Thursday, 1 November 2012

DNC Board meeting - November 1, 2012

DNC Board meeting and discussion on 2012 in review
November 1 2012

Present: Tami, Herb, Kelvin, Jamie, Ivan, Harold, DJ, Jenn
Guests: Daeshawna, Colleen, Victoria, James, Richard from the West, Jacek, Dave D

Opening and introductions
Urgent issues for decision
General meeting / AGM
Discussion: Year 2012 in review

Kelvin acknowledged Squamish, Musqueam, Tsleil Waututh territory
Round of introductions
Tami outlines agenda. Motion to approve agenda: Passed unanimous

I presented at council for the first time a couple weeks ago, about the rezoning application for 955 E Hastings. The councilors cross examined me pretty harshly. Then at the next day of the public hearing Scott Clark came and undermined the co-chairs and presented different vote outcomes. Ivan said that was a lie, and then Scott yelled at Ivan.
At the
We discussed this at the co-chairs meeting and have a suggestion about how to resolve it
I want DNC's support for Herb not to apologize because we never agreed to not protest
I had someone from LAPP call me this week and tell me that I should keep people beneath me in line. That was completely unreasonable.
I'm really pissed off that they called me, that someone gave them my number
I support what Herb did, I don't care what happens up at city hall.
I am under a lot of stress from family issues and getting that call was more stressful
I am speaking with a lawyer to see if I can get support to stop these calls.
I used to get calls about Ivan and the LAPP which I used to just ignore.
I'm hurting inside and I need support.
I am asking for support from the DNC board to send a letter to the LAPP and ask for them to not call me on my personal phone.
I responded to some of the emails going out criticizing Herb.
I spoke with Kathy from the Powell St Festival asking for her support of us through this conflict.
I replied with a fairly distinct email to everyone who received Joji's complaint letter, naming Joji's position of privilege
I don't believe in engaging in these discussions over email
I think that Scott Clark is bullying the committee and especially Herb and Ivan, at the governance committee.
The city is not listening to us. I see some joining of forces and some bullying happening. I saw some real smugness between Wes and the city at the meeting today
I feel we're really losing our edginess. We're being too polite.
There's a danger of the DNC within the LAPP playing too much of their game and not pushing our own game.
- When I say I'm a sovereign Nisga'a and Nuu-Chah-Nulth man it's because
For DNC to send a letter to the LAPP asking that Kelvin not be harassed about the conduct of others on the LAPP committee and that no one call him on his cell phone without his permission, that his number has gotten out somehow. (Moved, Herb. Second, DJ. Passed unan)
For DNC board to support Herb in his decision to not apologize for protesting at city hall. (Moved, DJ. Second: Victoria and Kelvin. Passed, 1 abstention for conflict of interest)

It's been an emotional week for copwatch and me.
Rob Morgan, who we have been supporting in a complaint for police brutality, just got an email from the Office of the Police Complaints Commission saying that the officer he has launched a complaint against was not working that night. We are trying to verify that and to figure out what to do next.
Earlier this week I witnessed a heavy attack on a woman on the street; two cops handcuffed her too hard and she was crying, was forced to drop a tissue, and then they gave her a ticket for littering.
I called the staff sgt and he dismissed my complaint. He said that it was only my opinion that the person was assaulted and they he would not meet with me because even the district inspector Michelle Davie would not meet with me.
Jamie and I are discussing that we should not meet with the police any more. We need a special branch of the Independent Inspections Office (IIO) in the DTES to take complaints.
The sgt also said that if I don't like the way police function I should get my MLA and MP to change the police act. So I have approached Jenny Kwan and Libby Davies to work on this.
I made a report and filed a complaint against the cops for coming into my room with the Beat TV show and they are not saying they want me to drop the case because they can't substantiate the date.
I have a lawyer to work on it and I don't want to drop it
Copwatch is in the Georgia Straight because Charlie Smith went along on a ride along with the BET team. His story glorifies the BET. We want to invite him to do a walk along.
I agree that Jenn should not meet with the cops any more. I think there's a political opportunity here with the beginning of the Independent Investigations Office. They have to prove they're actually effective and that's a lot to prove.
I think we should arrange a meeting with the new Investigations Officer Rosenthal and Doug King and David Eby and push for a special investigations office in the DTES.
If they're not willing then we should organize a delegation to go to the forum they are organizing about policing on November 19 and deliver a statement.
We have to make this a human rights issue. All aspects of our condition in the DTES are human rights violations. We need to make it a bigger issue and to take it to the UN if we can.
The very constitution of Canada is racist against Native people. And now it's becoming more of a crime to be poor, to be a sex worker.
In the LAPP we're wasting a tremendous amount of energy spinning our wheels and we should be organizing.
In the early summer I had a complaint that Cst Sean Shipper was harassing me and they dropped it.
When I made my complaints, the only result I got from the police was that they received my complaint. That's all.
DECISION: To pursue the following actions
Jenn to contact Jenny Kwan and Libby Davies about the Police Act
Ivan to set up a meeting between Copwatch, Pivot, BCCLA, and the IIO to ask for a special complaints office in the DTES
To organize a delegation to the forum at WW about policing on November 19

- The special committee requested that we push back the AGM one month, so we had a motion last week to reorganize the general and AGM meetings but didn’t have quorum. I contacted some other board members and they agreed. We had to move ahead.
CONSENSUS DECISION: To support the reorganizing of general meeting and AGM as follows:
- November general meeting: Saturday November 10, 2:30pm at Dodson Hall
- Pre-AGM: Saturday December 1, 3pm at Carnegie Theatre
- AGM and board elections: Saturday December 8, 2:30pm at Dodson Hall

(Recorded on flip chart. Ivan went through DNC’s actions month-by-month. Go-round of all present to state their “favorite actions” of the year.)
CONSENSUS DECISION: To have a “best of 2012” discussion at the November general meeting, with comparisons between our work in 2011 and in 2012 (under the pressure of the LAPP).


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