T.,  Jamie R., Hendrik B., Steve B., Rob M., Debbie K.
14 attendees, 11 board members present

1) Phones
2) Copwatch
3) LAPP Meeting
4) Raise the Rates
5) Speed Limit signs
6) DNC Table Street Market
8) Housing Cmte
9) DNC President
10) Bill's conflict resolution attempts with infamous five (and others)

Anthony chairs
Steve reads the constitution
Alex introduces himself to the group
Quick round of introductions

Roland reads the minutes
Bill mentions that we should retract the comment about Ivan writing the article
MOTION: accept the minutes with amendments moved by Hendrik, Jamie seconds, motion passes

Anthony, Roland, Jacek, Ludvik, Bill, Jamie, Jezz get their phones paid $30 today

May 8th witness - Cal Penner wants to speak to the witness, but she is under protection from another investigation. Jamie needs to speak to people before he agrees to release her name. There is a specific timeline for complaints.
Revamping the copwatch membership list. Starting new gmail account: watchingthevpd@gmail.com
This morning Anthony met with Adam Palmer. CopWatch is now in Chinatown and Gastown.
Woman was beaten and raped after getting into what they thought was a taxi.  Security guards in Gastown do not carry radios or cellphones. A few years ago PIVOT wrote a report on private security.
Non-profits are now routinely giving staff BST training. CopWatch also wants to talk about the crazy over-reaction of the police on Monday to the guy holed up in the Roosevelt. He was in the room alone. There was no hostage situation. Brand new toy of mobile command centre is discussed. Copwatch will be
protesting the general overreaction of VPD in issues like this.

MOTION: to write a letter to the Gastown BIA a letter to discuss private security, who pays them, and whether we can open a dialog about community safety. Ludvik seconds. motion passes.

Sideline when Rob and Debbie
Rob brings up the fact that Debbie was there with the protesters on the Saturday of our cancelled general meeting. Rob relays the fact that Wendy knew that the meeting was cancelled the minute that Roland knew. Wendy called Rob a liar. They filled up his hallway and he was pissed. Rob asks the question of why Debbie was there.
Debbie missed our board meeting because there was a RayCam board meeting.
Debbie gave the notice that the meeting was cancelled by email. Debbie had scheduled the time and that is why she was there anyway even though the meeting was cancelled.  Lorelei advised her that Canadian law is based on British Law. Debbie feels that she is responsible to the speakers of the territory. She was there to receive questions.  Jean approached her and asked Debbie whether the meeting was cancelled. Debbie informed her that it was cancelled and Debbie knew that Jean already knew this. The Portland staff came down and told all of them that the meeting was cancelled. Tami confronted Debbie and told her that she was not a proper board member. Debbie was torn between going inside and  outside the door.
We can not practice the politics of personal destruction like they do. We can not shun people because of their associations or their actions. We should never make people feel or attack good people that are just trying to contribute to their community.

LAPP Meeting with Councillors
MOTION: To meet at the Atrium at 2pm have transport paid and to have $5 stipends for  going to the meeting. James seconds the motion. motion passes.
James, Anthony, Roland, Jacek, Hendrik, Ludvik, Stephen, Debbie, Jamie, Jezz, Tina, Alex says that they want to go.

Roland will write to Camilia to request minutes of tonights LAPP meeting.
General consensus that the DNC needs representation on the LAPP table and needs to get regular information from the LAPP process. Post LAPP needs to be on the agenda as well. Who are the territorial representatives?

Meet at Lost and Found Cafe at 12 noon on Friday to discuss our agenda - on Hastings.

Speed Limit Signs
We can bug Wes Regan about the speed limit banners. We also wrote a letter of support to HXBIA for good neighbours program Debbie wants to push for traffic cameras and raise money for neighbourhood

Street Market DNC Table
Tina volunteers to do it next week
Hendrik reports on the effort. DJ was very happy, got 3 statements from people that went right against the RTA. Double renting rooms, etc... DJ is mostly just taking a  quick statement and then will turn it into an Affidavit the next week.

DNC President
MOTION: Anthony motions, Jacek seconds that a letter be writen to both co-presidents,  the board is asking for their input and help for our board meetings and that their absence is effecting our organization.

Raise the Rates
Bill says that one of the resolutions to the conflict was to set up a committee to help raise the rates. General support for Raise the Rates campaign.

Bills conflict resolution with infamous five
We need to try and keep our minutes as neutral as possible. We already retracted our statement that Ivan wrote the article in the newsletter since no one has any direct evidence of this even though the style is clearly different than Paul Taylor.

Bill suggests that to keep things neutral we need to hold off from mentioning CCAP in our minutes in the future.

Bill says that the group says that everyone in 'the picture' is involved in the conflict. Roland pulls out a picture and a list of names and asks that Bill take it to the other group and fill in the missing names. (picture and list of names included in these minutes)

Jacek says that he went on the web and looked at all the things that are written about CCAP.
CCAP is hardly mentioned on our sites. Very few bad things are written by us about CCAP and there is really a lot of things written on their sites about the DNC. Lots of lies. Lies like the fact that Wendy and Ivan were kicked off the DNC, they were not. They were merely asked not to attend our meeting because they were disruptive and behaved badly at our April meeting.
There is no good faith being shown by them. If they want good faith, then they need to start by not attacking the current board. Two months ago, Jacek was at a meeting in the Carnegie Theatre and Wendy stood up and claimed that CCAP was never involved in the Pigeon Protest. Jacek says that a year ago he was at a CCAP meeting where Wendy and Ivan planned the strategy of attacking businesses and restaurants in the DTES. Jacek was there.
Furthermore, Jacek remembers that the strategy was not very popular with other people at the meeting and Wendy and Ivan rammed it through anyway.  Jacek was a witness to the fact that the entire idea was planned at a CCAP meeting.

Bill also confirms that the Friday (September 20th) before our cancelled general meeting, there was a meeting at the Carnegie Centre trying to organize people against the current DNC board.
Bill claims that Wendy said that this was her own meeting and had nothing to do with CCAP. Roland asks whether the meeting was on the third floor of the Carnegie Centre, Bill says yes. Roland asks whether this meeting took place immediately after a CCAP meeting, Bill says yes. Roland asks whether the same people were at both meetings, Bill says yes. Roland asks whether Wendy honestly wants people to believe that CCAP had nothing to do with the meeting when her meeting against the DNC took place immediately after a CCAP meeting and in the same room. Bill says that this is what Wendy is claiming. Roland says that this is exactly the kind of double speak out of Wendy that drove him nuts when she was on the DNC board. Wendy was constantly doing things with CCAP money for the DNC and pretending that it wasn't happening. Roland says that this is a good reason to reject her nomination for the board at our AGM if she choses to run again.

James relays the fact that the DNC was ruled by conflict from the beginning and Wendy kept bringing in new allies like Tami and Ivan to help her maintain control. James claims that they had a meeting where they were going to kick Wendy off the board back then because she was constantly causing trouble and using her position as a paid activist to control the agenda.

Motion to Adjourn

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - October 8, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - October 8, 2013

Attendees: Jezz M., Anthony G., Roland C., Ludvik S., Jacek L., April S., Bill B., Leo M., Jamie R., Greg M., Clea M., Hendrik B., Debbie K., Michael Ma.
14 Attendees, 10 board members present

Guest - Greg M., Mike M
Traffic Campaign
Street Market
New business - Newspaper, Lorelei meeting
Carnegie Protestors

Jacek chairs the meeting
Jamie reads constitution
Roland reads the minutes from last week
Debbie adds that she sent her regrets for missing the last two weeks
Ludvik also adds that he sent his regrets for missing last week
Rob M also sends his regrets for this meeting
Tina also sent her regrets for missing tonight
MOTION: Hendrik motions to accept minutes, Jamie seconds, motion passes

Michael and Greg introduce themselves
Quick round of introductions by everyone at the table

Discussion of letting Greg film a board meeting in the future
Voices both for and against the idea. It seemed that the concept was tabled.

Traffic Campaign
Roland reports that he has not sent out the letter to Coast Mountain Bus company
Debbie - talks about City transportation plan - transportation 2040

Jamie - on Thursday there was a meeting with Cal Penner from PSS. Illegally entered his suite in May 8, then on May 23, they tried to enter, but he had his lawyer on speaker phone and filing complaint online. PSS took the statement on the two incidents.
Anthony - former SWAT member is still made nervous by copwatch, within next two weeks copwatch will protest PSS. Protest will likely be accompanied by media.

Street Market
Jacek - was supposed to get DNC paperwork for Street Market person, will do this next week
Hendrik talked to Doug King about using affidavit forms at street market
DJ said that we could take the statement and then they could deal with it later
She would prefer to be there. DJ could not commit to being at the market
Hendrik submits that we don't take any statements without setting things up properly
We could take statements from many people and then convince them to later give an affidavit.
Hendrik volunteers to be the DNC rep for the street market from 11am-3pm
Debbie wants to revisit the membership form, maybe the entire membership process
Hendrik says that there were changes to the societies act, and Council of Canadians changed all their members to 'sponsors'.

Requested meeting with Andrea Reimer Re: LAPP
October 18, 3pm is proposed
Hendrik - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
October 18 at 3pm is decided as a reasonable time for the meeting

New Business
Debbie talked to Lorelei who was a past member of the DNC
Both Kelvin and Lorelei are no longer engaged in the DNC
October 21 at 10am - RayCam meeting DNC with Lorelei

Carnegie Protesters
Bill met with a bunch of them, trying to come up with some kind of peace treaty
Bill met with Jean Swanson, Ivan Drury, Dave Diewart - they want to stop all the website nonsense
Bill wants to bring forward 5 requests to them from the board
General discussion of some if the items that could be included

Bill says that they want individual names not to be associated with CCAP on our websites
General agreement that this is ridiculous because CCAP has clearly been organizing all of this stuff
There were several people who went to the Friday meeting at Carnegie to discuss the protest at the DNC general meeting on the next Saturday.

Demand ideas:
1) stop organizing against and de-legitimizing the current DNC board at CCAP meetings
2) stop using the DNC logo
3) the Carnegie Newsletter needs to stop attacking the DNC (recent articles clearly written by Ivan)

Jacek proposes that they put their requests in writing and tell us who they are
If they do not belong to any organization, and we don't know who they are, then how can we make a deal with them and have any confidence that it will stick. Discussion that Ivan objects to Catherine Ludgate forming the mediation process because of his history with her when he was moved off of the CCEC board.
Why would they care so much that Catherine Ludgate is involved if the protesters are not associated with CCAP? She is now the funder of the DNC. Discussion of just letting her proceed.
Discussion that the anti-DNC pages should remain up because they are ridiculous, but they should just allow comments from the public like any reputable blog.

Motion to adjourn

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - October 1, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - October 1, 2013
Location: 10th Floor of Woodwards
Attendees: Hendrik B., Jezz M., Bill B., Roland C., Anthony G., Rob M., Jacek L., James O., April S., Tina T.
10 Attendees, 8 board members present

1 Street Market
2 Racial Profiling
3 Bus Company
4 LAPP Update
5 Media
6 Pharmacy
7 Carny Newsletter
8 Mediation

Jacek reads the constitution
Roland reads last weeks minutes
Comment by Rob that there was a mistake and he actually did attend the meeting.
MOTION: accept minutes with amendment. Rob moves, Hendrik seconds, motion passes
MOTION: approve agenda, Roland moves, James seconds, motion passes

Street Market
Tina reports that police told her friend that they were going to start cracking down on sidewalk sellers.
Jacek says that they are forcing us to open, but they are not providing bathrooms.
They are definitely trying to micromanage the market.
We need an official DNC representative at the market.
MOTION: Roland motions to create a DNC rep position at the market from 11-3pm with a stipend of $20.
Hendrik adds that we strike a sub-committee to manage this position. This position will rotate among
board members. Rob seconds. motion passes.
Rob volunteers to be the first DNC rep at the market

Racial Profiling
Meeting with PSS, inspector turned things around and said that victim was a dealer
Also claim that victim mailed drugs up north. She was the only native at the corner.
This charge came out of nowhere.
Copwatch will now approach this as racial profiling. Now seeking meeting with next
level of PSS
Rob voices that it is good to make these complaints because then they are forced to
do everything by the book.

Bus Company
Roland reads proposed letter to bus company.
Anthony made a complaint last week to bus company. CEO of bus company called anthony
and driver has been suspended for 3 months, now has to give urine samples, and fined $2,500.
Jacek also reports on discussions with woman on transit task force. She went to
Seattle and they have a rotating free shuttle for poor people. Jezz - Calgary also
has a free zone. Hendrik says that there is a free shuttle in Vancouver, but it only carries
tourists. If you don't look like a tourist, you can not get on.
Hendrik lists other cities with free shuttles - Geneva
Agreement to send the letter to Coast Mountain.

LAPP Update
Rob begins the LAPP discussion. There is an extension until Jan.
Herb is not here to give us a proper update.
Karen Ward told Rob that the LAPP was given an extension.
Hendrik reports on a piece on the Radio. Andrea Reimer is the representative
for council talking about the LAPP. She clearly does not understand that the
DNC was not included in the process.

MOTION: Hendrik motions to request a meeting with Andrea Reimer and DNC board Re: the LAPP process,
Rob seconds, motion passes.

Hendrik says that the vice article was good. AHA has been asked to do media for the street market.
Table discussion because this should be approved by the street market board, not DNC.

[Note: both participants were specifically asked if the stories should appear in the minutes.]
Tina - These buildings are using our own mental health issues to further marginalize us.
They locked her in a psych ward because she threatened to sue after they caused her to be raped.
Rights issue is serious in these buildings around here. She went to health
professionals review board. Her residents agreement says nothing about them taking
over her medical life. Their pharmacy only does daily witness meds. $7.95 per medication
per witness. They now run 27 buildings.
Rob moved into woodwards last November. Staff wanted him to switch pharmacies. Rob
refused. He refused on the grounds that he wanted to stay with Van Native Health. Also,
he asked staff to hold on to his meds. Rob is not on a meds restriction.
DNC should fill the role as a safe place for people to complain. We already have a housing
Suggestion to start taking stories and experiences from people and posting these experiences
Tina also relays the fact that staff can go into people's apartments anytime they want
without notice. Things are stolen and there is no way to complain.
Hendrik voices support for Tina. Agrees that she probably did not sign anything to restrict
her rights as a tenant. Housing organizations do not have a right to take away tenants rights
without due cause and due process. This should all go through tenancy branch. Hendrik also
did not sign anything to take away his rights as a tenant. Hendrik is willing to take testamony
from tenants at the street market on Sunday.
Rob says that staff has told him to stay away from Ivan Drury. Started meeting near the contact
centre. Rob never filled out an application to live in woodwards, but merely found out that he
won a lottery.

Carny Newsletter - tabled

Roland reads email from Catherine Ludgate about mediator that she has selected for us.
We assume that we will get a chance to review the process before it is begun.

Motion to adjourn