Thursday, 4 April 2013

DNC Board Meeting - April 4th, 2013

DNC Board Meeting - April 4th, 2013

11 board members
Attendees: Jacek Lorek, Roland Clarke, Richard Cunningham, Garvin Snider, Diane Johnston, Debbie Krull, Kelvin Bee, Leo Mayo*, James Oickle, Jamie Richardson*, DJ Joe, Shannon Bundock, Tami Starlight, Ivan Drury*
*non-board members

Bill Beauregarde gave word that he could not attend. Rob Morgan gave word that he could not attend

Jacek chairs, Roland takes minutes, Debbie and Leo volunteer to stay for clean up. Roland reads minutesRichard motions to accept the minutes, Roland seconds. Motion carries.

During the reading of the minutes, Ivan Drury, Tami Starlight, and Shannon Bundock join the meeting
Proposed Agenda
 - 2-5 minute presentation requested by general member Ivan Drury regarding an email to his boss Jean Swanson
 - Social Housing Coalition
 - Financial Requests
 - General Meeting Planning
Jacek reads the agenda.
Tami Starlight moves to add an agenda item to our agenda - support for Social Housing Coalition
Agenda is approved
Ivan gives a report on DNC spending from 2012 and claims of lack of financial reporting to the DNC. The report is accepted by the board and the treasurer. Treasurer will read the report and ask further questions if there are any.

There is a request for previous minutes from the old board meetings from a board member to Ivan. There is a discussion that anything sent to the povnet list is in the archive and can be accessed by anyone.

Ivan makes a formal request to the DNC board that he be given protection from Roland Clarke. Ivan claims that he is afraid of Roland Clarke and claims that he believes that Roland Clarke is crazy and that is pursuing a goal of destroying him. He makes a further claim that Roland Clarke has attacked him in past and feels that he is not strong enough to defend himself against Roland Clarke and makes a request to the board to intervene and protect him from Roland Clarke.

Ivan requests that this demand be added to the minutes.

There is a request from a board member that Ivan's demand be delivered in writing. There is another request by a board member that Ivan Drury provide the board with a comprehensive list of those board members who frighten him, so the board can properly deal with the issue. Presentation and discussion continues for approximately 45 minutesmuch longer than the allotted time. Chair tables the discussion to the next meeting due to time limitations.

Financial Requests

Treasurer presents to board spending requests associated with past board food and spending necessary for April 6th general meeting. Motion to accept 4 items of spending for the General Meeting
Roland motions, Garvin seconds, motion carries
Request will be included in this minutes.

Debbie presents a proposal for a community celebration on May 5th for Lek Lek'i
Wants to blanket the community. Coming to DNC first. Requesting $1,000 for 60 blankets. Request to have description in writing. Request tabled to next meeting.
Tami presents the 6 demands of Social Housing Coalition. Jacek motions to support the demands, Debbie seconds, motion passes unanimously

At this point, after Tami finishes her presentation, Tami, Shannon, and Ivan leave the meeting
Board development discussion

Debbie proposes a motion that in the future for an extraordinary agenda item at a board meeting to be added by a general member, person must come to the board meeting one week in advance or notify the secretary before the meeting one week in advance of their requested appearance. Also that the agenda be constructed to reflect a standard set of items: Opening (Housekeeping), Minutes Approval, Agenda Approval, Committee Reports, Financial Reports, Announcements, Special items, Closing
Jacek seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously.

Volunteers for the general meeting
Kelvin, Leo, Debbie, Roland, Jacek, James, Garvin, Jamie, Diane all
volunteer to be at the Dodson on Saturday at 2pm to help setup.

Discussion of procedures of the general meeting. Roland volunteers to take minutes. Garvin volunteers to be the timer. Discussion of adding Tami's request for an agenda item on the Social Housing Coalition to the general meeting agenda.

Motion to adjourn. Kelvin does the closing.

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