Monday, 15 August 2011

DNC Board Meeting - Monday August 15, 2011

DNC Board Meeting
Monday August 15
Jacob’s Well (239 Main St)
*Note: A light dinner will be provided, thanks to Ann

See minutes from last board meeting (attached and pasted below), there
will be many points that carry over from that meeting to this week’s


1) Communications with other groups
a. DTES Women’s Centre letter and response
b. Discussion about the denial of funding to the Missing and Murdered
Women Inquiry
c. Jen’s Kitchen tour support

2) Board business
a. Honorariums evaluation
b. Natural community members
c. Food at board meetings

2) Committee reports
a. LAPP and low-income caucus update
b. Wonder and Palace hotel struggle update
c. Street market report

--- --- ---
DNC Board meeting minutes
August 8, 2011

Present: Ivan, Ann Marie, Dave M, Harold, Fraser, Richard C, Ann, Jen,
Dave H, Lorna, Paul M
Guest: Lyn
Chair: Paul
Minutes: Ivan

1) Committee reports and work
a. Street market
c. Pantages

2) Women’s safety in the DTES and the letter from DTES Women’s Centre

3) Board business
a. Board seats
b. Honorariums evaluation (TABLED)
c. Natural community members (TABLED)
d. Food at board meetings (TABLED)

4) Other reports
a. Jen’s Kitchen
b. Amicus for missing and murdered women’s inquiry (TABLED)
c. Request for point from DNC member (TABLED)


1) Committee reports and work

a. Street market
DECISION: To set aside a half hour for discussion about the street
market at the end of the next meeting

- reports on the formation of the low-income caucus. Seems like the
meeting this week will be important for communications about our
negotiated TOR
- points out that there is an agency section for the LAPP committee
and that we should put agencies there; keep the low-income caucus for
low-income resident groups

c. Pantages
- reports that the development permit application could be delayed
because of troubles with the project within the existing zoning
- There are divergent ideas in the coalition about whether to take
this issue on through city staff and council or through direct action
- Next meeting to focus on the boycott campaign and other actions
- Hope to get more residents there
Dave H:
- Should take the Pantages to the province and demand that they
collect the outstanding taxes and fines from Worthington properties by
seizing Pantages
- Concerned that there are not enough residents involved in the coalition
DECISION: For DNC to focus on organizing a 100-block resident meeting
and action campaign
- Will try to involve folks through the VANDU Tuesday group meeting
and the Political Action group at Lifeskills
- Also working on putting together a meeting about this issue with
city staff, based on the model of point 9 in the LAPP terms of

2) Board business

a. Board seats
DECISION: To send a letter to Ron checking if he wants to stay on the
board, if we can support him to come to meetings, or if he wants to
stand aside and open his seat for others
DECISION: To leave other partially vacant seats as-are for the time
being and wait for the AGM to make further board seat adjustments

3) Other reports

a. Jen’s kitchen
- Will be away from October 12 to November 5th on a tour to advocate
for sex workers’ safety and rights
DECISION: To get information on the tour to discuss DNC support for the tour

b. Letter from DTES Women’s Centre
- Distributed the letter received from Alice, coordinator of the
women’s centre, opposing our decision to invite Ric Matthews from 1st
United Church to speak at our general meeting
- Explained discussions with Alice and others about this issue
throughout all of last week in the lead up to the meeting
- Ric embarrassed himself at the meeting, continued to speak with his
foot in his mouth
- FUC can’t pull off a non-exclusion space because they don’t work
with people who use the space
- Angela did a great job at the meeting. It should have been filmed
and put online
- Agree with Ann that Angela did a great job explaining what’s wrong
with FUC’s policies and practice
- If we respond to DEWC’s letter I think we should avoid a fight. We
should not respond this week, cool off and work on a response next
- If we’re going to respond we should recognize that we agree
completely with their points about FUC, especially the 3rd paragraph
Dave H:
- If DNC or VANDU wrote a letter like this it would have been
discussed, written, edited by the boards, not signed by a single
- Concerned that the letter does not represent the views of the women
at the centre, just 2 or three people
DECISION: To continue discussion next week and work on a response then
DECISION: Jen to work on a first draft as a point of discussion and
send it for edits to Ivan before the meeting

4) Anti-Violence workshop
DECISION: To pursue an anti-violence workshop in line with the
principles of the motion drafted by Angela and Ivan (see below)
SUB-CTTE: Ann Marie, Ivan, Jen, Angela

CLOSING: Moment of silence led by Paul

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