Wednesday, 25 May 2011

DNC minutes - May 25, 2011

DNC minutes
May 25, 2011

Earl, Harold, Fraser, Ann, Wendy, Paul, Dave M, Ivan


1)     Honorarium evaluation – In addition to the survey, Ann wanted to have an analysis of the data, whether attendance is less or more etc.  Ivan presented the survey.  We had a discussion about putting “who I am” on the survey.  Harold suggests taking out “vote” and “ID.” Explain why you need stats says Fraser.  Ann said we want to make sure we’re accessing opinions of those who usually don’t participate.  Ivan read out the suggested edits and will bring final to the next board meeting.  Paul:  motion to accept changes to survey as presented by Ivan.  Wendy:  Second.  Tami:  Abstained.  Carried.

2)     Eileen’s report – not here

3)     Newsletter – purpose is to get regularized communications to the hotels.  The Downtown East.  Needs to be representative so there is a racial justice, indigenous representative on the board, women on the board – fully fleshed out editorial policy.  Call a meeting to plan the launch of it.  Who on editorial board and other foundational aspects, how it’s distributed and printed.  Ivan:  motion to put a meeting together to plan the launching of the newsletter.  Harold:  Second.  Discussion:  Harold:  happy with this but not rush into it without knowing what we’re doing.  Do it in the overall fundraising plan.  No rush.  Will help our work over time.  Fraser:  overtired not to rush it.  Paul:  Good idea.  Help us be more representative of and reaching out to residents. 
We want to organize you building by building – more practical to help you deal with unique residential issues – organize a tenants union through this.  Who owns your building etc.  Dave:  get info out about bedbugs.  Carried.  Next Wednesday at 5 pm.  Carnegie 3rd floor.  Ivan will send out invite. 

4)     Ginseng – chairs cleared out.  No negotiation about money.  Email Janice and get keys now so we can clean up and paint now.  Use it for free on 4th, 5th and 9th for DNC meetings.  Negotiate in the second week.  We’ll propose $100 a week.  Walls need whitewashing.  Need linoleum.  Carpet ripped out.  Not too bad but couple of days work.  Put together a work-party.  Fraser can help with kitchen.   

5)     General Meeting –
Paul’s Motion:  Theme is the Pantages and the other 8 sites.  Ivan will make poster.  We could do a policing one in future said Ann. 

6)     Chinatown Update
a.     Party happening - Sunday June 5th 6 pm.  Open to volunteers to organizing.  Wendy agreed to do outreach.  Ask Diane Wood to do the programming for music, poetry etc.  Ask Suzanne B, Letizia and Gena to help with the party.  Britta working on food. Supplemented potluck.   Fraser can work on food.  Chinatown committee could meet before this party?  Need a decorating crew:  Teresa Vandertuin.  Friday at 3 pm meeting.

7)     Committee updates

a.     Board seats – Ann can send individual email:  Nikki, Gladys, Eileen, Robert.  Wendy will call Ping.  Just Vanessa has resigned so far.  

b.     Board communications – Paul gets the master sheet of roles that. 

c.      Action committee – Ivan:  mostly attracting outside activist types.  Not a good place to get feedback from people in the area.  We could do our strategy meetings in the board and make them more public, people could speak and not vote.  We should be organizing in hotels and social housing – get valuable feedback would be time better spent.  Get info about key things like “what is social housing, all the gaps and systemic barriers etc.”  Hold meetings in targeted ways rather than.  Harold:  problem with how committee is functioning.  It shouldn’t be meeting every week.  Tami:  could have an organizational map.  Fraser and Ann:  could ask people what they want to work on. 

d.     Membership – Ivan:  met with Sarah B at Catholic Worker housing and offered to do our member list.  Gave her member forms.  Cross reference the emails on the member forms to the povnet email list. 

e.     Street market – Police incident at the street market.  Ivan:  Upset that we never got an email about it.   Wendy:  We’re having a management committee meeting Thursday at 1 pm.  Incident with the police has been deferred for 2 weeks until Doug Bain is back.  Social planning is aware of it.  Suggestion for Lyn to write an activity report and a report on every street market and forward it onto the board. 

f.       Lapp update – tabled until next meeting

g.      Finance – tabled until next meeting

8)     Work with others
a.     Vanact letter – tabled until next meeting
b.     Renters roundtable -
c.      Rhizome


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