DNC Board Meeting
September 6th, 2012
Attendees: Ivan D, Jacek L, Herb V, Kelvin B, Ann L, Roland C,
Joe L, James O, Dave M, Dave D, Jenn A
The mood is quiet, calm and suspensful.
6:12pm - We have quorum! Hurray! 8 board members and 11 people total
Tentative Agenda
1) Opening
a - intros
b - protocols, cleanup
2) Announcements and endorsements
3) DNC Board Business
a - Wendy's Leave
b - Conflict Resolution
c - DNC and CCAP
d - AGM
4) Committee Reports
a - Street Market
b - LAPP
c - Copwatch
d - Shelter
e - DNFD
5) General Meeting
a - September meeting
b - Future meetings
At approximately 6:22pm, the oven starts squalking to let us know that
the chicken is ready.
Herb Chairs
6:37 Kelvin does the opening
Check in
Agenda adopted as read. Motion by Kelvin, seconded by Joe, motion carries
2. Announcements
Social Housing Coalition
Ivan - Starting Social Housing coalition to make social housing an
election issue
Oportunity to build coalitions outside of DTES.
First meeting is Sep 12, 7pm in Carnegie Theatre.
Ann - who will be the representative
Ivan - Harold wants to be the representative, it will be a one meeting a month
kind of thing. Jean will likely be the chair with another chair from outside the
Ivan - simple demand that province build social housing, and proper
rent controls
Ann - Issue is that CCAP had put together another thing like this
called 'City Wide'.
Ann - If we don't endorse it, would it matter?
Ivan - demand is that social housing be controlled by the RTA
Motion to attend the meeting next week with Harold as representative
Joe makes motion, Kelvin seconds, motion carries
Women's Housing March
Ann - there is a better list of demands than last year
Herb - also they want to do street theatre
Ann - they have requested that DNC be on their poster
Ivan - moves to endorse the march
Motion carries
Pipelines Forum
Ivan - we got an email asking to endorse this, it is women from various
places talking about the impact of pipelines
Jenn moves to endorse, Kelvin seconds, motion carries
Drug War Stops Here
Dave D - Community dialog around drug prohibition. Panel presentations,
Debrah peterson small, sessions on impact of drug war on women, people
of color,
and theatre to get at issues of prohibition. Its in a big tent in
oppenheimer park
Ann - VANDU has good involvement, to make sure that drug users are well
Dave D - event is organized by VANDU, WAHRS and the end prohibition project
LAPP - What we are hearing event
Jamie R arrives
Herb - we are gathering so much data, but we also might get drowned out
and easy for them to cherry pick and ignore our stuff. It is important
that we show up and get our issues represented.
3) DNC Board Business
a - Wendy's Leave
Ivan - Wendy had a minor heart attack and was hospitalized. She has Syndrome X.
It occures in younger women in high stress situations. The only way to treat it
is to go into a zero stress environment. She is asking for a leave of absence
from CCAP, the LAPP, and all organizing work. Herb suggested that we get a giant
Ivan - we are going to have to decide who is the primary person for the LAPP.
Ann - can't we just say it is Herb and Ivan now?
Ann - we should get something for her that deeply acknowleges the work that
she has done
Kelvin - we might be able to get some artists to do a special drawing. I bet
that something she does not expect is to have a roast. We could give her a
bon voyage that she deserves.
b - Conflict Resolution Process
Ivan - there are two conflict resolution processes that are underway. One
was between Roland and Jenn. The original committee was Ivan, Tami, and Wendy.
The process is that we create a sub-committee and try to resolve it by talking
to each of the people. If that fails then the committee comes back to the board
with recommendations. The subjects have a right to respond. The board then has
a chance to resolve it, perhaps through a vote. This would then go to
the general
membership. It begins with confidentiality, and then goes through accountability
to reduce gossip and make sure that everyone is in a safe environment. Wendy and
Tami could not participate. I did interviews with both of them. I
think that the
process has failed. That report should be given in writing. I will give notice
that the report will be delivered at the next board meeting.
The second conflict resolution is between Wendy and Roland. Wendy has requested
a conflict resolution with Roland. The board needs to select a
committee to resolve
this. Wendy has requested that I (Ivan) is on the committee.
Ann - I volunteer to be on the committee
Ivan - I move that there be a motion to strike the committee
Motion carries - one abstention - Roland
c - Relationship between DNC and CCAP
Jacek - we asked for this. The problem with CCAP started a few months
ago. When CCAP
talks to the City, what position does CCAP take? We passed a
resolution on First United.
If I remember, they all voted for it. The very next day when I went to
the CCAP meeting
and the motion was rejected. I talked to Wendy and she said that she
talked to BC housing
and First United, this is when we realized that she never came back to
the DNC, and we
wanted to know if CCAP is talking to people about shelters, then we
don't know what
position that they are taking.
Ann - previously it was said that it was said that just because people
at CCAP have
jobs they have more power, but it is not just that. Since CCAP and DNC
have such
similar issues and are meshed, then it is good to have it be extremely
clear what
the differences are. We need to do a process to find out how each
organization works
then we can unravel what the difficulties are. CCAP is much more
focussed on housing.
Ann - I would like us to make a motion to come back to the board to define where
DNC begins and CCAP ends.
Joe - I'm curious to find out where CCAP is going with Wendy gone.
Ivan - we are going to be doing all the same things as before, except
it is all on me.
CCAP and DNC are different organizations, and we can never prevent
other organizations
from speaking to the city
Ann - Motion to create a dispute resolution process between CCAP between the DNC
Ann - I am volunteering to be on the committee to resolve the issue
Ivan - I still don't understand the issue - it is not a specific enough motion
Ann - I will bring back a process to the next board meeting
Ann - the wording specific - it is to define the commonality between
CCAP and the DNC
Jenn moves, Jamie seconds
Motion Carries
d - Annual General Meeting
Ivan - I wanted the AGM on the Agenda and it is only two meetings away
Ivan - stike a motion to create an AGM committee
consisting of Ann, Herb, Ivan, Jamie, Kelvin volunteer to be on the
AGM committee
Jamie moves, Ann seconds, motion carries.
Committee Reports
IVan - expounds the details of board governance and throws a tantrum
about the street market
and says that Roland is trying to hyjack the process and that Roland
is anti-democratic and
is incredibly angry that Roland did not prepare a proper presentation
and throws papers and
yells and screams and walks out of the meeting.
Ann - lets go on with the agenda
Herb - we can't continue without talking about the market
Roland - I give my best pitch for reasonability.
Ivan comes back to the meeting
Ivan reads the email from Wendy in excruciating detail. He reads the
document from
the city along with each point from Wendy like it is a gothic novel.
Ann - what has happened is that Wendy has waited so long to review a
street market
meeting, and did not tell any of this to the street market committee
Ann - I would change the word "encourage" to "invite".
Ann - the strategy voiced at the street market meeting is one of
practicality. We intend
to pursue this direction with the city for convenience and for a
chance to ease the
operational problems with the market.
Ann - we are not even sure if the city is tricking us, or whether they
will give us
permits at all. 62 could act as a base, for storage, and for space for the DNC.
Motion on the floor
- to move to remove point 3, and bullet point 4
- also to delete point 4, and bullet point 5
Ann - is there a seconder
Kelvin seconds the motion
All in favor - three in favor
All against - two against
Three abstentions
Ann - if that trumps the street market committee, then this is a sham
Ivan - normally we don't count votes that are contentious
I stopped taking minutes at this point
Lots of meeting took place, all may end up in the ether.
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