DNC Board Meeting – Mar26/2011
Present: Earl, Fraser, Dave M, Harold, Ping!, Wendy, Ann, Tami, Paul M., Sid on Scype.
Minutes: Tami
Acknowledgement: Tami
Chair: Ann/Wendy
Constitution: Fraser
1) Street Market – Dave M: Job posting has gone out to the community. Ann/Paul/Dave met with Doug Bain & Dana Walker. Rev Barry complained about bike locked to the gate over his window. Ice cream store girl complained about church feeders in her way. Dealt with – solution found. Doug Bain complained about “stolen goods”. Dave explained that we do not police our community and certainly have no control over people shop lifting and where they sell it. Ann: we recommend that we have 1 or 2 regular officers of experience to liaison with. Wendy: someone needs to draft a letter to the city and public about evils of ticketing and purpose of the street market. TO DO: Dave & Ann to draft letter.
2) General Meeting: Saturday, April 2.
a. TO DO: Wendy to make poster
b. TO DO: Fraser & Tami – arrange printing & postering.
c. TO DO: Harold to glean past minutes to see if board needs to take important recommendations to the board.
d. TO DO: Wendy & Harold to draft GM agenda: Include current DNC issues: Library housing; Street market job posting; shelter closures and women’s shelter statement; LAPP update; Chinatown towers hearing; recommendations from board like LAPP liaison to the city; agreed to not bring up letter from board to absent board members at this GM – wait until next GM;
e. TO DO: Food – Fraser/Britta/Craig. Aids Test investigation.
f. TO DO: Phone Tree: Tami.
g. TO DO: Wendy to ask Stacey & Beth to help with membership list/sign in.
h. Discussion about Honorariums (see below):
i. TO DO: Tami to organize daycare
j. Co-chairs: Tami & Wendy (or Harold).
3) Board Development:
a. TO DO: Ann to draft letter to absent board members as passed at last board meeting. Not done yet. Ping feels conflict and stress with the board meetings. Happened over the past 6 months. Everyone agrees General Members will make final decision about board turnover.
b. Board Development workshop Saturday, April 9 1 pm at 118 Alexander Street Buzzer #100
i. Decision to add conflict resolution to board development workshop and something on team building.
ii. Decision to include honorarium evaluation discussion
iii. TO DO: Tami: print off photo copies of constitution with Wendy’s help so we can discuss this at the workshop.
iv. TO DO: Tami do an anti oppression workshop
v. TO DO: Committee struck at last board meeting: Sid/Dave/Ann/Ivan to work on agenda and organize this meeting including getting a facilitator
vi. TO DO: Wendy to book room
4) Honorarium evaluation: Motion: to extent the trial for honorariums for 2 months (May & June) and discuss the evaluation process at the April 9th board development workshop for ½ an hour. Passed. Abstainers: Fraser & Ping. Evaluation could entail: establishing set venue; having 2 meetings in consistent space with no stipends and measuring difference; taking attendance; giving stipends for work outside of meetings rather than attendance at GM; measuring quality of meetings with and without stipends; difficulty getting quorum at GMs; measuring attendance of very poor people; measuring increase in volunteerism etc.
5) Chinatown towers: Sign up to the April 5th at shitty hall. Jean is a good advisor for speeches if you want help. Ivan met with 14/15 seniors for meeting entirely in Cantonese at Solhiem and they were against the towers. Consider Mr and Mrs Tang for board members of DNC. Ryder Cooey & Claudia Li are doing outreach with the small businesses. We need to organize a more discussion meetings in Chinatown to get people up to city hall on the 5th. Chinatown residents committee meeting will be Carnegie Theatre / april 9/ or 16th. Works better for Ping on the 16th.
TO DO: meet at Carnegie on Monday at noon to work on next steps for Chinatown towers campaign.
TO DO: Wendy to put together info bulletin on what happened, what needs to happen next and video of some of the speeches for GM and wider circulation
6) (Ann: shitty hall is the great big tit in the sky)
7) LAPP update: Update from Wendy, Harold and Paul on progress with BCS and City. May send joint DNC/BCS letter soon. Will send around final copy on email to board before sending it out. See draft in pkg. Stalling on taking it out to low-income groups. Need to give update on this to GM. Paul said big stumbling block with BCS is around our need for 70% low income residents on the committee. Fraser: resources available to do the LAPP is a big issue. Don’t believe there are major decisions to make on this at the next GM.
8) Library: quick update and round table pat on back for our success.
9) Kerry: Harold took this on. Letter is done by lawyer and sent out.
10)Methadone clinic issue & Strathcona Rez Association opposition to it moving it their neighbourhood. Complicated says Ann because there are so many and some pharmacies are corrupt. Why need to expand their business from small shop on Main to big location (ex Pivot site) on Hastings?
To DO: Ann and Dave to take the issue to BC association of people on methadone and seek feedback and possible letter to SRA and City.
11)Rickshaw: Motion: Oppose new liquor licence application for Rickshaw. Passed. One abstainer: Paul. Reasons: 1 liquor seat for every 2 residents; messy sidewalk never cleaned after parties; too noisy; residents complained about violence from outside drinkers in ccap vision.
TO DO: Ping to draft a letter to the city from DNC and circulate it on board email list before sending out.
12)New issues to deal with in the future: End Prohibition Coalition growing out of DTES activism; HIV testing; Ping’s tofu making workshop;
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