Tuesday, 1 November 2011

DNC Board meeting - November 1, 2011

DNC Board meeting
November 1, 2011

Board: Fraser, Wendy, Ann, Harold, Ping, Richard, Paul, Ivan
Guests: Charles, Dave D, Steven, James, Susan

Agenda: AGM planning

1) Board report on 2012 vision
Ivan: Suggestion to plan a vision for 2012 based on our experiences in 2011
Wendy: Shouldn't push on the future board
Ping: Cannot direct the next board
Harold: Should provide some guidance
Ann: I would want to arrive at the board with a plan from the past board
Wendy: I'd like to hear from Ivan what he thinks about how this could go
Steven: I think the board has insight about what has gone on in
organizing. But I think the general meetings are always too dominated
by board members telling members what to do. That should change. One
of the successes of the DNC has been becoming an alternative
Richard: I want to see us fighting for the 10 sites. We also have been
talking about raise the rates.
Paul: I don't think our goal is to create a binding direction. We
should bring a vision forward based on our experiences.
Dave D: The overall plan could have to do with: Secure adequate
housing; Empower residents (women's safety and tenants' union);
Community control and direction of planning processes.
Ping: We should have at least a small office.
Ivan: We are fighting an impossible battle, need to provide leadership
for a vision.
(Notes from Tami: Our strengths are the diversity of our community,
the valuing of life experience, the connections to the community. Our
weaknesses were that we did not well organize capacity building and
skill sharing. And we have work to do to build our communication
networks stronger.)
Tami's notes continued:
Ivan: Beneath Dave's program of which campaigns we should focus on, we
should talk about how we do that work. I think in 2012 our emphasis
should be more on capacity building.
Harold: Maybe we should have two board reports: One on campaigns and
one on organizational structure and work.
Ann: We don't have good ways to measure the capacity building we have
done. We can't measure it as well as a middle-class group where we can
show the writing work board members have done or whatever. We value
our community for what it accomplishes from its own standards. So who
are we comparing ourselves to when we talk about capacity building.
Wendy: How are we going to do this?
Ping: The board members made the street market great.
Susan: I have board documents I'd like to share that might be helpful.
Fraser: Should be recommendations not rules
Ivan: I suggest we follow what Harold said and break it down into 2
parts: 1) What we have done, and 2) How we have done it. And each will
end in recommendations for next steps.
Paul: Should be focused on celebrating the successes of the last year.
Harold: The edits to the constitution and bylaws will take six hours.
DECISION: Ivan will write a presentation with Tami and Paul for a
board / co-presidents presentation on the board vision and
recommendations. Less than 5 minute presentation and a half hour

2) Constitution and bylaws
Harold: It'll be 6 hours for us to deal with the constitution and bylaws
Fraser: Can't we put the edits over to the next board?
Wendy: We have to spend a bunch of time on the constitution and bylaws
Paul: I don't think the edits to the constitution and bylaws are going
to take a long time. Most of the constitution edits will be easy.
Ivan: We should ask for principled differences with the constitution
and bylaws, but if there's major problems then we should just leave it
as-is, put it off.
Ann: Could move through the edits quickly and do straw polls to
measure relative opposition.
Wendy: Should have a couple people look at the edits and prioritize them.
Harold: Agreed.
Ann: We should do a rehearsal to see how long it takes to get through.
Make two plans: One with the visioning and the other without... in
case the edits will take too long.
Wendy: We could leave the constitution to the end and ask people to
stay in order to squeak through the edits...
James: Somebody should stand up and explain what the whole thing is,
and I think it'll be okay with everyone.
Ann: Make sure it goes up on the projector
Ivan: Let's just go through it by straw poll.
Dave: 1:10 min for elections, 30 for bylaw and constitutional
amendments, 20 for visioning.
Steven: These bylaws are not legally sound.
DECISION: To meet at the Balmoral at 7pm to do last minutes planning.

3) Outreach
- Postering tonight: Ivan, Roland
- Calling: Wendy coordinating. All board members expected to call.

4) Logistics
- Chairs: Paul and Tami
- Opening: Ivan to ask Kelvin
- Layout of chairs to be facing
- Food: Teresa Diewert (Wendy to ask Carnegie to make)
- Food servers instead of line-ups.
- Slideshow: Wendy and Tami
- Poster display: Ivan
- Notetaker: Letitzia (Wendy to ask)
- Photographer: Ivan to ask Murray to volunteer for this

5) Elections
a. Nominations
- Make a nominations committee
- Wendy, Ann, and Paul (MOTION Richard, second Harold. PASSED: Ping 
- Committee will make forms and cover all of details
b. Ballot counter
MOTION: To ask Rider, Mona, and Claudia Li to be ballot counters
(Passed unanimous)
c. Voting problems
- Give the ballots out just before the elections speeches
- No voting cards, it'll be okay.
d. Elections results
DECISION: To post results with names only at VANDU, Carnegie, AFD,
DEWC, plus 30 on poles.

6) Door prizes
a. Door prizes
- Wendy has three door prizes for the meeting
b. Resolutions
- no time for resolutions unfortunately.

Ann: That if the families of the missing and murdered women have not
left yet then we should have them come to the December meeting and
recognize them.

7) Agenda
1) Opening (2 min)
2) Protocols (2 min)
- Approve agenda
- Approve minutes
- Ballot counters
3) Vision (20 min)
4) Election (1:10 min)
5) Constitution and bylaws edits (30 min)
6) Food and door prizes and open mic with quiet music

Meeting adjourned 8:10pm.

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