Tuesday, 5 November 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2013


Attendees: Jacek L., Stephen B., Ludvik S., Leo M., Bill B., April S., Hendrik B., Anthony G., Roland C., Tina T., Debbie K., Rob M.,
12 attendees, 11 board members present
Debbie says that she sent regrets for last meeting
Jamie R sends regrets

Bill - explain letter
Old business

Jacek chairs the meeting
Roland reads the constitution
Roland reads the minutes from last week's minutes

MOTION: Anthony moves to accept previous minutes, Hendrik seconds. motion passes.

MOTION: Hendrik motions to accept agenda, Jacek seconds, motion passes.

Discussion of recent developments at the DTES LAPP
Roland reads letter from Michael Clague, discussion of how this is another attempt to abrogate DNC sovereignty. Roland reads his response to Michael Clague.
Next co-chair meeting is on Friday, November 8th at 9:30am at Woodwards
Rob says that the LAPP has been extended to March
Decision that all board members should go to the next co-chair meeting

MOTION: Jacek moves that all board members should come to the next co-chair meeting and that a stipend of $5 will be allocated for this purpose. Rob seconds. motions passes.

MOTION: Rob M motions that since Herb Varley has not attended a board meeting in over 7 months that his seat be considered vacated. Anthony seconds. motion passes.

Hendrik wanted a note that Herb was previously given more than due notice the last time that vacated seats were voted on.
James notes that he has tried to talk to Herb many times and has refused to discuss the DNC with him.

Hendrik reads his letter regarding the LAPP
Main points are that Herb needs to come clean and say that he is representing CCAP
Also, everyone else needs to come clean and say who they are representing and then we can see who is not at the table and fill in the gaps

MOTION: Roland motions that the DNC declares that it fully supports the low income LAPP caucus and will support no final LAPP report that does include a strong definition of social housing linked to welfare, disability, and pension rates.
Ludvik seconds the motion. motion passes

Agreement to attach Hendrik's letter to the minutes

Oct 24 Cambie St. assault of mentally ill man.
tape went viral. 6 officers jumped on top of man, face was bashed in.
copwatch filed the complaint. DT cops and West End Cops have increased their coverage and hired plain clothed officers to follow copwatch
history of copwatch reviewed since 1998
Access TV segment will be on next week
copwatch has its own radio segment weekly now
Next week Jenn becomes a battle soldier with salvation army
CopWatch is meeting with COPE tomorrow. Both Anthony and Jenn will be running for city council as members of COPE
Black Block will be joining copwatch in the protest of PSS
Anonymous will also be joining copwatch in the protest of PSS
Copwatch in cooperation with St Andrew Wesley church will try and get funding for a shelter "out of the cold" - it will be called.
VPD presence has changed, more under-covers are around
CopWatch is planning to hand over operations to the DNC in order to blunt the targeting of Jenn, Anthony and Jamie

Letters and emails from the DNC
People should refrain from replying to "ALL" when sending emails. They should also make sure that they do not contradict the message from the board or the elected executive

MOTION: Hendrik motions that any corrections to any correspondence from the Secretary will be kept confidential and not be sent out externally. Also that any internal correspondence from the board be kept internal.
Roland seconds. motion passes.
Bill, and James vote against

Decision to not have an AGM while we are under attack and the conflict resolution process is going on with Catherine Ludgate

Filming discussion
Tabled until next week

motion to adjourn

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