DNC Board Meeting minutes, February 6th, 2015,
Location: Area #62, Hastings Street.
Meeting Space
Legal Committee
Housing Committee
Suggestion Box
Extra Cost re: Methadone
Street Market
Meeting Space
Group will meet at Ray Cam next week, Friday @ 5:pm. Group
will continue to search for more central place to meet.
Legal Committee
Group discusses creating database of issues. Ann and Amanda will work together after 18th.
Housing Committee
President of Stamp’s Tenant Council will attend next DNC
meeting @ Ray Cam.
Group discusses that Jamie’s case is adjourned until April.
Suggestion Box
Roland will allow Shawn to use Street Market Printer. Ann: If
people want an answer they should leave their email and phone number.
Roland proposes that DNC provide money for the online
survey. Street Market will pay half the cost of $120 per year. Roland
motioned. Ann: 2nded. Motion passed.
Extra Cost re: Methadone.
The clinic now charges $40 dispensing fee. There are no
alternative meds so people are forced to pay a large amount (unaffordable) from
their disability cheque. Ann: If coastal health does the dispensing the fee is
not applied.
Group discusses that there are two large treatment programs
for men in dtes. There are no treatment programs for women.
Ann: Simon Fraser
Series. Awesome speakers. Evening courses. Suggestion that a series of
speakers could speak on dtes issues and would be good to include rights based
discourse. Suggests Amanda could speak. Talk about how we’re trying to make our
own case.
Street Market
Roland: We’re getting traction on the free wi-fi project.
Many groups part of the proposal including Ray Cam, Strathcona, Carnegie.
Street Market will be part of proposal. We need equipment money. Vancouver
Community Network is going to advise. VCN said they’ve been trying to install
for years. Michael Green and an architectural firm is donating innovative
wooden structure to Street Market, as their gift to community.
We need to contact councilors to go on a tour. Agreement that member will send email.
Decision to table the discussion of funding. First order of
business next meeting.
Moment of Silence
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