Monday, 27 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes, April 21st, 2015, Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.


Aborginal  Committee

Legal committee

Street Market

Vancouver Coastal Health Rally

Aboriginal Committee

Aboriginal Committee and Edge will march to Vancouver Coast Health to present the DNC letter of support. Committee requests $28 to make fry bread. John will buy ingredients on the 22nd and present receipts to Roland.  Chris seconded.  Motion passed.

Law Committee

We’ve been informed of date by which CHRC will respond. Aaron and Amanda will speak to Vancouver Drug Users Resource Center to ask for space for presentation.

Vancouver Coastal Health

Rally on Monday, May 11th to present DNC letter of support with press interaction.

Street Market

Re Street Market schedules to move to 501 Powell Street.  City needs to ensure water and electricity before actual move can take place. 

Moment of Silence

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes, April 14th, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings, Vancouver.


Aboriginal  Committee
Letter of Support
Coalition of Neighborhood Councils
Street Market
Other Business

Aboriginal Committee

Rob: The motion for expenses to cover ingredients for fry bread was agreed on last year.  Jacek:  Come over during the week. We need to plan it out. If you go through market we will develop business plan but in turn we want some money out of it.  DNC will help you with ingredients and you can sell it at the market if you make it at home, then DNC can keep the money.  Ann: Bring a budget.  Jacek: Bring a plan. The board can’t vote unless there’s a plan. Committee will report back.


Amanda and Aaron withdrew from interview based on the following reasons: 1) The voice of the person being impacted was to be excluded. 2) The story was not going to focus on the DNC legal complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission re: treatment of tenants. Instead was to focus on ‘someone’s’ political opinion about poor people of the downtown eastside. Committee felt it was not proper to focus on ‘someone’s’ mere political opinion on this matter and that that would obscure the human rights issue and possibly turn the story into something that would  be disrespectful and exploitive of the residents of the downtown eastside.
The power point presentation is to be shown at Vandu today at 1:00 pm. Roland motions for a $3 stipend to members and that DNC present and ongoing information series. Motion passed.

Letter of Support

Ann requests the other supporter’s letters from Rob and then she can write letter. Rob agrees.

Coalition of Neighborhood Councils

Each and every lot can ask exemption from city plan for zoning. Residents can appeal. The problem is no one can live there long enough for a committee of residents to become strong.  Ray Cam is doing a study on community connections. Many groups involved including Carnegie etc. They have asked us if we want to sign on.  They’re calling it a collective impact study.

Street Market

Roland is writing the development permit for Powell 501; street market is to move to that location and share with other groups. Is necessary to construct an advisory group.

Other Business

Jamie’s case is being heard April 15th.

Moment of Silence


Monday, 13 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting minutes,  April 7th, 2015. Location:  #62, East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC.


Street Market
Law Sub Committee
General Meeting
Mental Health Act Meeting
General Meeting

Street Market

There will be a meeting April 10th, Friday, regarding move to 501 Powell Street @ 5th floor, 9:00 a.m. Woodward’s building.

Legal Committee

CBC interested in doing a story. 


Member leaves letter conveying his displeasure with outcome of DNC bottle drive.

General Meeting
General meeting to be held Tuesday at 2 o’clock, April 14th @ Vandu.  Ann will make posters and leaflets. Suggestion that no motions will be made to ensure that the focus is on presenting the information on human rights complaint clearly . Sign up at 1:30 for DNC members.

Mental Health Act Meeting

Group discusses that DNC should try to get a seat on the board. There should be a process for dealing with errors and abuse.  Ann will attend next meeting on April 10th @ 12 pm- 3 pm @ SFU. Motion to have Ann represent DNC at the meeting. 2nd by Amanda. Motion passed.


Jules hopes to get Laura Shaver to speak at DNC regarding clinic fees.

Other Business  

DNC welcomes Matt back and he addresses group

Moment of Silence


Monday, 6 April 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 31st 2015, Location: #62 Hastings street, Vancouver, BC.


Street Market
Legal Committee
Letter of Support
Other Business

Street Market

No date yet by city for move. Timeline is approximately 3-6 months.

Legal Committee

Interview to be held at #62 Hastings Street. Suggestion by Ann to give Amanda copy of Jamie’s complaint.  Ann will bring to next meeting.
Group discusses different ways of bringing argument forward.
Group discusses invitation to speak at West Coast Mental Health Network meeting to explain our position.

Letter of Support

Group discusses letter to Vancouver Coastal Health to open dialogue between Edge and VCH. Motion of support by Ann. Seconded by Amanda.  Motion passed. A letter of support from DNC will accompany letter from Edge to VCH. Vandu supports Edge. Ann will write letter.

Bottle Drive

Group commends Shawn for his effort with the bottle drive.

Other Business

Ann will have exact dates available for general meeting with Vandu by the next DNC meeting on March 7th.  Ann is working on power point presentation to explain our position.

Mtg regarding Mental Health Act today at 2 pm at W2. Rob will attend and report back.

Carnegie Alley Health Fair will attend #62 next Tuesday from 9:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m.

Moment of Silence
