Tuesday, 26 November 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 26, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - November 26, 2013

Board Members: Roland C., Bill B., Jacek L., DJ J., Richard C., Leo M., Jezz M., Hendrik B.,
Non-Board Members: Jak King, Richard, April S., Pete Fry
Debbie K - gave her regrets, Rob M - gives his regrets

1) Jak King from GWAC
2) Judy McGuire on Stamps place LAPP seat
3) DNC Christmas plans

Notes from initial conversation with JK
DTES, West End, GWAC, Marpole
Citizen's Assembly
10 years ago in BC on voting system
Plan was given $270k
Plan B - is citizen's assembly directed by GWAC parallel process

April reads the constitution
Round of introductions
Roland reads minutes. Bill motions to accept the minutes, Richard seconds, motion passes
Agenda passes

Jak King leads discussion on the GWAC process
DTES LAPP is completely different than all the other processes
GWAC had only one afternoon to discuss the terms of reference
GWAC had no joint management committee of any kind
No plan since 1979 in GW. Quite excited in the beginning, lots of discussion
on arts, etc...
June, emerging directions document came out. Lots of good stuff about arts, but also lots
of land use and zoning that was not discussed at all in the sessions
The changes that they proposed were so big it was easy to get people on the streets
One of the advantages of not having a joint management committee is that if things went
wrong they could go right to the street. They would have been forced

Marpole also went to the streets - 2,000 lawn signs all over the neighbourhood
In GW they got the plan stopped dead in July, and now nothing further has happened.
In Marpole - PB was so pissed at the bad press. Jackson report came out
September 25 - delivered report
GW got 12 extension to process and added a citizens assembly, but city refused a joint management group
There was no definition of this in the jackson report.
definition never came forward. Now, in December no conversation at all about the details of the
citizen's assembly.
got together a group of 60 people or so, adhoc group across the neighbourhood and set out what a
citizen's assembly should look like.

It may have been worse if there was a joint management cmte, since the process would be used to
prevent direct action

Originally asked for 6 month extension
Wanted the project finished by October, but they delayed until after the next election.
Expect maybe 5-6 months of workshops in summer and perhaps make it into an election issue

JK - At the beginning of the year, met with other community groups and built the coalition of neighbourhoods
Every group had a different view of the viaducts, but every group also had a story of being disrespected
by the city

Leo - terrible plan for the viaducts

When the emerging directions came down in GW, MP, and DTES, all four groups had the same experience with City
Group of 21 neighbourhoods signed on to the coalition
Goal is not to deal with specific issues, but to develop a whole new planning

Pete - conversation with Ray Spaxman - Geller had issue with 60/40, Strathcona had issue with the heights increase the heights is just a speculation craze. Behind closed doors the city appointed the two co-chairs, with the old DNC which was mostly CCAP at the time.
Lots of time talking about soft targets like safety, arts, etc... but no discussions on built form
14 stories on Hastings St never came up in the discussion and now it was in the preliminary documents
76 percent of people who reviewed the documents did not like it

Part 3 - the housing section has still not been released

Emerging directions was released
Urban design panel saw the housing document but it has still not been released

Pete - I just asked today what the urban design panel saw and they wont tell him

It is a similar story with all the neighbourhoods that the real stake holders are not being consulted

Richard - process for forming the LAPP, the city got the people that they knew could influence.
Richard was not being told about meetings
When the city presented the emerging directions doc, most people did not know what the city was talking about.
Housing is still the central issue

Pete - CBC doc zone - condo game is discussed.
Concrete form construction (over 6 stories), increases the cost enourmously.
Wood form is so much cheaper and BC has an abundance of wood
land lift - because zoning includes additional heights
It feeds the speculation frenzy if heights are removed
Probably lots of developers that would be interested in wood form modest development

DEOD has the 20% limit (also somewhat outside of the DEOD)

Jezz - the main thing is to prevent displacement because if you

Jak - Nanaimo to Hastings, and First single family homes will be removed and stacked town houses
will replace them
But what will happen is that a $700/mo will be replaced with $1,500/mo apt. this is not 1 for 1 replacement

Bill - where is LAPP on community gardens issue

Pete - not sure, but not fully supported. Sahoda family had the lot next to Astoria and got big tax holiday
for sole foods garden.

DJ - Sahodas are #1 slum landlords of the DTES. DJ did an article on them but got a lot of pressure since
she lives at the Balmoral.

Hendrik - when the garden came in, rats actually left. Sole foods are doing a good thing. Rats were undermining
the ashvault before. Sahodas kept one step ahead of the city by doing the bare minimum. There is very little
attention paid to what was here originally. There should be traditional methods of governance and native.

Richard - City hall needs to act more like city hall instead of developer hall. They are clearly all about the
money. Homelessness now is worse than I've ever seen it now.

Jak - whatever success we've had at GW is because we don't allow things to be hidden, we write continuously.
We say it out loud and we don't hide anything.

Pete - the general sense is that 30% will be at shelter rates. 30% hills - below market
and 30% market rates. Geller bet me a bottle of bourbon that nothing will get built.
It is possibly a mugs game. Let's not rely on the concrete tower construction is incredibly expensive,
very green house gas intensive.

The viaducts may have tons of asbestos from the 1950s in it.

Leo says that we should just shut the viaducts down.

Richard - zoning now, and the construction of these streets it takes 1/2 hour to get from my street to DTES

Hendrik - need to limit the cars anyway. Europe does this quite well.

Pete - the super road is on the map. They will reconfigure Pacific with a 6 lane super road.

Richard - they are digging up Powell and this may join with Prior

Smoke break

Christmas Planning
Discussion of holidays

MOTION: Richard motions that we take a break on board meetings on 24th and 31st of December, DJ seconds, motion passes
MOTION: Richard motions that we have an open house party on the 17th of December from 4pm to 6pm, DJ seconds, motion passes
MOTION: Richard motions that we also take off January 7th and have no board meeting, DJ seconds, motion passes
(Bill and Leo vote against, one abstension)

motion to adjourn

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 19, 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 19, 2013

Attendees: Roland C., Rob M., Richard C., Tina T., Bill B., Jacek L., Debbie K., Stephen B., Jezz M., Leo M., Jim O., Dan B., Ludvik S., Jewels C., Jamie R.,
15 board members,
John SK., April S., Ian R., Horatio G., Scott C., Susan W., Dale C., Jessie M., Mark M., Richard Cz.,
Marty, Bill, Dave, Tom, Todd, Rick, Kirk, Mat, Sam, Rob V., Bob
21 general members
(36 total attendees)

Anthony Resignation
Meeting Safety
Board Seats Requirement
GM Next

Richard announces that filming will take place at tonight's meeting
Some discussion takes place

Scott steps in and speaks to ammending the agenda

MOTION: Just that we go in camera to deal with the Anthony resignation.
Jamie seconds the motion. Discussion ensues.
motion passes

Rob motions to accept the agenda, Jamie seconds, motion passes

Discussion of Anthony G resignation

Anthony sends a threatening text to Roland at 4:43pm during the meeting. Police are called. Report is made.

Four market vendors come to the meeting to give testimony against Anthony

MOTION: Roland motions that the board accept Anthony's resignation email.
Seconded by Rob M. Discussion. Motion passed (James wants to be formally acknowledged as opposed).

MOTION: Ludvik motions that all emails and texts be copied and sent to the Board before the next meeting, so everyone will know what is going when another safety issue like Anthony's occurs.
Seconded Rob M. Discussion. Motion passed.

MOTION: Richard motions that Anthony be allowed to rejoin the Board when he is ready.
Seconded by Ludvik. Motion passed.

MOTION: Richard motion that cell phones must be on silent mode at Board Meetings and if there is a need to use it, you must step out of the room.
Seconded by James O. Motion passed.

LAPP Discussion
Two hand outs - LAPP Seat List, LAPP Terms of Reference


MOTION: Roland motions that groups that are part of the LAPP that may feel that the process can be improved, and groups that want to be part of the LAPP and feel that they are not represented should come to the DNC board meeting and give a presentation to the DNC board for inclusion or changes to the DTES LAP process.
Rob seconds the motion. motion passes

GM Discussion
Discussion that quorum is only 30, and board can call GM whenever it wants according to bylaws

motion to adjourn
moment of silence

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 12, 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 12, 2013


Attendees: Scott C., Jamie R., Rob M., James O., Ludvik S., Stephen B., Bill B., Hendrik H., Leo M., Jezz M., Tina T., Dan B., Jacek L., April S., Hendrik B., Anthony G., Roland C., Judy M., Debbie K., Valentina R., Jules C., John SK
22 Attendees, 16 board members present
(general meeting quorum is only 30)

Anthony chairs

Dan - DNC newspaper
General Business

Anthony calls the meeting to order
Hendrik reads the constitution
Roland reads the minutes from last week
MOTION: Rob motions to accept the minutes from last week, anthony seconds. motion passes.

Round of introductions at the table

Jacek summarizes recent development at the LAPP
The first co-chair meeting was earlier today 1pm-3pm. The first hour of the meeting was spent
explaining the new developments to the co-chair cmte. There was general agreement that since Herb has done such good work he will be given a spot on the LAPP cmte
The summary of discussion is that the developers are scrambling to submit at 20% while the 60% is being debated.
There is currently a moratorium. this needs to be extended unless the extension allows loads of new applications
The co-chair cmte is composed of the representatives of the sub-cmtes and the two co-chairs of BCS and DNC

The DNC has the power to ask for an attendance list for all 30 members of the LAPP.
The DNC should enforce this and ask the City

Bill - also a possibility of adding seats and not necessarily removing

MOTION: James motions, Anthony seconds to request a full attendance list from all members of the LAPP
from the city as soon as possible. motion passes.

Hendrik H - thinks that the 30 are possibly equally divided between low income and non-low income.
Chinese seniors have been sadly neglected.
Judy - there are safety issues for many seniors, suggests that there are several good networks that are capable of reaching out to them.
Hendrik B - need to make sure that it is not just chinese business that are doing the talking
Dan - has a number of contacts in the chinese community

Hendrik H - says that chinese need to come from outside of chinatown because chinatown is exempt from the LAPP
Judy - also, the representative needs to be accountable to an organization and to the community. this has been a problem in the past

Rob discusses the fact that he was removed from the LAPP improperly
The people that elected to remove him were all CCAP members
MOTION: Roland motions that the DNC should object to the removal of Rob Morgan from the LAPP, and that the DNC pursue a proper resolution to the matter that would involve application of the City code of conduct.
Ludvik seconds.


Scott discusses the incident, one individual that was the DNC co-chair cornered Rob, and the governance cmte met to remove Rob
If due process had been followed, there could have been an acceptable resolution. Rob was essentially thrown under the bus. Meanwhile ALIVE has had several outstanding safety issues around the LAPP.
Scott says that there was a process in place involving indiginous elders. This process was not respected.
The police did not lay charges. We always say that we do not judge people, and the LAPP judged Rob without proper process.
Stephen mentions that if a person is intoxicated, they are vulnerable to attack
Roland mentions that he bumped into Herb earlier in the day and he was also not sober and was beligerent

motion passes

Scott - there are approximately 12 members of the LAPP not showing up
Suggests a process for contacting those members that are not attending to find out why
There is also a large issue around safety

Judy - identifies that STAMPS place families are not represented at all in the LAPP
Debbie - also says that persons of the territory are not properly represented, also heritage families
Perhaps we should link our demand for LAPP expansion to the missing number of seats
Jacek asks the secretary to send another note to Tom asking for the info on the number of seats that have been vacated
Rob says that there are also many alternate reps that need to be filled. WAHRS has no alternate at the LAPP

Hendrik B recommends that Debbie be sent as a representative of aboriginal mothers
Also suggestion of a Street Market representative

Hendrik H says that there is a 92 page plan, also a 47 page plan available
We are waiting for the housing plan, and this one has the controversial 40/60

Scott C
Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond came out with a many page report on aboriginal families money wasted, lots of talking but no action
Child welfare and family issues don't even make it to the LAPP
One thing that we hope comes out of the LAPP is how to actually help people and not waste money on so many NGOs. Wants a larger discussion about how to come together as a community to demand accountability

Hendrik H
When the LAPP first started, we realized that this was going to be about housing predominantly for low income people. We thought that it was important to start talking about employment. Where are the jobs? Largely around construction. Spent some time working with the developers (WALL) figuring out how to ensure local employment.
There are something like 365 developers in greater vancouver (UDI). The problem of getting the work is getting into the contractors radar. Working with Embers, Open Door group. We have a way of training people for low level jobs. BCI also interested. Over the next 7 years there will be roughly 1 million jobs deficit in the trades.
W2 disussion - we put in a EOI letter, along with 5 other groups. This letter was put aside, there is now a request for proposals out. One of the reasons that W2 failed is because of the $85k rental fee. The City has been asked to support a subsidy to maintain this space for the community. Also working with SFU, they would be paying most of the rent. Also talking to cafe people, maybe theatre and arts space as well.
Will likely have a community forum around this RFP.

Roland - restates that the LAPP should be providing the DNC with an office and the board members with phones and internet in order for us to fulfill our role as co-chair

Scott - $40k budget originally for the DTES LAPP, process was extended with no increase in budget
GWAC plan was extended and given $275k to finish the job

DNC Newspaper
Dan speaks about starting our own newspaper
Dan says that he has already sold $2k worth of ads
Business men have heard of DNC, but they don't know anything about it
Run it like a social enterprise
Hendrik H - says that 16 pages seems like a lot, are we competing with megaphone?

MOTION: to appoint Dan Blair to the board. Anthony seconds.
motion passes

MOTION: to fund Dan's cell phone and internet and pay for printing
motion deferred to the media cmte

MOTION: Roland motions to accept the choice of Barry Stuart as mediator, Jamie seconds, motion passes.

MOTION: Roland motions to accept letter to extend AGM deadline with registrar, Jacek seconds, motion passes

MOTION: Roland motions to send updated board list to registrar, Ludvik seconds, motion passes

Radio show was yesterday.

motion to adjourn, moment of silence

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2013

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2013


Attendees: Jacek L., Stephen B., Ludvik S., Leo M., Bill B., April S., Hendrik B., Anthony G., Roland C., Tina T., Debbie K., Rob M.,
12 attendees, 11 board members present
Debbie says that she sent regrets for last meeting
Jamie R sends regrets

Bill - explain letter
Old business

Jacek chairs the meeting
Roland reads the constitution
Roland reads the minutes from last week's minutes

MOTION: Anthony moves to accept previous minutes, Hendrik seconds. motion passes.

MOTION: Hendrik motions to accept agenda, Jacek seconds, motion passes.

Discussion of recent developments at the DTES LAPP
Roland reads letter from Michael Clague, discussion of how this is another attempt to abrogate DNC sovereignty. Roland reads his response to Michael Clague.
Next co-chair meeting is on Friday, November 8th at 9:30am at Woodwards
Rob says that the LAPP has been extended to March
Decision that all board members should go to the next co-chair meeting

MOTION: Jacek moves that all board members should come to the next co-chair meeting and that a stipend of $5 will be allocated for this purpose. Rob seconds. motions passes.

MOTION: Rob M motions that since Herb Varley has not attended a board meeting in over 7 months that his seat be considered vacated. Anthony seconds. motion passes.

Hendrik wanted a note that Herb was previously given more than due notice the last time that vacated seats were voted on.
James notes that he has tried to talk to Herb many times and has refused to discuss the DNC with him.

Hendrik reads his letter regarding the LAPP
Main points are that Herb needs to come clean and say that he is representing CCAP
Also, everyone else needs to come clean and say who they are representing and then we can see who is not at the table and fill in the gaps

MOTION: Roland motions that the DNC declares that it fully supports the low income LAPP caucus and will support no final LAPP report that does include a strong definition of social housing linked to welfare, disability, and pension rates.
Ludvik seconds the motion. motion passes

Agreement to attach Hendrik's letter to the minutes

Oct 24 Cambie St. assault of mentally ill man.
tape went viral. 6 officers jumped on top of man, face was bashed in.
copwatch filed the complaint. DT cops and West End Cops have increased their coverage and hired plain clothed officers to follow copwatch
history of copwatch reviewed since 1998
Access TV segment will be on next week
copwatch has its own radio segment weekly now
Next week Jenn becomes a battle soldier with salvation army
CopWatch is meeting with COPE tomorrow. Both Anthony and Jenn will be running for city council as members of COPE
Black Block will be joining copwatch in the protest of PSS
Anonymous will also be joining copwatch in the protest of PSS
Copwatch in cooperation with St Andrew Wesley church will try and get funding for a shelter "out of the cold" - it will be called.
VPD presence has changed, more under-covers are around
CopWatch is planning to hand over operations to the DNC in order to blunt the targeting of Jenn, Anthony and Jamie

Letters and emails from the DNC
People should refrain from replying to "ALL" when sending emails. They should also make sure that they do not contradict the message from the board or the elected executive

MOTION: Hendrik motions that any corrections to any correspondence from the Secretary will be kept confidential and not be sent out externally. Also that any internal correspondence from the board be kept internal.
Roland seconds. motion passes.
Bill, and James vote against

Decision to not have an AGM while we are under attack and the conflict resolution process is going on with Catherine Ludgate

Filming discussion
Tabled until next week

motion to adjourn