Minutes for DNC Board Meeting: August 12th, 2014
Attendees: 10 board members
Aboriginal Committee Update
Legal Committee Update
Flip Chart
Booking the Room
X reads Constitution
Minutes accepted
X will print poster for Pre-AGM. Discussion of where the pre-AGM is to be held.
X will drop off posters at Ray Cam and
Sunday Street Market.
Committee Update
X says that ‘Homes, Health and Families’ title includes all
families, not just blood ties. X has
called on Scot Clark of Gen 7 to work with us.
Legal Committee
Discussion about presentation that X gave at Vandu. X says
the next step should be to hold community meetings. X says people more
comfortable with using language that relates to addiction. X says it is
necessary to point out errors for people to learn how the language is wrong
because such language results in errors in thinking that strips the person of
all rights. X says they are astonished that anyone understands the issue.
Flip Chart
X will find out if chart is available at Woodward’s.
Discussion about office space.
Motion: DNC to pursue office space either at Carnegie Center
or another location. Motion passes unanimously.
Booking the Room
We cannot book the room at Woodward’s for August 26th,
or September 2nd, 9th, or 16th.
Moment of silence