11 board members present
Attendees: Garvin Snider, DJ Joe, James Oickle, Diane Johnston, Ludvik Skalicky, Jacek Lorek, Debbie Krull, Bill Beauregarde, Roland Clarke, Richard Cunningham, Stan S.*, Kelvin Bee
Proposed Agenda
Letter to VanCity
CoV Small Grants
Under the Umbrella
General Meeting Planning
Garvin Chairs. Garvin reads the constitution
Roland reads the minutes
Jacek motions to accept the minutes. Bill seconds. Motion Carries.
Roland gives a summary of banking situation. VanCity not functional yet. Need to make sure that we have enough signers so that we can get a hold of them and they will actually get down to the bank and show
their IDs.
MOTION: motions to add DJ Joe as signer, Ludvik Skalicky seconds, motion passes.
Letter to VanCity
Debbie - LAPP supports it. Criticism is that the dollars should be allocated toward existing social groups and the building should be torn down.
Roland reads the letter regarding the VanCity project.
Kelvin mentions that Frank Paul was held in that space. The first nations need to go in their first regardless of what happens.
Garvin - this is just a letter of support for a certain direction.
Bill - I'm for private use of the building to subsidize the non-profits
Debbie - I'm speaking in favor, since it is moving forward anyway. We might as well be part of the process. Wants to make sure that a clensing take place in that space before anything happens.
Kelvin - it was a holding cell. This is very important. I also need to
talk to the board and correct some stuff.
Debbie volunteers to write this passage that makes the proper discussion of residential school survivors.
General Meeting
Ludvik - posters are designed. I can print them tomorrow.
Roland shows a proof of the poster.
Garvin still has not heard back from PIVOT regarding assistance
facilitating the meeting, Helesia Luke will be joining us.
Roland, Richard, Debbie, Garvin - volunteers to facilate.
Need to decide what the stipends are for the level of committment that
people give.
Kelvin says that we might be get in trouble if the board pays itself.
Richard - says that he personally got money for facilitating last
year, so it was done by the DNC traditionally.
Debbie feels that this should be payment for appreciation for the help
that they have given.
Kelvin - because this board has not done anything yet, this is an option.
Roland speaks about the model of VANDU that has been worked out over
years about how to fairly allocate stipends
Garvin speaks to referring this to committee to decide the stipends.
Jamie's presentation can be put at the end of the agenda, so if
anything happens, we can just skip it.
Jamie has to come to the board and present his ideas in order for us
to put it on the agenda.
Bill says that he may not be able to come to the meeting because of a
festival that is going on.
Garvin - Helesia Luke will be coming to the general meeting. She is a
great contact and can help us in the future.
Debbie - is there any update on Catherine Ludgate and our money?
No update.
Community Small Grants
Meet after Street Market Meeting on Monday to write up a bunch of letters.
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