Jacek, Jamie, Jewels, Jezz, Anthony, Debbie, James, Bill, Ludvik, Roland, Hendrik
11 board members present
HXBIA Letter
ALIVE Meeting
62 E Hastings Update
Carnegie Newspaper
Meeting with Coast Mountain
Jamie reads constitution
Roland reads minutes from previous meeting. Motion to approve minutes, motion passes
Motion: Secretary will send emails to those people asked not to come to our next general meeting. motion passes.
Discussion of cooperating with the HXBIA to make a local business sign a "Good Neighbours Charter" to ensure that businesses are inclusive, do not descriminate and hire locally. Idea has general support.
MOTION: in keeping with our constitution and the prioritization of peoples safety over property, we move to move forward with cooperating with HXBIA to improve traffic safety, and put up the 30km zone banners on Hastings St. Debbie motions. Anthony seconds. Passes unanimously.
MOTION: the DNC commits to working with the HXBIA to build a Good Neighbour Charter consistent with our constitution. Debbie motions. James seconds. motion passes.
Meeting with Alive
DNC agrees to participate in community gathering on Sept 14.
62 Update
Should have keys on the 2, or 3rd of September.
Meeting with VPD on the 5th, so we need access before then.
Discussion of offensive comments by Paul Taylor in the August 15 edition of the Carnegie Newsletter
Motion: to draft a letter to Paul Taylor asking for clarification of the offensive statements made about the DNC such as "shithouse rat". Ask for explanation, if not, ask him to print a retraction. The offensive statements should be quoted. If he has knowledge of any specific violations of our constitution then please inform us, or else retract his statements. Jacek motions. Anthony seconds. motion passes.
Coast Mountain Bus Company
1) Enforce the 30km speed zone
2) Create a free zone in Vancouver (support Urban Core demands)
3) Change driver dispatch system
4) More buses on DTES routes
5) Sensitivity training for bus drivers in poor neighbourhoods
6) Concern about pressure on drivers to keep their times, drivers are not treated well and then are not friendly
7) Ask about accident protocol
Drivers get their routes based on a lottery. DTES then get the worst and most upset drivers.
Try to get a hold of CAW local 111 to explain the issue to the union
Vancouver is different that rest of BC. Coast Mountain is 80% privatized and thus they are under more pressure to collect fairs, etc...
motion to adjourn
Actually the information you posted in your August 27th minutes regarding how Coast mountain drivers receive there routes is incorrect. They are not assigned by lottery. Coast Mountain Drivers voluntarily sign up for available routes/shifts quarterly and that sign up is based on seniority. Sign ups are done in order of how long a driver has been with the company. Senior drivers get first pick on good routes/time schedules. Any driver can choose any route/schedule they want if it is still available as it moves down the roster or take the option of signing on to the spare board for unfilled shifts, vacation/sickness relief.