Monday, 18 July 2011

DNC Board Meeting - July 18, 2011

Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Council Board Meeting
July 18, 2011
Jacob’s Well
(I don’t know if I got these minutes right, please check)


  1. Acknowledgement and constitution
  2. Attendance: Harold, Paul, Fraser, Dave M, Richard, Wendy, Ann
  3. Regrets: Sid, Ivan, Tami
  4. No regrets:  Dave H, Earl, Ping, Ron
  5. Chair: Paul, Notes: Wendy
  6. Review of agenda


  1. DNC GM
    1. Space is booked for Aug 6 AGM 2 pm this time, not 3 pm!
    2. Next board meeting work out theme
  2. Board vacancies to be ratified at the next GM.  Paul and Wendy to follow up with new board members. 
    1. Motion:  Angela McDougal will take the one market seat.  Paul/Second Harold; carried
    2. Motion:  Jen Allen will take the one At Large seat.  Wendy/Second  Ann; carried
    3. Motion:  Invite Raquel, Lorna and Al to come to the next board meeting and see which 2 can take board seats under the homeless category.  Wendy/Second:  Fraser; carried.
    4. Motion:  Invite Stacey, Tracey and other interested members to attend board meetings and possibly fill future vacancies.  Wendy/Second Ann; carried.
  3. Honorarium Evaluations – Anne Marie to take forms to Power of women to get filled. 
  4. Beattie letter – Deal with this in August GM; set a time limit; nominate Ivan, Harold and Fraser to meet ahead of time to organize for this.
  5. Cel phone minutes for active board members
    1. Motion:  Fraser to get a plan for cel phone and submit receipts up to $30 a month Paul/Second Wendy; carried.

Active Campaigns:

  1. Pantages
    1. action on Thursday at 9 a.m. for breakfast – going to architect’s office.
    2. DNC needs to write a letter to city hall against Pantages before Aug 12.
  2. Ped safety
    1. Meeting with Kerry Jang Tues at 2 at VANDU

Active Committees:
  1. LAPP
    1. First potential coalition meeting on Tuesday night at 6 pm
  2. Street Market
    1. Application to Vancouver Foundation going to pay for ½ the project for 1 day a week in 2012-2014.
    2. Thank you letters needed for Central City Foundation and COV
    3. Letter to city about expansion needed – to say that we want to operate it.

- Future 10 sites strategy meeting
- Newsletter committee elections
- Outreach and agenda for August GM


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