Saturday, 12 February 2011

DNC BOARD - February 12, 2011

February 12, 2011

DECISION: That we will send some (but note many) representatives to
speak against the Concord Pacific land swap with city council on these
i. That the city should not let Concord out of their obligation to
build social housing on False Creek: Concord should give their parcels
of land in the DTES to the city for social housing. They have made
enough money off the DTES and the city of Vancouver.
ii. The city must build 100% social housing at the sites (should they
accommodate this land swap deal), not apartments for couples with good
jobs, as some councilors have stated.
Consensus agreement
MOTION: That the DNC Street Market Committee approach Hope in Shadows
for their charity number. Our second choice would be the Chinese
Canadian National Council, through ACCESS. Our third choice will be BC
Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA).
Moved: Paul; Seconded: Fraser; PASSED unanimous.
MOTION: That all funding proposals and applications to the city must
go through the Board of Directors. That no individual has the mandate
to pursue these matters on their own.
Moved: Ivan; Seconded: Paul; PASSED unanimously.
DECISION: That Wendy, Paul, and Dave will come up with a way to bring
it up at council that the street market is a DNC project.
Consensus decision
DECISION: Wendy will contact Nathan A and help him with contacting
Atira and negotiating our way into the space before March.
Consensus agreement
ACTION ITEM: Read the funding committee's proposal and prepare for the
next BOD meeting. (appendix A)

Present: Wendy, Dave H, Dave M, Sid, Paul, Harold, Tami, Fraser, Ivan, Ron
Guests: Agnes, Bob
Chair: Wendy
Minutes: Ivan

1. Local Area Planning Process
2. 10 Sites campaign
3. Street market
4. Ginseng space
5. Funding proposal
6. Announcements
a. Raycam event
b. Aiyanis and dental care proposal
c. VCMN conference
d. Homeground
e. Memorial march
Acknowledgement: Ron
Constitution reading: Dave M
--- ---
Discussion: On the progress of the LAPP committee formation. The DNC
planning committee was empowered to investigate what it might look
like to work with BCS as LAPP co-chairs and bring back
recommendations. There are no recommendations yet, but a report on the
first meeting with BCS. There was no action necessary from the BOD.
Wendy: - The DNC planning ctte (PC) met with reps from BCS and sent
them a letter asking them to come out against the Chinatown towers;
they did.
- We have to continue to watch them and listen
Harold: - We don't know what the dynamics in BCS are and we need to
work for the LAPP committee we want.
Sid: - The city is probably buying time to buy votes
Ivan: - BCS's position on chinatown towers was a litmus test.
--- ---
Discussion: On three upcoming events around the 10 sites campaign; a
press conference on Feb 15; the land swap for 58 W. Hastings on Feb
17; and a report from the CCAP volunteers. There was no action
necessary from the BOD.
Ivan: - The press conference on Feb 15 will have speakers from DNC,
VANDU, WAHRS, Walk for Justice, and CCAP. It will focus on challenging
the provincial leadership hopefuls to fund social housing,
specifically the 10 sites in the DTES. It will use Pantages as an
example of why this is urgent.
Harold: - The Condord landswap of trading their social housing
obligation at NE False Creek for land at 58 W. Hastings and 112 E.
Hastings goes to city council on Feb 17.
DECISION: That we will send some (but note many) representatives to
speak against the Concord Pacific land swap with city council on these
i. That the city should not let Concord out of their obligation to
build social housing on False Creek: Concord should give their parcels
of land in the DTES to the city for social housing. They have made
enough money off the DTES and the city of Vancouver.
ii. The city must build 100% social housing at the sites (should they
accommodate this land swap deal), not apartments for couples with good
jobs, as some councilors have stated.
(Consensus agreement)
Wendy: - The CCAP volunteers have invited councilors Reimer and Jang
to come to a meeting to present a property buying proposal to them for
the next capital budget. They will keep us informed.
--- ---
Discussion: Our proposal for the city to fund the street market is
going forward to council on Thursday Feb 17; we discussed and decided
on some specific necessary steps and actions.
Dave: - The street market committee met on Friday for the first time
in months. Discussed what to do about funding and operational issues.
Wendy has been looking into getting City Hall's funding matched by the
Central City Foundation in order to increase the street market's
funding base.
Wendy: - The street market committee appointed two chairs to run
meetings and coordinate street market issues: Dave M, and Paul.
Wendy: - We need a charity to undersign the matching from Central City.
MOTION: That the DNC Street Market Committee approach Hope in Shadows
for their charity number. Our second choice would be the Chinese
Canadian National Council, through ACCESS. Our third choice will be BC
Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA).
Moved: Paul; Seconded: Fraser; PASSED unanimous.
Ivan: - Worried because the proposal that went forward to council was
done in the name of VANDU not DNC. It should have been done by a
MOTION: That all funding proposals and applications to the city must
go through the Board of Directors. That no individual has the mandate
to pursue these matters on their own.
Moved: Ivan; Seconded: Paul; PASSED unanimously.
DECISION: That Wendy, Paul, and Dave will come up with a way to bring
it up at council that the street market is a DNC project.
Consensus decision
--- ---
DECISION: Wendy will contact Nathan A and help him with contacting
Atira and negotiating our way into the space before March.
Consensus decision.
--- ---
- The proposal written by the funding policy committee (Sid and
Suzanne) was presented and distributed and tabled to the next BOD
meeting after everyone has had a chance to read it.

--- ---
a. Raycam: That Wendy and Ron will go to the event on Sunday at
Raycam and leaflet
b. Aiyanis: That Aiyanis wants to come to the next BOD meeting and
present on the Dental plan that he's working on
c. VCMN conference: That Tami will organize a table at the conference
next Saturday
d. Homeground festival: That we will try to participate with a table
e. Memorial march: That we will all go on Monday.
--- ---


DNC Funding Policy Committee meeting - 7:00pm, Feb. 7/11
Lore Krill (239 E. Pender) – Suzanne B. & Sid T.

The following is suggestion:

As an organization whose main membership is low-income residents of
the DTES, we strive to create and maintain a Council that is
self-reliant and independent. In general, we recognize the need to
raise funds from diverse sources and will accept donations that
further our organizational goals.

To that end, we accept funding under the following conditions:


1. DNC will be fully transparent about its sources of funding and
will accept funding which furthers our organizational mandate,
missions, and values.
2. All funding received by the DNC must be announced and funding
decisions must be discussed and ratified by the DNC membership at a
General Meeting.
3. All monies donated, raised or earned must be placed into the DNC
general account.

Specific purpose and project funding:

4. Specific purpose and project funding donations must be approved
by a motion at the DNC Board and brought for discussion and
ratification by the membership at a General Meeting.
5. DNC will not accept funding from any source that would demand
any kind of unacceptable oversight into our membership, advocacy and
actions as determined by our membership at a General Meeting.

Anonymous Donations:

6. Anonymous donations are accepted for purposes determined by the
DNC Board and membership in accordance with this funding policy.
7. Should the DNC Board refuse the anonymous donation, the donor
(or representative) can appeal to the membership at a general meeting.

Funding Policy Committee:

8. The Funding Policy Committee is an ad hoc committee which may be
reconvened if and when needed by the DNC Board.

Action required from DNC Board:

1. Prepare motion based on the above Funding Policy for
presentation to membership at the next General Meeting.

Friends of the DNC recommendation:

The Funding Policy Committee recognizes the need to provide
opportunities for friends and allies of the DNC to raise funds for our
organization. To this end, we would recommend that Friends of the DNC
group be initiated to explore the possibilities. Any such
organization would remain accountable to the DNC

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