DNC Board Meeting January 19th, 2012
Present: Tami, Joe, Yvonne, Ann-Marie, Jamie, Ivan, Paul, Wendy, Jen, Harold, Jada, Herb,
- Chair
- Acknowledgments
- Reads Constitution
- Request or motion as part of our openings that we decide on who’s chairing and who’s going to stay afterwards to clean up, always the same couple of people
- Some job sharing here
- Yup I can help
- Choose a finished time to end meeting
- Choose chair, minute taker, and job sharing as protocol
- Motioned by Ivan, second by Tami
Motion carries unanimously.
- Yvonne, Leo, Jada to clean up
- 7:30 is our goal to end the meeting
- Any amendments to agenda?
- Add announcements, PHS lecture series
- Approve agenda as is
- Second by Wendy
Motion carries to accept agenda as-is.
Committee Reports
LAPP At-large members
- LAPP committee will have 30 people on it
- Almost formed
- It will be very diverse
- About 35 people applied to be on the LAPP committee, we have to pick 7 of them
- Short-list of low-income list…..we short-listed 4 low-income reps, done by Wendy, Tom from the City, and Ian Chang.
- After talking with Tom and Ian, realized that having 3 presidents from the DNC will be completely stacked…Herb, Harold, Paul and Tami.
- Looked at all of them again, all of the applications. Talked to paul, tami and herb…checked-in, step-down from the competition? Maybe get away with 1.
- Herb stepped down. Wendy thinks he should reconsider.
- Harold says he’ll step away to avoid conflict.
- Wendy thinks it’s ok if they still want to.
- Decided from those who still want to keep running for the seats, and why they should run. Then we’ll have an in-camera discussion on it.
- The City and BCS had a preference out of the 4 based on a matrix based on diverse criteria. They were willing to look at Tami based on criteria.
- We have to have a solid rationale for someone.
- Wendy said to them that we need to have a discussion, and we need to make a decision.
- Can make an argument for anyone based on language you use
- Still submit the application
- We have a problem, we agreed to a process of 7 at-large seats
- We have too many qualified applicants for a limited number of seats, obviously difficult
- We don’t want to dominate the committee, it’s suppose to be an open process, people in the community want a fair chance
- I’m happy to withdraw, it’s up to the DNC on how other people can make a contribution
- Harold withdraws
- We should have seen this coming, Wendy has established relationships with some of us
- This is sort of a great problem to have
- How do we pick the right person? We have too many people who still want to do more! It’s funny.
- This is a real achievement
- We should have checked in at the last board meeting and GM
- It’s too much for Wendy
- We’re doing this now
- Could have thought about board members who put their names forward for President could have revoked their application for the LAPP
- Herb is going to shadow Wendy for the LAPP, consider that
- LAPP committee meetings should be public meetings so everyone can participate/listen (not vote), but can pass notes etc on this, stay involved
- At-large members need to bring perspectives from the whole group into this process.
- Concern default representing marginalized people
- Set up some tables, roundtables, we all should be spreading ourselves around
- We are going to be responsible for including residents into this planning process
- Submitted LAPP application before being considered President
- Normally at LAPP committees, the City invites whoever they feel are important, they invite whoever, why do we have to justify who we pick?
- We wear so many hats, I’m a part of multiple communities
- Community work, activist community, it’s a small group, we wear different hats at different times
- Herb was going to shadow Wendy on the LAPP
- Reconsider being on the LAPP
- Ann-Marie, Ann, Jada and Joe applied
- Transparent with everybody
- Other low-income reps are: Victoria Bull – grandmother, res school survivor, volunteers at strathcona elementary school; Rob Morgan – high on points, illicit drinkers, perceived as “high-impact”, he’s articulate and awesome advocate; Beth – high in points.
- Non low-income: Jada applied, didn’t get in, she’ll help anyways; Amanda – homeowner and parent; Angela McDougall – lives in Chinatown, condo person, rental, connection to women’s groups; Jeff Summers – use to do research with CCAP, works with Portland, researcher with heart and stroke foundation.
- Why should you be on the committee, Tami and Paul?
- Not a redhead
- Uncomfortable being in competition with other board members
- I like cooperation, unity
- I don’t claim to represent anyone but myself
- I acknowledge some representation, I’d like to think that I’m standing up and participating in the LAPP and my voice heard as my identification
- Humbly respect, put my name forward.
- Concern, I don’t feel that I represent anyone but myself
- But having this outer circle of input , I don’t know what to expect but do my best
- I’ve been involved in this process from the get-go, meeting after meeting
- Invested a lot of time and energy
- I don’t have all the checkmarks, but I represent something’s….Black, SRO, homeless
- I bring a strong and powerful voice, and I think people listen, and I listen to people
- Good with media, let DNC view be known, people recognize this
- I put a lot of work into this. Selfish? Maybe. If you put that much energy into it versus to someone who put no effort into this process.
- At most best to represent your views on this committee
- I would like to keep my name in
Tami and Paul leave the room for discussion.
(In-camera discussion)
Motion to recommend Tami, 1 person against, 1 abstain.
Discussion about decision……
Tenant Union
- Monthly tenant meeting lunch discussion at Balmoral Bar noon on Sunday
- Theme: How do you get through the month on $610?
- Create a Top 10 list on why they should raise welfare
- Number 1: so we don’t have to go to food lines or food banks
- Number 2: stop child apprehensions
- Last time we went to the Balmoral, served 75 people with good discussions
- We didn’t have enough organizers
- Sit at table with about 5 people, beer is being served
- Cook here at 8:30 – Yvonne, Ivan, Jamie
- Lead Discussions – Joe, Ivan/Yvonne, Herb, Jada
- Tuesday night doing the same at the Washington Hotel, 6pm
- People are complaining about the Balmoral living conditions, trying to deal with things myself. I’ve asked people with those buildings to take on helping out.
- Tenant Union at Balmoral is great idea
- Be mindful, owner of building is Sahota
- We’re organizing against him, unreal he’s letting us do this
- Raise the rates wouldn’t be a problem
- Be tentative and aware that tenants might not say things outloud
- Intimidate people to get out of there
- They can’t kick people out in winter time, can they?
Police Committee and Cop Watch
- DNC can put together a police committee, and the Vancouver cop watch will be separate, but we can work together
- Jamie does the street intel
- Coordinate the two
- Jen explains Vancouver Cop Watch
- Foot patrols
- Hold police accountable, help people put in complaints
- Want to start a bad-cop sheet, like a bad-date sheet
- Send complaints to police department
- Separate the good cops from the bad cops
- Hooked up to cop watches around the world on how to do this
- Certainly agree with you
- Will we put cops in danger by put photos up, will we get into trouble?
- We’ll get some legal guidance to produce sheets, apply the same standards
- Get advice
- I don’t know if legally we can do this…
- Story about police issue she had
- Think it’s a great idea
- We need to come up with something to keep police accountable, but there is a whole range of issues with policing
- This will inform our work
- Many different elements to it
- Tremendous amount of frustration about the complaints process
- Issues of liability
- Once we figure out the legal aspects, there are some logistical things
- What if I try to take a picture of a cop, and they take my phone and throw it in a puddle?
- Professional photographer, scrap book, and identify cops
- We are also here for cop protections, based on evidence
- Single out good cops too
- Bottom-line police committee
- Others can start
- Jada and I have been diving into stats, report that, expose it
- Meeting with geography guy, he thinks he can have access to bail conditions data
- Suggestions – find out how many tickets for people going over speed
- Vs. Jaywalking tickets
- Wednesday January 25th 7:30, Carnegie
Treasurer and Fundraising
- We’re running out of money
- List of DNC Expenses, what we need money for
- $40/week for food
- Donations from Craig
- We need to find out how much money we need to fundraise
- We should think about where to make cutbacks after look after list
- Board Meeting Food: $240
- Cell Phones: 5 cell phones for $117.60/month
- Meeting Space for GM: $112/month
- “Feed the Roots” $300
- Photocopying/stationary: $100/month
- GM Food: $60/month
- GM Honorariums: $300/month maximum
- $969/month (without “Feed the Roots”)
- Stipends covered around
- We need $700/month to cover us
- Cupe?
- Writing a proposal to UBC Justice Centre for Feed the Roots, 6 months of cell phone use, 3 months of board meeting food
- Apply up to $1,500
- We should make a contribution to Jacobs Well and other friends, just a little bit of extra money
- $100 per month to Jacobs Well?
- Newspaper is starting, $800 per month, funding separately
- I think we should get about $12,000-$15,000 per year
- We need to fight with the city to get neighbourhood funding
- Jada and Wendy to look into that
- Maybe have cell phones are DNC phones
- Prefer that we had this discussion was prepared
- Hard to make decisions are going
- Will research and report back
Street Market Report
- Street Market Committee meeting with City
- Need to decide what we’re asking for regarding funding
- Need to raise $10,000 for the year, City should pay for that from casino money
- We could try to bump it up
- We asked for $50,000 and they gave us $20,000
- They might give us more this year because we’re more established
- We’ll debate this at the Street Market meeting, tomorrow at 3:15pm at Vandu
- We shouldn’t make a request for things we aren’t prepared for
- This is a street market committee discussion
Dave Murray
- Talked to Lynn regarding how the report is going etc, no response from her
- Concern that the deadline is coming up
- We could ask for more money
- If enough people are at tomorrow’s meeting, then maybe let them make the decision
- Wait to see what happens tomorrow
Everything Else
- Paul Taylor will talk about space for DNC
- We need to have skill building workshop for board members to expand facilitation skills for board members to improve them. Suggest great facilitator. Table to next Thursday.
- Feed the Roots: can’t come on Thursday for a draft workshop. We could set up a separate time on Monday or something to inform board what is going on. Maybe set it up for next Friday? Ivan will set it up.
- Memorial March: Jamie’s point, not here. February 14th
- Special Committee Report: Charles against Jamie. 3 of us met with Jamie, have a resolution, privately resolve this, we won’t give details, ask the board to leave it be, tentative agreement, bring a recommendation to have a code of conduct of board members with how we treat each other and between board members and general members. Paul and Herb to work on this, and Tami.
- VCC Dinner: This Saturday, Christmas in January, we should get memberships from that line-up!
- PHS Lecture Series on Sunday, announcement, and Vandu 2-4pm on Monday.
- Motion to adjourn!
- Second by Harold
Present: Tami, Joe, Yvonne, Ann-Marie, Jamie, Ivan, Paul, Wendy, Jen, Harold, Jada, Herb,
- Chair
- Acknowledgments
- Reads Constitution
- Request or motion as part of our openings that we decide on who’s chairing and who’s going to stay afterwards to clean up, always the same couple of people
- Some job sharing here
- Yup I can help
- Choose a finished time to end meeting
- Choose chair, minute taker, and job sharing as protocol
- Motioned by Ivan, second by Tami
Motion carries unanimously.
- Yvonne, Leo, Jada to clean up
- 7:30 is our goal to end the meeting
- Any amendments to agenda?
- Add announcements, PHS lecture series
- Approve agenda as is
- Second by Wendy
Motion carries to accept agenda as-is.
Committee Reports
LAPP At-large members
- LAPP committee will have 30 people on it
- Almost formed
- It will be very diverse
- About 35 people applied to be on the LAPP committee, we have to pick 7 of them
- Short-list of low-income list…..we short-listed 4 low-income reps, done by Wendy, Tom from the City, and Ian Chang.
- After talking with Tom and Ian, realized that having 3 presidents from the DNC will be completely stacked…Herb, Harold, Paul and Tami.
- Looked at all of them again, all of the applications. Talked to paul, tami and herb…checked-in, step-down from the competition? Maybe get away with 1.
- Herb stepped down. Wendy thinks he should reconsider.
- Harold says he’ll step away to avoid conflict.
- Wendy thinks it’s ok if they still want to.
- Decided from those who still want to keep running for the seats, and why they should run. Then we’ll have an in-camera discussion on it.
- The City and BCS had a preference out of the 4 based on a matrix based on diverse criteria. They were willing to look at Tami based on criteria.
- We have to have a solid rationale for someone.
- Wendy said to them that we need to have a discussion, and we need to make a decision.
- Can make an argument for anyone based on language you use
- Still submit the application
- We have a problem, we agreed to a process of 7 at-large seats
- We have too many qualified applicants for a limited number of seats, obviously difficult
- We don’t want to dominate the committee, it’s suppose to be an open process, people in the community want a fair chance
- I’m happy to withdraw, it’s up to the DNC on how other people can make a contribution
- Harold withdraws
- We should have seen this coming, Wendy has established relationships with some of us
- This is sort of a great problem to have
- How do we pick the right person? We have too many people who still want to do more! It’s funny.
- This is a real achievement
- We should have checked in at the last board meeting and GM
- It’s too much for Wendy
- We’re doing this now
- Could have thought about board members who put their names forward for President could have revoked their application for the LAPP
- Herb is going to shadow Wendy for the LAPP, consider that
- LAPP committee meetings should be public meetings so everyone can participate/listen (not vote), but can pass notes etc on this, stay involved
- At-large members need to bring perspectives from the whole group into this process.
- Concern default representing marginalized people
- Set up some tables, roundtables, we all should be spreading ourselves around
- We are going to be responsible for including residents into this planning process
- Submitted LAPP application before being considered President
- Normally at LAPP committees, the City invites whoever they feel are important, they invite whoever, why do we have to justify who we pick?
- We wear so many hats, I’m a part of multiple communities
- Community work, activist community, it’s a small group, we wear different hats at different times
- Herb was going to shadow Wendy on the LAPP
- Reconsider being on the LAPP
- Ann-Marie, Ann, Jada and Joe applied
- Transparent with everybody
- Other low-income reps are: Victoria Bull – grandmother, res school survivor, volunteers at strathcona elementary school; Rob Morgan – high on points, illicit drinkers, perceived as “high-impact”, he’s articulate and awesome advocate; Beth – high in points.
- Non low-income: Jada applied, didn’t get in, she’ll help anyways; Amanda – homeowner and parent; Angela McDougall – lives in Chinatown, condo person, rental, connection to women’s groups; Jeff Summers – use to do research with CCAP, works with Portland, researcher with heart and stroke foundation.
- Why should you be on the committee, Tami and Paul?
- Not a redhead
- Uncomfortable being in competition with other board members
- I like cooperation, unity
- I don’t claim to represent anyone but myself
- I acknowledge some representation, I’d like to think that I’m standing up and participating in the LAPP and my voice heard as my identification
- Humbly respect, put my name forward.
- Concern, I don’t feel that I represent anyone but myself
- But having this outer circle of input , I don’t know what to expect but do my best
- I’ve been involved in this process from the get-go, meeting after meeting
- Invested a lot of time and energy
- I don’t have all the checkmarks, but I represent something’s….Black, SRO, homeless
- I bring a strong and powerful voice, and I think people listen, and I listen to people
- Good with media, let DNC view be known, people recognize this
- I put a lot of work into this. Selfish? Maybe. If you put that much energy into it versus to someone who put no effort into this process.
- At most best to represent your views on this committee
- I would like to keep my name in
Tami and Paul leave the room for discussion.
(In-camera discussion)
Motion to recommend Tami, 1 person against, 1 abstain.
Discussion about decision……
Tenant Union
- Monthly tenant meeting lunch discussion at Balmoral Bar noon on Sunday
- Theme: How do you get through the month on $610?
- Create a Top 10 list on why they should raise welfare
- Number 1: so we don’t have to go to food lines or food banks
- Number 2: stop child apprehensions
- Last time we went to the Balmoral, served 75 people with good discussions
- We didn’t have enough organizers
- Sit at table with about 5 people, beer is being served
- Cook here at 8:30 – Yvonne, Ivan, Jamie
- Lead Discussions – Joe, Ivan/Yvonne, Herb, Jada
- Tuesday night doing the same at the Washington Hotel, 6pm
- People are complaining about the Balmoral living conditions, trying to deal with things myself. I’ve asked people with those buildings to take on helping out.
- Tenant Union at Balmoral is great idea
- Be mindful, owner of building is Sahota
- We’re organizing against him, unreal he’s letting us do this
- Raise the rates wouldn’t be a problem
- Be tentative and aware that tenants might not say things outloud
- Intimidate people to get out of there
- They can’t kick people out in winter time, can they?
Police Committee and Cop Watch
- DNC can put together a police committee, and the Vancouver cop watch will be separate, but we can work together
- Jamie does the street intel
- Coordinate the two
- Jen explains Vancouver Cop Watch
- Foot patrols
- Hold police accountable, help people put in complaints
- Want to start a bad-cop sheet, like a bad-date sheet
- Send complaints to police department
- Separate the good cops from the bad cops
- Hooked up to cop watches around the world on how to do this
- Certainly agree with you
- Will we put cops in danger by put photos up, will we get into trouble?
- We’ll get some legal guidance to produce sheets, apply the same standards
- Get advice
- I don’t know if legally we can do this…
- Story about police issue she had
- Think it’s a great idea
- We need to come up with something to keep police accountable, but there is a whole range of issues with policing
- This will inform our work
- Many different elements to it
- Tremendous amount of frustration about the complaints process
- Issues of liability
- Once we figure out the legal aspects, there are some logistical things
- What if I try to take a picture of a cop, and they take my phone and throw it in a puddle?
- Professional photographer, scrap book, and identify cops
- We are also here for cop protections, based on evidence
- Single out good cops too
- Bottom-line police committee
- Others can start
- Jada and I have been diving into stats, report that, expose it
- Meeting with geography guy, he thinks he can have access to bail conditions data
- Suggestions – find out how many tickets for people going over speed
- Vs. Jaywalking tickets
- Wednesday January 25th 7:30, Carnegie
Treasurer and Fundraising
- We’re running out of money
- List of DNC Expenses, what we need money for
- $40/week for food
- Donations from Craig
- We need to find out how much money we need to fundraise
- We should think about where to make cutbacks after look after list
- Board Meeting Food: $240
- Cell Phones: 5 cell phones for $117.60/month
- Meeting Space for GM: $112/month
- “Feed the Roots” $300
- Photocopying/stationary: $100/month
- GM Food: $60/month
- GM Honorariums: $300/month maximum
- $969/month (without “Feed the Roots”)
- Stipends covered around
- We need $700/month to cover us
- Cupe?
- Writing a proposal to UBC Justice Centre for Feed the Roots, 6 months of cell phone use, 3 months of board meeting food
- Apply up to $1,500
- We should make a contribution to Jacobs Well and other friends, just a little bit of extra money
- $100 per month to Jacobs Well?
- Newspaper is starting, $800 per month, funding separately
- I think we should get about $12,000-$15,000 per year
- We need to fight with the city to get neighbourhood funding
- Jada and Wendy to look into that
- Maybe have cell phones are DNC phones
- Prefer that we had this discussion was prepared
- Hard to make decisions are going
- Will research and report back
Street Market Report
- Street Market Committee meeting with City
- Need to decide what we’re asking for regarding funding
- Need to raise $10,000 for the year, City should pay for that from casino money
- We could try to bump it up
- We asked for $50,000 and they gave us $20,000
- They might give us more this year because we’re more established
- We’ll debate this at the Street Market meeting, tomorrow at 3:15pm at Vandu
- We shouldn’t make a request for things we aren’t prepared for
- This is a street market committee discussion
Dave Murray
- Talked to Lynn regarding how the report is going etc, no response from her
- Concern that the deadline is coming up
- We could ask for more money
- If enough people are at tomorrow’s meeting, then maybe let them make the decision
- Wait to see what happens tomorrow
Everything Else
- Paul Taylor will talk about space for DNC
- We need to have skill building workshop for board members to expand facilitation skills for board members to improve them. Suggest great facilitator. Table to next Thursday.
- Feed the Roots: can’t come on Thursday for a draft workshop. We could set up a separate time on Monday or something to inform board what is going on. Maybe set it up for next Friday? Ivan will set it up.
- Memorial March: Jamie’s point, not here. February 14th
- Special Committee Report: Charles against Jamie. 3 of us met with Jamie, have a resolution, privately resolve this, we won’t give details, ask the board to leave it be, tentative agreement, bring a recommendation to have a code of conduct of board members with how we treat each other and between board members and general members. Paul and Herb to work on this, and Tami.
- VCC Dinner: This Saturday, Christmas in January, we should get memberships from that line-up!
- PHS Lecture Series on Sunday, announcement, and Vandu 2-4pm on Monday.
- Motion to adjourn!
- Second by Harold
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