Tuesday, 7 January 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes – January 7th, 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes – January 7th, 2014

Board Members: Roland C., Leo M., Jacek L., Jezz M., Ludvik S., Stephen B., Hendrik B., James O., Bill B.,
General Members/Guests: April S., Richard Cz., Clea, Hala

Financial Report
      Women’s Committee
      LAPP Report
      Organizational Discussion – behavior and food

Jezz volunteers to chair
James reads the constitution
Round of introductions
MOTION: Roland moves that the Agenda be adopted. Jacek seconds. Motion passes.

Financial Report
We just received an additional $10,000 from Vancity Foundation.
The CCEC bank account balance is now $10,388.12
James suggests using this money for a general meeting
Jezz, Ludvik, James, Jacek volunteer to meet and come up with a budget for the next year.
Stephen demands that he receive a binder and is really mad that he did not get a binder
Roland volunteers to get 5 binders together for new board members
Jezz volunteers to hold these binders until they are needed

Women’s Committee
DJ, Jewels want to make arts and crafts to raise money for the DNC
Hendrik suggests sponsoring Tina to cook meals for our meetings, and maybe sell the food
MOTION: Jezz motions that we get a plan for arts and crafts spending for women’s committee and present it to the board. Roland seconds. Motion passes.

LAPP Discussion
Jacek shows the 180 page plan. Discussion of the survey.
MOTION:  Roland motions that only membership driven organizations that have a majority of their members that are DTES residents, or business associations representing businesses within the DTES, should be allowed to participate in the post-LAPP implementation process or council. This would specifically exclude non-profits that only employ workers from outside the neighbourhood. Hendrik seconds. Motion passes.
Discussion of getting people to go to the Strathcona meeting tomorrow
Discussion of poster-ing up and inviting people to the next few board meetings and devoting a large block of time to the LAPP discussion and outreach

Organizational Discussion – behavior and food
Jezz discusses ways that we could prioritize our actions
Hendrik – should start cooking food for the board meetings
James – shows the tenants rights card
James reads the letter from VANDU to move him from outside their door

Motion to adjourn

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