Tuesday, 10 September 2013

DNC Board Meeting - September 10, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - September 10, 2013

Attendees: Roland C., Hendrik B., Anthony G, Ludvik S., Jacek L., Jezz M., Bill B., James O., Jewels C.,
Wes Regan., Debbie K.,
10 board members present

Jezz chairs

1) General Meeting
2) Bus Meeting
3) ALIVE Meeting
4) Cop Watch
5) HXBIA cooperation
6) Street Market Update

Bill reads the constitution

Roland reads last weeks minutes
Anthony motions to accept minutes, Jacek seconds, motion passes

Discussion of General Meeting
62 E Hastings is available, just need about 40 chairs

Discussion of cooperation project with BIA
Wes - BIA is trying to do things in an unconventional way
Creating spaces that are more inviting, less marginalizing
Creation of 30km banners up and down Hastings
Asking VPD to have targeted stops to enforce the speed zone

Also, how can we help businesses understand the neighbourhood and
create a good neighbours charter - affordable items, welcoming atmosphere,
local low barrier hiring, sensitivity training. Address many concerns
about the changing neighbourhood and create a better dialog with the
businesses that are coming.
Perhaps create a course, and then a sticker that can go on the window
Apply for a grant, but will do it regardless of grant funding
Grant money would be for dialogues and sensitivity training
Potluck cafe launched the new hiring practice that we can leverage
Possibly a year end party with awards, etc...

Employment at a minimum wage. Stop exploitation of residents by NGOs paying tiny stipends.

MOTION: Bill motions to take part in banner program, and support the BIA in enforcing
the 30km zone, Ludvik seconds, motion passes

MOTION: Jacek motions to partner with BIA to pursue the social inclusion strategy
and develop a good neighbours charter and program, Ludvik seconds, motion passes

Back to General Meeting discussion
Bill - add to agenda - sign up sheet for copwatch
ratify board members, ratify strategic plan, ratify traffic and cooperation with BIA
ratify plan to get civil forfeiture grants for traffic calming
GM committee to meet on 19th or 20th to complete
Bill can do poster, Ludvik can print them
Bill chairs and Anthony will co-chair

CMB Meeting
They are clearly preparing for the meeting
Let's wait until we meet and they hear demands before any action
Make sure we have a full list of fatalities on Hastings
Meet at noon at Sky train station

MOTION: Hendrik motions to endorse the Regional Homeless Transit Plan put forward
by VUCCWA, Roland seconds, motion passes.

Copwatch - two cases. called a mtg with inspector.
Native lady was harassed and assaulted. Kid was stopped and police punched him in the face.

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