Monday, 2 November 2015

DNC Minutes Oct 27th, 2015 Area 62


Legal Committee
Street Market
Other Business

Legal Committee

Planning open house

Street Market

Group discusses developments at new site


Further distribution of posters, invite residents to AGM. Food provided by Ann.  Motion to extend nomination date to November 3rd at 10:00 a.m. Motion passed.

Other Business

Vancouver’s Reconciliation: Monday, November 2nd, 2015 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 pm @ Aboriginal Friendship Society 1607 East Hastings.

Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council survey is linked through the free wifi site provided by Street Market.

Moment of Silence


Saturday, 24 October 2015

DNC Minutes Oct 20th, 2015 Area 62



Legal Subcommittee

Other Business

Minutes from Oct 12, 2015 read
and passed


Event Page created by Ann Livingston
Posters and nomination forms printed and can be picked up at the Kiosk Area 62
Nominations must be filled in and delivered to Kiosk Area 62 no later than 10am Oct 27th.

DNC Annual General Meeting Date: Nov 3rd, 2015 Time: 2pm (sign up 1:30)
Place: 62 East Hastings General business will include: Food & Festivities, Reflection on
2015, Treasurer’s Report, Board Elections

Legal Law Subcommittee Proposed With DTES Planning Group Helen Ma & Tom Wanklin

Other Business None

Moment of Silence, Adjourned

Monday, 19 October 2015

DNC Board Minutes, October 13th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver



Street Market

Legal Committee


Ann will print nomination forms and posters. Posters and nomination forms will be printed and available for October 20th. Suggested AGM budget $300.

Street Market

Street Market is looking at securing funds for installation of ramp for washroom for persons with disabilities.

Legal Committee

Meeting at DURC on Monday 10:30 to 12 noon with Women’s Action Group.

Moment of Silence.


Monday, 12 October 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes,  October 6th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver


Legal Committee


Legal Committee

Discussion that townhall meeting was a successful event. Members met with Katrina Pacey from Pivot on Friday October 2nd, 2015. Members have meeting scheduled with city councillor. Group discusses need for a resource for members to learn constitutional law as a necessary tool for advocacy.


Date set for pre-AGM is October 27th. AGM to take place on November 10th.

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting minutes, September 22nd, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver


Legal Committee

Wifi Project

Other Business

Legal Committee

Group discusses final details of upcoming townhall meeting.

Wifi Project

Group discusses how Ray Cam can assist to install nodes to extend wifi along Hasting corridor to Stamps. Amanda will talk to Ray Cam about this project. Aaron will talk to Durc about installation of nodes.

Other Business

Group discusses upcoming AGM

Moment of Silence
DNC Board Meeting minutes, September 15th, 2015, Location: DURC, 412 East Cordova, Vancouver


Legal committee
Group discusses upcoming townhall meeting at SFU Woodwards. Discussion of poster, press release, and brochure. Chris and Ann will sit at information booth.

Group discusses potential dates for upcoming AGM

Moment of Silence


Saturday, 12 September 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, September 8th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver, BC


Location for September 15th meeting

Location for September 15th meeting at 10:00 a.m. will be at Durc. Go to Durc across from Oppenhiemer Park and someone will show you to the room.

Street Market

This Sunday is the transition from Pidgeon Park to #501 Powell. Secured portable washroom that includes one disabled washroom – ramp needs to be built – some debate as to having co-ed status for disability washroom. Power will be set up tomorrow at 501.

Other Business

Chris and Jules lent Aaron $5 to send fax.

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, September 1st, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver, BC


Legal Committee
Other Business

Legal Committee

Amanda spoke of Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 presentation at DURC and September 30th, 7 pm presentation at Woodward’s-SFU building Word Art’s Center.   UBC is in talks to assist Legal Committee to set up classes or workshops to teach residents about law. More information to come on this in September.

Other Business

Jules touched on updating bad date list and putting the word on the street re violent dates as they seem to be on the rise.

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, August 4th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver, BC


Legal Committee
Street Market

Legal Committee

DURC presentation at 2 p.m. Thursday, September 3rd, 2015.

Street Market

501 has been opened 3 times without 40 to 60 vendors.  Semi permanent bathrooms to be put in place. Will be operating a total of 5 days a week, 2 days at 501.


Dr. Joe came to speak and help secure funding. WAHRS did demonstration and continued protests are planned.

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, August 4th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver, BC


Legal Committee
Street Market
Other Business

Legal Committee

Our complaint has moved to the notification phase

Street Market

Official opening of Street Market’s new site at 501 Powell, Monday, August 3rd, 2015. John gave statement at opening.

Other Business

Ann and Chris attended PAT on the 14th – felt that this was a good resource for networking, spoke of the “poverty game.”

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, July 28th, 2015, Location: #62 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC.


Legal Committee
Street Market
Other Business

Legal Committee

Group has a discussion about the town hall meeting. Group discusses content of the presentation and how difficult it is to think through the discrimination that is inherent in the rhetoric used to talk about issues in dtes.

Street Market

Asking for people to come out to a meeting Thursday 10:00 a.m. Woodward’s Building.  Street Market and City Hall meeting.

Other Business

BC Public Advocacy complaint has been turned down by ombudsman and they are saying each and every individual must make a complaint.
Poverty Action Team – Wednesday night, 29th July – 207 – West Hastings, Room 1400

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, July 21st, 2015, Location: #62 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC.


Legal Committee

Other Business

Legal Committee

Presentation at DURC
Attending Vandu Brd Mtg Thursday July 23rd to set up another presentation

Other Business

Problem that there are no provisions for pwd to access post-secondary education
Voter registration table at Street Market – tabled.
The CBC Documentary “The Nature of Things” will be attending EIDGE on Monday 27th
 at 11 a.m.  – sign up at 10 a.m.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 20 July 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, July 14th, 2015, Location: #62 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC


Social Services Event

Legal Committee

Street Market


Social Services Event

Vandu will co-sponsor. Today will be the first in a series. Fact finding mission on what is in place. Ombudsman complaint filed by BCGEU. Ombudsman was sent letter outlining complaints that negatively affect people released from corrections.

Legal Committee

Town hall meeting location is Woodwards SFU.
Hr complaint – 3 pg submission filed and now wait approx two weeks to hear response.

Street Market

Lot is now paved.


Final warning given to Jamie for conduct unbecoming and was requested not to attend for one month.

Moment of Silence.

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, July 7th, 2015, Location:  #62, East Hastings, Vancouver, BC.


Welfare Issues Meeting


Collective Impact Study

Legal Committee

Other Business

Welfare Issues

Group discusses idea to bring Vandu and DNC together to address welfare issues. Plan to gather info through a series of meetings.  1st meeting @ Vandu on July 14th @ 2 pm.


Rob reports that renovictions are occurring at 1889 Powell Street.

Collective Impact Study

Ann is on committee.

Legal Committee

Town hall meeting is proceeding as planned.

Other Business

Marla has been voted in as secretary for BC Assc of People on Methadose.

Moment of Silence.


Monday, 6 July 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes, June 30th, 2015. Location: #62 East Hastings, Vancouver.


Powell Street Reno-Evictions

Law Subcommittee

Street Market Report

Powell Street Reno-Evictions


Reno-evictions are happening on Powell street. Rob will go to find out and report back.

Law Subcommittee

The committee has heard from CHRC. The office requested  3 page submission. Also meetings with various interested parties re town hall meeting.

Street Market Report

Brief council meeting. Street Market received approval. Council voted 8 to 3 in favor.  Street Market will now open three days per week.  The Mayor spoke in favor of the Street Market. 
DNC Board Meeting Minutes, June 23,2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings Street.


Law Subcommittee

Eviction Study (Urban Health Initiative)

Other Business

Law Subcommittee

No update regarding complaint. Group discusses town hall meeting.

Eviction Study (Urban Health Initiative) Government Data

Ann will try and get updated and have DNC attend with the property costs in dtes.

Other Business

Ann is contacting Susan Anton, Jenny Kwan, Andrew Day re: with respect to welfare, housing, prescription drugs, strategy for DNC to address these issues. Next week Ann will bring this forward. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, June 16th, 2015. Location: #62, East Hastings, Vancouver, BC.


Legal Committee

Fry Bread

Sex Trade Rally Support

Collective Impact Group

Other Business

Legal Committee

Group discusses media contacts.  Group discusses working with other groups to organize town hall meeting.

Fry Bread

Friday 19th @ Ray Cam John will be selling frybread  - 3:00 until 6:00 pm.

Sex Trade Rally Support

3rd annual Red Umbrella rally on Saturday, June 20th. Start at the Art Gallery and march to Crab Park.

Collective Impact Group

Ann is on temporary committee. Looking at social conditions related to mental health and addictions.

Other Business

Citizens Assembly:  Ann is representing DNC with Citizens Assembly. Neighborhoods fighting to maintain control over their perspective neighborhood once a month on Sunday.

Moment of Silence


Tuesday, 16 June 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes, June 9th, 2015. Location:  #62 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC.


Western Harm Reduction Conference

Legal Sub-Committee

Street Market/Outreach

Western Harm Reduction Conference

Group Members attended an AGM style meeting.

Legal Sub-Committee

Discussion of how to obtain funding and memorandum of understanding.

Street Market/Outreach

Discussion about outreach workers gathering information for BC Center for Excellence.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, June 2nd, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.

On this date many of board members out of town at various conferences.


Law Subcommittee

Sex Trade Worker’s Rights Conference Overview

Law Subcommittee

Complaint submitted.

Sex Trade Worker’s Rights Conference

Jules touched on the gist of the conference. Many groups attempting to find recourse.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, May 26th, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.


Legal Subcommittee

Street Market

Federal Election

Movie Update

Other Business

Law Subcommittee

Meeting with legal official re town hall meeting.  DRC will provide advertising, snacks. Aaron/Amanda /Ann/Chris will present.

Street Market

501 Powell is still open ended. Vendors still receiving tickets. Outreach worker came to meeting to address issue of revolving sentences.

Federal Election


Movie Update

Possibility of moving forward with proposal. Group discusses next steps.

Other Business

Groups discusses letter to Vancouver Coastal Health. Amanda will forward letter to Western Harm Reduction Conference to Ann.  Motion from Ann to nominate Chris to represent DNC to Street Market Board. Motion passed.

Moment of Silence

Monday, 25 May 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, May 19th, 2015. Location: Area #62, Hastings Street, Vancouver


Street Market

Law Sub-Committee

Stamps Update

Film Industry Update

Other Business

Street Market

Outreach monies have not yet arrived.  Street Market plans on working with Center for Excellence.
Carnegie is promoting idea that the Street Market must stay put.

Law Sub-Committee

Meeting May 21st with law professor and legal official. It’s a great opportunity with possibility of moving forward on our legal project. Amanda and Aaron will report back.

Stamps Update

Some new tenants are causing problems re disrupting quiet enjoyment for other tenants, an unusual problem in an otherwise quiet neighborhood.  Stamps Tenant’s Council was helpful in advising with this problem.

Film Industry Update

DNC will work with Street Market resources for contracts. Chris/Ann will take lead on this project.

Other Business

Jules is going to Toronto at the end of the month on conference with street workers re new court ruling.
Western Harm Reduction Conference May 28th, Rob, John and Ann will be attending.  Amanda will write letter to be read at conference re housing complaint.

Housing complaint re tenants’ requested for id; case was won at rtb and in court but the housing provider stated in newspaper that housing provider will continue to impose the policy.

Moment of Silence


Sunday, 17 May 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, May 12th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.


Aboriginal  Subcommittee

New Board Member

Law Subcommittee

Other Business

Aboriginal Subcommittee

John:  50 people attended rally on West Broadway. We presented the letter to be given to CEO of Vancouver Coastal Health Authority. 30 people went up in the elevator. The janitor ordered security not to let other people onto 2nd elevator. We told the staff it was a peaceful demonstration. We asked that the CEO respond to letter within two weeks. If the answer to our request is no then we will call a press conference.  VCHA funds Life Skills and Main Street. We want them to fund a non-residential alcohol management program through Eidge. 

Ann:  The same 50 people get picked up all the time so the alcohol management program works. It saves people’s lives.

John:  Eidge is to present at the Alberta Harm Reduction Conference. The presentation is called “In This Together".  Also points out that Ann will be presenting at the conference on working toward supervised consumption sites.

New Board Member

Amanda nominates Richard as new board member. Richard lives outside the dtes and he is a Natural Community Member. Motion passes unanimously.

Law Subcommittee

Discussion of meeting with legal official:  Ann: Ask him about the poor laws where people are ticketed are harassed, and its happening now worldwide. There was a report written called The Calgary Report. That report points out that police are moving people into remand and overseeing conditional release directly. The police will add 3 or 4 more criminal charges to one ticket.
Amanda: OK. We also want to ask if there are any resources available so people can learn legal literacy. I think that’s an important thing because people in this community are told they don’t have any rights when they do.
Group discusses. Amanda will write up a letter for May 28th harm reduction conference to ask if people are being denied visitors in housing there also.

Ann: Ask lawyer if the law firm can provide weekly meetings for 8 weeks with stipends for attendees if they have a case. Amanda agrees.

Other Business

Narcon kits

Group discusses that DNC should have Narcon kits. Group discusses that Atira is not allowed to administrate Narcon kits because of liability but harm reduction/Good Samaritan law may overrule liability. Ann: the issue is that there should be enough around.

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, May 5th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver, BC.


Minutes (tabled)

Constitution (tabled)

Legal Committee

We have heard from assessment officer. Must provide more information, and also the lawyer is reviewing information.

Amanda and Aaron are excited that they’re meeting with legal official on the 21st. One of the issues we hope to address in this meeting is to gain information that could lead us to resources for public legal education. Ann points out its important for us to try to address the issue of poor people being ticketed disproportionately in dtes and fined money they cannot pay, until they end up in remand for quite a long time over a bus ticket or a vending ticket.

Group has long wide ranging discussion on issues.

St. Market Report

BIA not opposing Street Market. Meeting at 3 pm @ Woodward’s 5th floor today with people who might want to partner with Street Market on what is now being called an Economic Hub.

Moment of Silence

DNC Board Meeting minutes, April 28th, 2015, Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.


Street Market Report

Law Subcommittee

Methadone Clinic Issue

Other Business

Street Market Report

Member raises question re Street Market. Group discusses and decides that question is not DNC business and that the question needs to be brought up at Street Market Board 8 a.m., Saturday @ Vandu.

Law Subcommittee

Still waiting for first response from CHRC. Groups discusses that it may be possible to have an information forum in May at Vancouver Drug User Resource Center. Group also discusses plan to ask for resources to have workshops. Members interested in working on this are Ann/Chris/Amanda/Aaron.

Other Business

Announcement that city has a plan or is creating a plan to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries. Group discusses that the principle of proportionate intervention allows for more control. Discussion that DNC drug user policy stance is in that sense aligned with city's plan to regulate people who work in medical marijuana dispensaries.

Also announcement by Jamie that he has been talking to people in pharmacies and has heard from residents that people would like DNC to lend support re issues related to methadone users.

There will be a Street Market related meeting on May 5th, 3 pm, at Woodward’s 5th floor, regarding Street Market move to 501 Powell. Bob Rennie will donate a trailer to the market.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 27 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes, April 21st, 2015, Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.


Aborginal  Committee

Legal committee

Street Market

Vancouver Coastal Health Rally

Aboriginal Committee

Aboriginal Committee and Edge will march to Vancouver Coast Health to present the DNC letter of support. Committee requests $28 to make fry bread. John will buy ingredients on the 22nd and present receipts to Roland.  Chris seconded.  Motion passed.

Law Committee

We’ve been informed of date by which CHRC will respond. Aaron and Amanda will speak to Vancouver Drug Users Resource Center to ask for space for presentation.

Vancouver Coastal Health

Rally on Monday, May 11th to present DNC letter of support with press interaction.

Street Market

Re Street Market schedules to move to 501 Powell Street.  City needs to ensure water and electricity before actual move can take place. 

Moment of Silence

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes, April 14th, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.


Aboriginal  Committee
Letter of Support
Coalition of Neighborhood Councils
Street Market
Other Business

Aboriginal Committee

Rob: The motion for expenses to cover ingredients for fry bread was agreed on last year.  Jacek:  Come over during the week. We need to plan it out. If you go through market we will develop business plan but in turn we want some money out of it.  DNC will help you with ingredients and you can sell it at the market if you make it at home, then DNC can keep the money.  Ann: Bring a budget.  Jacek: Bring a plan. The board can’t vote unless there’s a plan. Committee will report back.


Amanda and Aaron withdrew from interview based on the following reasons: 1) The voice of the person being impacted was to be excluded. 2) The story was not going to focus on the DNC legal complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission re: treatment of tenants. Instead was to focus on ‘someone’s’ political opinion about poor people of the downtown eastside. Committee felt it was not proper to focus on ‘someone’s’ mere political opinion on this matter and that that would obscure the human rights issue and possibly turn the story into something that would  be disrespectful and exploitive of the residents of the downtown eastside.
The power point presentation is to be shown at Vandu today at 1:00 pm. Roland motions for a $3 stipend to members and that DNC present and ongoing information series. Motion passed.

Letter of Support

Ann requests the other supporter’s letters from Rob and then she can write letter. Rob agrees.

Coalition of Neighborhood Councils

Each and every lot can ask exemption from city plan for zoning. Residents can appeal. The problem is no one can live there long enough for a committee of residents to become strong.  Ray Cam is doing a study on community connections. Many groups involved including Carnegie etc. They have asked us if we want to sign on.  They’re calling it a collective impact study.

Street Market

Roland is writing the development permit for Powell 501; street market is to move to that location and share with other groups. Is necessary to construct an advisory group.

Other Business

Jamie’s case is being heard April 15th.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 13 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes,  April 7th, 2015. Location:  #62, East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC.


Street Market
Law Sub Committee
General Meeting
Mental Health Act Meeting
General Meeting

Street Market

There will be a meeting April 10th, Friday, regarding move to 501 Powell Street @ 5th floor, 9:00 a.m. Woodward’s building.

Legal Committee

CBC interested in doing a story. 


Member leaves letter conveying his displeasure with outcome of DNC bottle drive.

General Meeting
General meeting to be held Tuesday at 2 o’clock, April 14th @ Vandu.  Ann will make posters and leaflets. Suggestion that no motions will be made to ensure that the focus is on presenting the information on human rights complaint clearly . Sign up at 1:30 for DNC members.

Mental Health Act Meeting

Group discusses that DNC should try to get a seat on the board. There should be a process for dealing with errors and abuse.  Ann will attend next meeting on April 10th @ 12 pm- 3 pm @ SFU. Motion to have Ann represent DNC at the meeting. 2nd by Amanda. Motion passed.


Jules hopes to get Laura Shaver to speak at DNC regarding clinic fees.

Other Business  

DNC welcomes Matt back and he addresses group

Moment of Silence


Monday, 6 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 31st 2015, Location: #62 Hastings street, Vancouver, BC.


Street Market
Legal Committee
Letter of Support
Other Business

Street Market

No date yet by city for move. Timeline is approximately 3-6 months.

Legal Committee

Interview to be held at #62 Hastings Street. Suggestion by Ann to give Amanda copy of Jamie’s complaint.  Ann will bring to next meeting.
Group discusses different ways of bringing argument forward.
Group discusses invitation to speak at West Coast Mental Health Network meeting to explain our position.

Letter of Support

Group discusses letter to Vancouver Coastal Health to open dialogue between Edge and VCH. Motion of support by Ann. Seconded by Amanda.  Motion passed. A letter of support from DNC will accompany letter from Edge to VCH. Vandu supports Edge. Ann will write letter.

Bottle Drive

Group commends Shawn for his effort with the bottle drive.

Other Business

Ann will have exact dates available for general meeting with Vandu by the next DNC meeting on March 7th.  Ann is working on power point presentation to explain our position.

Mtg regarding Mental Health Act today at 2 pm at W2. Rob will attend and report back.

Carnegie Alley Health Fair will attend #62 next Tuesday from 9:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 30 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting, March 24th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings.


Legal Committee
Bottle Drive
Developer / Community Consultation
Other Business

Legal Committee
Complaint was sent Friday via registered mail, March 20th. Motion for board to reimburse Amanda for the money spent for registered mail.  Motion passed.  Ann has made power point and will come back with dates for general meeting.  Group discusses expressions of support from community.

Bottle Drive
Discussion that bottle drive dates should be changed to a later date as details such as permission to use lot not confirmed. Bottle drive organizers oppose this as press releases already sent out regarding bottle drive. Group concedes that bottle drive will take place on planned date. Members will attend Street Market board meeting on March 28th to ask permission for group to use lot for bottle drive.

Roland will post online survey March 24th.

Developers / Community Consultation
Group discusses that developers want to meet with community groups, March 25th 1 – 2 pm.

Other Business
Ann states that Vancouver Coalition of Neighborhood Councils wants to gain support for challenging what BC Housing is proposing to redefine social housing. Motion to sign to oppose BC Housing redefining the definition of social housing.  Motion passed.

Moment of Silence.


Monday, 23 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 17th, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings.


Legal Committee
Bottle Drive
The West Hotel
Street Market
Other Business
Minutes passed.

Legal Committee
Complaint is ready. Ann will book a room for submission of complaint: 2-4 @ Vandu on Thursday, March 19th.

Bottle Drive
Signs are made. Truck can be booked for $19.95 per day plus $15 insurance and 69 cents per kilometer. Can be booked for 4 pm Saturday March 28th – 5 pm Sunday. Amanda will make press release and give press release to Bottle Drive committee.

The West Hotel
Rob talks about an incident of crime at West Hotel that is managed by Community Builders Association. Group discussion that a building resident’s association could better assist to prevent any further incidents given the failure of security provided by Community Builders Association.

Street Market
Scheduled shifts available at Street Market.  Residents can sign up for the shifts on Monday morning @ 9 a.m.  $10 stipend for 60 shifts.  Discussion that city has bought 501 Powell street and plans to relocate Street Market.  New structure donated from architectural firm is going to be placed there.

Other Business

Discussion that members of “Edge” are looking for non-residential places for illicit drinkers lounge. Discussion that some illicit drinkers have drinks per day prescribed by doctor. Motion for letter to Vancouver Coastal Health to have such a place provided. Letter to be written by Ann. Rob seconds motion.  Rob will bring letter to next meeting.

Web Page needs to be updated. Amanda will update web page this week with notice about Bottle Drive.

Motion to adjourn. Passed.
Moment of Silence.

Monday, 16 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 10th, 2015. Location: #62 East Hastings Street.


Legal Committee
Bottle Drive
Aboriginal Committee
Street Market Update

Legal Committee

Complaint is still in progress. The group discusses parts of work yet to be completed. 
Bottle Drive/ Funding

Aaron will check with U-Haul regarding truck rental.
Mike will make signs for bottle drive.
Committee will attend Friday 13th @ area #62 @ 1:00 o’clock to make signs.  The bottle drive will take place on March 28th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Amanda will make press release.
Come sign up for two hour shifts.
Chris will make sandwiches.

Aboriginal Committee

Discussion that Vandu/Wars/DNC could meet at Area #62 for general meeting. General discussion of proposal to educate public via posters, etc.

Street Market Update

City has bought a lot on Jackson and Powell with the idea of moving the Street Market there. Next meeting is Thursday March 12th regarding city to pay for advertising for Street Market move.


Moment of silence

Sunday, 8 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 3rd, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings.


Bottle Drive/Funding
Legal Committee
Raise the Rates
Street Market
Other Business

Bottle Drive/Funding

X proposes initiating a street toll drive to raise funds. Mike suggests having signs asking for bottles from drivers.  X says bottle drive is put on hold until we hear back from Matt re depot proposal.  X proposes a $5 stipend and sandwich.  Jamie asks for more specific details re who will work and get a stipend.
X proposes info booth at area #62 during bottle drive. Jacek doesn’t think the back alley would work and proposes blocking a number of parking spots out front. 
Chris proposes signs asking for empties in front of area #62.
Jamie: I’ll take care of the flyers. We need a ream of paper to poster the neighborhood.
X proposes contacting media.
Jules suggests making a notice to pass to various meetings.
Roland proposes bottle drive sub-committee.
Jamie, Marla, Mike and X to meet Friday, March 6th, 10:00 a.m. at area #62.

Legal Committee

Amanda:  There was a case in UK where a shop was selling bongs with mj leaf on the bong and the owners of the shop were charged because this was seen as selling pipes for so-called illicit use. Darryl Bickler argued in court that this was censorship, and he won the case.  

Raise the Rates

There is a meeting at Friday at noon at the London Hotel.  Jamie and Marla will attend and report back to DNC.

Street Market Update

No news to report.

Other Business

Roland will look into AGM filing information.

Motion to Adjourn

Moment of Silence

Sunday, 1 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, February 27th, 2015. Location: 2nd floor, Ray Cam, East Hastings St.


Meeting Time Change and Location
Legal Committee
Street Market Report
Bottle Drive
Other Business

Meeting Time Change and Location

Mike:  I think that Friday night is too late in the week and the time is too late in the day. Also this location is too far outside the dtes core.
Roland:  Tuesday at 10:00 am is better.  If it suites people better we could move it earlier, say 8:00 am or 9:00 am.
Jamie:  Jamie motions that we resume meeting at Tuesday, 10:00 am at #62, beginning March 3rd. Roland 2nd the motion. Motion passes unanimously.
Group agrees Street Market will take responsibility for the coffee.

Legal Committee

Group agrees that Amanda will send some power statements to Ann after document is finished. Ann will put the statements into power point.
Discussion that people are not being allowed to have visitors.
Mike: People being forced to put a sign on their door with a string attached. Is that legal?
Amanda: I think the duty to accommodate is supposed to be individualized.  It’s not to burden the person with rights violations.
Roland: It’s similar to the issue of administration of drugs at the shelters. Everyone is treated the same, to the point where even your vitamins are taken away and administrated back to you.
Amanda: The document will be ready in about a week, at the latest.
Roland: We should call a general meeting on this issue. This is a really big deal. We need to do it in April. Mid to late April would be best, possibly on the 18th. We have time to do posters.
Amanda asks group to think of hard questions to ask her to help her prepare. Group agrees. 

Street Market Update

Roland: The Street Market is looking at two grants. One is to do wifi outreach. The Street Market is trying to do outreach for wifi. People will put repeaters in their windows. We want to do an informal survey. We’ll know about both grants in about a month or so.  Also, the Street Market just set up a camera that looks over the bottle depot. We’re trying to put it online. It looks over our gate.

Bottle Drive

Group discusses stipends for volunteering re bottle drive.
X: It’s going to be March 28th, and we start at 10:00 am.  We’ll do it on a Saturday. We need more information from Matt on the details though.

Other Business

Ann will email Amanda re Mental Health Task Force.

Moment of Silence


Thursday, 26 February 2015

DNC Board Meeting, February 20th, 2015, location: 2nd floor, Ray Cam Centre,  920 East Hastings.


Scott Clark
Bottle Drive

Scott Clark
Scott: February 26th at 7 pm at SFU Housing forum. Stamps Tenant Council recommends that we attend with a bunch of recommendations.  Scott explains possible next steps for Stamps Tenant Council to group.

Bottle Drive

X: I went to the United We Can depot on Industrial Street. It takes 20 minutes to walk. We have to put in a proposal. Shawn will give email address to Matt. Suggests we ask people to bring their bottles on a Saturday.

Aaron:  We should give the funds to the group. And people who do the bottle drive get a stipend.

X: I think 28th should be the bottle drive. We also need a media spokesperson.

Jacek: Will people take the time to come with bottles on Saturday? I think Thursday and Friday they might want to give their bottles when they go to work. Instead of plastic bags in bin they can drop it off at the corner.

X: I think community bars will give them to us. So do we want to go forward?

Group agrees.


Roland put it on credit card. We have it up. Roland will send Matt the account info. Matt will post questions. There are 10 questions and 2 questions per each category. We want to let people know we’re alive.


Discussion group has interest from CBC.  Group discusses who will be spokesperson. Aaron: nominates Amanda .  Motion seconded that Amanda will be the spokesperson for that particular show. Motion passed.  Matt asks Amanda for strong commitment. Amanda agrees. Discussion that three power statements are needed. Amanda agrees to work on the three power statements and report back.


X: They have a fund raising programme and it’s for selling chocolates. The only other thing is that tour thing.

Matt: Once this national broadcaster picks up Amanda, we could get funding.

Jacek: Brenda Proskin (sp) said the city will not fund a resident’s association.

Aaron: We don’t fit into anyone’s criteria for funding.

X: If we go media with the bottle drive we can use that for a request for funding.

Matt: If we go into this CBC thing we can plug the bottle drive of the dtes. If we can tighten up Amanda’s document we can use that to ask for money.

Roland: Cupe used to give money.

Ann: Cupe gave money to Jean Swanson.

Roland: We can’t criticize the non profits if we’re in bed with them. 

Ann: They’ll either say yes or they’ll say no, we have to keep asking. There’s an Addiction Task Force. They’re going to be talking about a report called Phase I: Caring for All. It came out September of last year.  So now they’re going to create a peer leadership table: low barrier services. There’s $80 million going to St. Paul’s, Act teams and cops. That’s $32,000 per person and the person gets to live outside because they’re homeless. Bloom Group is to oversee the Mental Health and Addictions services.

The questions I’ve raised before this meeting were who is sectioning clients, which badge numbers do the most sectioning, how long were they held? How many ask for a review? Clasbc does the review.  Client says it takes longer to get out if you ask for a review because the lawyer needs to do whatever the lawyers do. So they won’t ask for a review. How many complaints have been filed for being sectioned for the Mental Health Act?

Aaron: It’s starting to happen to more and more people. We should be aware.

Ann: I wrote letters to ask for the evaluations of Act teams but there’s no evaluations being done. It’s been five years but no evaluation. Karen says there are evaluations but I’ve never seen them.

Moment of Silence


Tuesday, 17 February 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes, February 13th, 2015. Location: Ray Cam, 2nd floor.


Legal Committee
Movie Business
Ray Cam
Street Market
Business Cards
Adrianne Carr

Group discusses that political work does not result in funding.  Discussion that DNC could provide tours of neighborhood.  Group discusses that UGM does tours. Matt: We could talk to Tourism Vancouver and get an approved vendors list.
Group discusses proposal to do a bottle drive. 
Jamie: The bottle drive will come and pick up from #62. We can’t store bottles at #62.
Aaron: We could ask restaurants to donate, and other places that have empties.
Amanda: Who would be willing to take charge of the project?
Leo: We ran that program in the ‘60’s and ‘80’s. We’d buy them 80 cents on the dollar. People in the liquor stores loved that. We’d make $500 in two hours. But we don’t have a van now.
Roland nominates X to be in charge of the bottle drive.
Jamie: We should pay whoever does it.
Roland: Discuss at next meeting.

Legal Committee
Aaron is going through Privacy Guidelines. Will report back.

Movie Business
Matt:  At meeting at Creative BC staff person started off by saying: “I don’t know why you’re here. Go find a producer to use your services”. Staff person said government cannot refer services.  The person I met knew DERA and Ed. It’s up to us to call each producer listed on the website. They don’t need street cleaners. They just need ‘special liaison’.

Matt:  Announcement that CBC wants a one page document on what’s going on. The Stamps, Movie Business, Housing, etc.

Amanda: Proposes that each person or committee working on issue put a paragraph together based on the issue we know the most about. Bring to next meeting to be condensed into one page document. 

Amanda: Legal Committee/Stamps
Aaron: Supportive Housing
Roland: Street Market  “The Truth.”
Jamie: Atira

Ray Cam
Meet at Ray Cam while space available. It’s not definite that we can meet here over long term.

Business Cards
Matt says he’s waiting for template.

Adrianne Carr
Email sent re tour.

Street Market
Street Market is starting to apply for grant. The city wants to create a plan around street disorder. DNC could participate and possibly gain some funding.

Also the Street Market is applying for a grant for wifi with other organizations in a coalition. DNC could be part of this. Requires DNC to participate in surveys.

Suggestion Box:
Group discusses ways to encourage people to submit to suggestion box.

President of Stamp’s Tenant’s Council was to attend but is not here. Group hears that the Stamp Tenant’s Council continues to meet.  Last meeting there was a discussion of plans for concert or other benefit event. Stamp’s Tenant’s Council  meets on Mondays at Ray Cam at 3:00 pm and Thursday 6:00 pm.

Moment of Silence.

DNC Board Meeting minutes, February 6th, 2015, Location: Area #62, Hastings Street.


Meeting Space
Legal Committee
Housing Committee
Suggestion Box
Extra Cost re: Methadone
Street Market

Meeting Space
Group will meet at Ray Cam next week, Friday @ 5:pm. Group will continue to search for more central place to meet.

Legal Committee
Group discusses creating database of issues.  Ann and Amanda will work together after 18th.

Housing Committee
President of Stamp’s Tenant Council will attend next DNC meeting @ Ray Cam.

Group discusses that Jamie’s case is adjourned until April.

Suggestion Box
Roland will allow Shawn to use Street Market Printer.  Ann:  If people want an answer they should leave their email and phone number.

Roland proposes that DNC provide money for the online survey. Street Market will pay half the cost of $120 per year. Roland motioned.  Ann: 2nded.  Motion passed.

Extra Cost re: Methadone.
The clinic now charges $40 dispensing fee. There are no alternative meds so people are forced to pay a large amount (unaffordable) from their disability cheque. Ann: If coastal health does the dispensing the fee is not applied.

Group discusses that there are two large treatment programs for men in dtes. There are no treatment programs for women.

Ann:  Simon Fraser Series.  Awesome speakers.  Evening courses. Suggestion that a series of speakers could speak on dtes issues and would be good to include rights based discourse. Suggests Amanda could speak. Talk about how we’re trying to make our own case.

Street Market
Roland: We’re getting traction on the free wi-fi project. Many groups part of the proposal including Ray Cam, Strathcona, Carnegie. Street Market will be part of proposal. We need equipment money. Vancouver Community Network is going to advise. VCN said they’ve been trying to install for years. Michael Green and an architectural firm is donating innovative wooden structure to Street Market, as their gift to community.

We need to contact councilors to go on a tour. Agreement that member will send email.

Decision to table the discussion of funding. First order of business next meeting.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 2 February 2015

DNC board meeting minutes, January 27th, 2015. Location: #62 East Hastings.


Meeting with the Liberal Candidate.
Legal Committee
Meeting Space
Other business


Discussion that non profits that claim to provide supportive housing coerce tenants with 6 month fixed term rental agreements to accept illegal rules that violate people’s rights and the Rental Tenancy Act. Rules such as no guests, not even family members as visitors are illegal. Files are kept on residents by staff. People feel coerced to accept this treatment in a time of 0.5.vacancy rate. Fipa Act says it is illegal for companies to keep files on people. Facilities are not licenced and residents are monitored by staff and notes are kept on them. The only other place this occurs is a jail, or a hospital.

Meeting with Liberal Candidate

Discussion that Amanda and Marla will go to the event to meet the Liberal candidate for Vancouver East Joanne Griffith.

Legal Committee

Discussion that HR complaint is almost completed. There is another opportunity to take it to another advisor for more feedback.

Meeting Space

Shawn: will check out First United.

Other business

Rob:  A new political party is forming, looking for reps throughout BC.
Roland: We should have a meeting with Vandu.
Ann: The most important thing is to do a Saturday meeting.
Amanda: We should consider the budget, we can’t afford stipends.
Rob: Tuesday group. Vandu can put in their funds for stipends.
Roland:  There are systemic issues such as poverty. You don’t get to engage the poorest people without stipends.  $3 is what needs to be done.
Leo: $2 plus coffee and a sandwich.
Amanda: The reality is we have to watch the budget.
Shawn: We can make a big bowl of chili.
Roland: It’s important for us to hear new stories of abuses. We need to have people come so we can hear. Most vulnerable should be encouraged to come.
Shawn:  I will create a DNC suggestion box. Will report back.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 26 January 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, January 19th, 2015. Location: #62 East Hastings


Meeting Place
Film Liaison
Housing  (Stamps)
Street Market

Meeting Place
Aaron went to Jacob’s Ladder. Possible meeting space, waiting to hear back. Jacek will call to try to book First United.  Amanda will call to see if space available at Resource Center.

Film Liaison
Meeting with Penny and Matt on February 5th.

Housing Stamps
Discussion about external transfer policies.  Roland will write DNC position on it with Amanda for press release.

Street  Market
Market helps to regulate sales of items. If there is no regulation through a market then there is more opportunity that stolen items will be sold. We need due process when police take items from vendors.
Agreement to share cost of survey with Street Market.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 19 January 2015

DNC Board minutes, January 13th, 2015, Location: #62 East Hastings Street.


Stamps Place
Aboriginal Committee
Film Liaison
Meeting Space
Legal Committee
Other Business

Chair: Amanda

Stamps Place
Group discusses that non-profits are placing bid on Stamp’s Place. Stamp's Tenant's Council has no input. The non-profits have lower standards than BC Housing.  Group discusses that the non profits have issues related to insecure housing, illegal rental agreements, lack of maintenance, and violations of tenant’s privacy, as well as discriminatory policies. Group discusses that we should circulate the list of rules and policies that most people would find unacceptable. Non profit's rules found to be a violation of RTB twice and they’re still appealing.

Aboriginal Committee
Group discusses that DTES has highest demographic of Aboriginal people, and it seems is the only resident’s association that city does not help to facilitate funding from film industry for.  Issue tabled until Matt has meeting at city hall.

Meeting Space
Amanda will try to book room at Carnegie.

Legal Committee


Other Business

Jules:  Explains that table is required at Street Market to provide information on methadone program. Roland:  Table is available.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 12 January 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, January 06, 2015, Location: #62 East Hastings, Vancouver.


Stamps Place
Legal Committee
Film Liaison
Other Business

Chair: Matt

Stamps Place
BC Housing is selling off all BC housing throughout the province to non-profits and P3 agreements. Group discusses concern about transfer policies and how this impacts on tenants. Group is concerned about how transfer policies relate to family status for tenants.  Group discusses concern about non-profits and illegal rental agreements, general lack of proper maintenance and accountability. Stamps Tenant’s Council meets every Monday at 6 p.m. at Ray Cam Senior’s lounge.

Motion by Matt for Chris to join the board. Seconded:  Aaron.  Passed.

Legal Committee:
Amanda: Meeting with academic person was useful. We learned valid objections. We can find a way to use the valid objections to strengthen the argument.  We learned from criticism what was possible in terms of how to go forward with a complaint.

Shawn motions to note in the minutes that Solstice Celebration meeting of December 23rd was cancelled.  Seconded:  Aaron. Passed.

Matt: Survey will include 20 questions.  2 questions in each category. Everyone picks their top two. We wittle in down through a vote. Roland: Need to find right program. Survey Monkey requires money at some point. He will check costs.

Group discusses a report that there is a lack of doctors in neighborhood available to update methadone prescriptions. Ann will bring information.

Film Liaison
Matt: It is now January and we still have no meeting with city on our proposal. We met last October with the city. Time to bring the issue back. I’ll print up the emails with promises from city. We’re the only residents group that doesn’t receive funding from film industry.  We submitted a proposal.  We can’t even get a place to meet. Roland: They say we’re doing it the wrong way. They won’t tell us what they want. They initially said we could submit a bid. Now they deny the power to give it. Matt: I will prepare a file, members can add to it.

Group discusses DNC board meeting time. Group prefers 5 p.m. Matt motions to change time of meeting as of Friday, February 6th. Seconded: Aaron. Passed.

Shawn: We need to do a review the 1st of every month.

Moment of silence
