DNC board minutes
April 16, 2011
Earl, Dave M., Ann, Richard, Fraser, Ping, Dave H, Paul, Ron, Ivan, Wendy
(missing someone?)
Guest: Martha
Discussed acknowledgement practice that was trashed by chinatown leader at
the hearing and Fraser read constitution.
1. Ann gave street market report. The SM is now giving out honorariums to
volunteers. $150/week plus $60/week for food. The SM committee is working
on governance structure and will make a motion to this end at the next board
meeting. The idea is to have a SM and Wendy on it so far. Maybe adding a
few more vendors to it? Also to have a volunteer and vendor committee.
Current funds will last for 14 weeks to cover the cost of a
fundraiser/coordinator, honorariums, food, insurance, 10% to VANDU for
admin. Hoping to get another $20K from Central City Foundation. Will know
early May.
2. Ivan reported on his meeting with Ann to plan Board development day. Sid
and Paul unable to make that meeting. Goals will be to outline what we do,
how to do it, gaps in terms of what is not happening, improving democracy
and accountability in the structure. Also want to 1. review the
constitution and bylaws; 2. Figure out what positions of responsibility
need to be created 3. How to make complaints 4. How to train or skill share
so everyone is able to have power and avoid the "meritocracy" which means
those who can do the jobs the best have the most power. Martha is willing
to facilitate for us. Her interest is participatory democratic processes.
She asked: why did we want a facilitator? What issues made you want to do
Dave: meritocracy
Richard: need to elect executive
Ping: opposed to top down bureaucracy; committees can best address issues
Ivan: wants to know about different voting models; the one we use right now
is a strange modifying of roberts rules and consensus; seek consensus first
and if disagreement, we put it aside for more discussion.
Harold: we're overwhelmed right now and how decisions get made can be
murky; wants to know how to solve conflicts in better ways;
Paul: ways to deal with interpersonal conflicts and new leaders to learn
how to do things;
Ron: concurs with Paul
Dave H: we need things worked out because people observing us from the
outside now; wants accountability; very proud of everyone; wants to fine
tune what's working now
Nathan: clarity for differences between decisions made at board, exec and
Wendy: wants neutral facilitator; executive vs designating roles without
label of President etc; wants transparent and accountable to grassroots and
like Dave H, to observers on outside;
Earl: we are elected by our peers because we make things happen; how to
deal with our issues that aren't new; development a movement in how we deal
with stuff; supports electing executive
Martha: heard 1. Legal structure; 2. Executive board and need for
leadership to not be organic; 3. Leadership roles; 4. How to deal with
conflict (productive and destructive). Is it personal or political.any
group with mixed marginalized and non marg. people will always have these
Martha interested to do mostly democratic decision making, skills
development and conflict resolution.
Ann, Ivan, Sid and Paul to meet with Martha one more time before Sat board
Wendy to book room
Wendy to send constitution and bylaws to Martha and copy final pkgs to board
Ann to do food?
3. Set a separate meeting for honorariums evaluation: Ann, Wendy, Paul,
Sid, Harold, Dave H and who will set a separate meeting and report to GM.
4. Chinatown Towers debrief: Someone should make a video of the bad
questions of Jang and Louie. Decision to have a celebration, with open mic,
invite seniors and everyone who participated; No decision about who will
work on this. Suggestion to hire Kim and Lily Tang as organizers for the
Chinatown residents committee. Suggestion to work out a proposal at the
action committee. Jean is drafting a letter to respond to councillors'
personal attacks. Wendy to talk to Jean about making it a DNC letter.
5. Shelters: Earl doing lots of organizing to keep PHS shelter open with
letters etc. Richard concerned about other shelters closing too. Meet on
Sunday at 5:45 to go to shelters and start organizing with residents to keep
them open. CCAP taking this on. Come to next Friday 11:30 ccap meeting to
plan action.
6. New natural community member: Phoenix Winter requests membership.
Fraser reads out her letter. Fraser: Motion to recommend Phoenix as a
natural community member. Paul: second. Carried. Fraser to present this
at the GM.
7. LAPP: will make a report at the next board meeting to prepare for next
GM. Has been rocky. Tons of hours. Wendy, Harold, Paul, Ivan, Dave H,
Fraser are the board members on the DNC planning committee.
8. Ginseng: possibly could be used for LAPP and city to pay for rent; Ann -
lets ask city to pay for it regardless because we are homeless; available
2nd week of May; no GM there in May; decision: ask Atira to have the space
for meetings but not to be open all the time; is it more important to do
our outreach and go to where people are or expect them to come to us in a
space and maybe better to work in other people's spaces; committee should
meet to plan the space: Ann, Richard, Ivan, Paul, Dave H, Wendy.
9. Justice committee - Ping will help Dave H with tickets. Maybe work on
forming a bigger committee.
10. Arts committee meeting today at Gallery Gachet. Needs board reps there:
ivan, Fraser and Harold to go.
11. Need to talk about volunteer supports like phone minutes in the future.
Could do that in context of taking on responsibilities at board development
Moment of silence - adjourned.
April 16, 2011
Earl, Dave M., Ann, Richard, Fraser, Ping, Dave H, Paul, Ron, Ivan, Wendy
(missing someone?)
Guest: Martha
Discussed acknowledgement practice that was trashed by chinatown leader at
the hearing and Fraser read constitution.
1. Ann gave street market report. The SM is now giving out honorariums to
volunteers. $150/week plus $60/week for food. The SM committee is working
on governance structure and will make a motion to this end at the next board
meeting. The idea is to have a SM and Wendy on it so far. Maybe adding a
few more vendors to it? Also to have a volunteer and vendor committee.
Current funds will last for 14 weeks to cover the cost of a
fundraiser/coordinator, honorariums, food, insurance, 10% to VANDU for
admin. Hoping to get another $20K from Central City Foundation. Will know
early May.
2. Ivan reported on his meeting with Ann to plan Board development day. Sid
and Paul unable to make that meeting. Goals will be to outline what we do,
how to do it, gaps in terms of what is not happening, improving democracy
and accountability in the structure. Also want to 1. review the
constitution and bylaws; 2. Figure out what positions of responsibility
need to be created 3. How to make complaints 4. How to train or skill share
so everyone is able to have power and avoid the "meritocracy" which means
those who can do the jobs the best have the most power. Martha is willing
to facilitate for us. Her interest is participatory democratic processes.
She asked: why did we want a facilitator? What issues made you want to do
Dave: meritocracy
Richard: need to elect executive
Ping: opposed to top down bureaucracy; committees can best address issues
Ivan: wants to know about different voting models; the one we use right now
is a strange modifying of roberts rules and consensus; seek consensus first
and if disagreement, we put it aside for more discussion.
Harold: we're overwhelmed right now and how decisions get made can be
murky; wants to know how to solve conflicts in better ways;
Paul: ways to deal with interpersonal conflicts and new leaders to learn
how to do things;
Ron: concurs with Paul
Dave H: we need things worked out because people observing us from the
outside now; wants accountability; very proud of everyone; wants to fine
tune what's working now
Nathan: clarity for differences between decisions made at board, exec and
Wendy: wants neutral facilitator; executive vs designating roles without
label of President etc; wants transparent and accountable to grassroots and
like Dave H, to observers on outside;
Earl: we are elected by our peers because we make things happen; how to
deal with our issues that aren't new; development a movement in how we deal
with stuff; supports electing executive
Martha: heard 1. Legal structure; 2. Executive board and need for
leadership to not be organic; 3. Leadership roles; 4. How to deal with
conflict (productive and destructive). Is it personal or political.any
group with mixed marginalized and non marg. people will always have these
Martha interested to do mostly democratic decision making, skills
development and conflict resolution.
Ann, Ivan, Sid and Paul to meet with Martha one more time before Sat board
Wendy to book room
Wendy to send constitution and bylaws to Martha and copy final pkgs to board
Ann to do food?
3. Set a separate meeting for honorariums evaluation: Ann, Wendy, Paul,
Sid, Harold, Dave H and who will set a separate meeting and report to GM.
4. Chinatown Towers debrief: Someone should make a video of the bad
questions of Jang and Louie. Decision to have a celebration, with open mic,
invite seniors and everyone who participated; No decision about who will
work on this. Suggestion to hire Kim and Lily Tang as organizers for the
Chinatown residents committee. Suggestion to work out a proposal at the
action committee. Jean is drafting a letter to respond to councillors'
personal attacks. Wendy to talk to Jean about making it a DNC letter.
5. Shelters: Earl doing lots of organizing to keep PHS shelter open with
letters etc. Richard concerned about other shelters closing too. Meet on
Sunday at 5:45 to go to shelters and start organizing with residents to keep
them open. CCAP taking this on. Come to next Friday 11:30 ccap meeting to
plan action.
6. New natural community member: Phoenix Winter requests membership.
Fraser reads out her letter. Fraser: Motion to recommend Phoenix as a
natural community member. Paul: second. Carried. Fraser to present this
at the GM.
7. LAPP: will make a report at the next board meeting to prepare for next
GM. Has been rocky. Tons of hours. Wendy, Harold, Paul, Ivan, Dave H,
Fraser are the board members on the DNC planning committee.
8. Ginseng: possibly could be used for LAPP and city to pay for rent; Ann -
lets ask city to pay for it regardless because we are homeless; available
2nd week of May; no GM there in May; decision: ask Atira to have the space
for meetings but not to be open all the time; is it more important to do
our outreach and go to where people are or expect them to come to us in a
space and maybe better to work in other people's spaces; committee should
meet to plan the space: Ann, Richard, Ivan, Paul, Dave H, Wendy.
9. Justice committee - Ping will help Dave H with tickets. Maybe work on
forming a bigger committee.
10. Arts committee meeting today at Gallery Gachet. Needs board reps there:
ivan, Fraser and Harold to go.
11. Need to talk about volunteer supports like phone minutes in the future.
Could do that in context of taking on responsibilities at board development
Moment of silence - adjourned.
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