Minutes March 19, 2011
Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Council Board of Directors
CCAP Office, Carnegie Community Centre
Chair: Wendy
Noted: Nathan
Attendance: Ivan, Fraser, Earl, Wendy, Harold, Paul, Richard, Nathan, Ron, Ann.
1) Chinatown Heights Hearing at City Hall
a. Ivan provided report on organizing efforts to get people out to City Hall to oppose the Chinatown Re-Zoning.
i. Overcame challenges getting more than 100 people to City Hall to speak against condo towers in Chinatown.
ii. Many bus trips, posters, door knocking occurred to get people out.
iii. Supporters of towers out in force wearing red shirts. Took up all seats in Chinatown.
iv. Penny Ballem successfully challenged to provide space for elders and DTESers.
v. 17 people had a chance to speak. 100 more people on list. Hearing scheduled for April 5th.
b. Harold described how supporters of towers were using sleazy tactics.
c. Paul commented that we should write a response to what happened at City Hall.
d. Ivan said two reports were circulated to all of the City Councillors. Petition delivered to Mayor Gregor Robinson.
e. Fraser reported that a lot of the red shirt wearing ‘supporters’ did not know what was really going on.
f. Wendy stated that there needs to be a strong presence on April 5.
g. Ivan said that we set a very respectful tone. And we should continue to do that.
2) Letter to Kerry Jang.
a. Harold explained that the process in responding to a letter complaining of harassment by City Councillor Kerry Jang.
i. Copy of letter drafted by Pivot Legal Society letter Scott E. Bernstein.
ii. Ivan proposed a friendly amendment to letter.
a. Wendy provided update on LAPP process.
i. Meetings with BCS and City Manager.
ii. Letter approved by board over email sent.
iii. Discussion of how DNC will be represented.
1. Wendy determined to be the point person to the city through the ongoing planning process. Wendy will be nominated by the Board for ratification at the next General Meeting of the Neighbourhood Council.
2. Ivan moved motion to recommend to General Membership. Second Fraser.
iv. Wendy reiterated that we have to win against the Chinatown Towers.
v. Harold stated that he suspects that Vision Council will approve the towers. The LAPP may not be the only means to stop gentrification.
vi. Ron stated that once we are in negotiations we are going to go all out.
4) Street Market
a. $20,000 secured. Job as Street Market Coordinator will be posted. Focus will be fundraising.
b. Ann described how the market will be organized staff wise, so that it is fair.
c. Wendy read out job description.
d. Ivan said that the office should be at the Ginseng Meeting. Ivan also stated that the Anti-Vending By-laws remain the problem.
e. Harold said that the position will be a challenging one. Questioned how the job will be monitored.
f. Earl said that their needs to be communication on the tickets and how warrants get issued.
g. Ann reported that we are hoping for another $20,000.
h. Earl asked about how the money will be spent. Wendy went over plan including food, and admin costs for VANDU
i. MOTION to post Street Market Fundraiser and Coordinator Position as amend. Moved/Second/Carried.
ii. MOTION to approve hiring committee as Wendy, Paul, Ann, Irene, Marion, Earl and Richard. Moved/Second/Carried
iii. MOTION to write a public statement announcing the creation of street market is proof that vending is a positive activity and that the Anti-Vending by-law should be abolished. Moved/Second/Carried
iv. MOTION to support VANDU Street Market Action and endorsement in media release statement. Moved/Second/Carried
a. Ivan reported that we would be able to have space end of April.
6) New Board
a. Discussion of Board Members attendance at meetings.
b. Harold said that we need to have a talk with those members and gauge their level of interest in the participating on the DNC Board.
c. Discussion of how to reach out to absentee members.
d. Ivan stated that our procedure is that if someone misses 3 consecutive board meetings they will be contacted their participation assessed.
e. Ann will draft a letter.
f. MOTION that Ann draft a letter to the 6 board members who have been missing Ping, Vanessa, Robert, Ilene, Nicole, Gladys, to clarify their status as board members and request that they contact the board before a specific date, or the board will replace them.Moved/Second/Carried
g. Ann clarified that we can be accommodating by offering people a leave of absence.
h. Earl stated that our original intention was to make room for homeless representatives.
7) Community March Against Racism Announced – March 20st.
a. Ivan reported that DNC endorsed march. Email to be sent.
8) Women’s March Tuesday March 22
a. Another march scheduled to support women assaulted in shelters. Main and Hastings, 1 PM Hastings.
b. Ivan moved motion of support.
i. MOTION to write a public letter of support for the action of the coalition of women and women’s organization against threats of funding cuts by BC Housing. Moved/Second/Carried
9) Board Development
a. Meeting Scheduled for Saturday April 9th.
i. MOTION that we have a Board Development day from 11Am to 3PM, Saturday April 9th, with an outside facilitator .
10) Adjurn: 1:01 PM
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