Monday, 30 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting, March 24th, 2015, Location: Area #62, East Hastings.


Legal Committee
Bottle Drive
Developer / Community Consultation
Other Business

Legal Committee
Complaint was sent Friday via registered mail, March 20th. Motion for board to reimburse Amanda for the money spent for registered mail.  Motion passed.  Ann has made power point and will come back with dates for general meeting.  Group discusses expressions of support from community.

Bottle Drive
Discussion that bottle drive dates should be changed to a later date as details such as permission to use lot not confirmed. Bottle drive organizers oppose this as press releases already sent out regarding bottle drive. Group concedes that bottle drive will take place on planned date. Members will attend Street Market board meeting on March 28th to ask permission for group to use lot for bottle drive.

Roland will post online survey March 24th.

Developers / Community Consultation
Group discusses that developers want to meet with community groups, March 25th 1 – 2 pm.

Other Business
Ann states that Vancouver Coalition of Neighborhood Councils wants to gain support for challenging what BC Housing is proposing to redefine social housing. Motion to sign to oppose BC Housing redefining the definition of social housing.  Motion passed.

Moment of Silence.


Monday, 23 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 17th, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings.


Legal Committee
Bottle Drive
The West Hotel
Street Market
Other Business
Minutes passed.

Legal Committee
Complaint is ready. Ann will book a room for submission of complaint: 2-4 @ Vandu on Thursday, March 19th.

Bottle Drive
Signs are made. Truck can be booked for $19.95 per day plus $15 insurance and 69 cents per kilometer. Can be booked for 4 pm Saturday March 28th – 5 pm Sunday. Amanda will make press release and give press release to Bottle Drive committee.

The West Hotel
Rob talks about an incident of crime at West Hotel that is managed by Community Builders Association. Group discussion that a building resident’s association could better assist to prevent any further incidents given the failure of security provided by Community Builders Association.

Street Market
Scheduled shifts available at Street Market.  Residents can sign up for the shifts on Monday morning @ 9 a.m.  $10 stipend for 60 shifts.  Discussion that city has bought 501 Powell street and plans to relocate Street Market.  New structure donated from architectural firm is going to be placed there.

Other Business

Discussion that members of “Edge” are looking for non-residential places for illicit drinkers lounge. Discussion that some illicit drinkers have drinks per day prescribed by doctor. Motion for letter to Vancouver Coastal Health to have such a place provided. Letter to be written by Ann. Rob seconds motion.  Rob will bring letter to next meeting.

Web Page needs to be updated. Amanda will update web page this week with notice about Bottle Drive.

Motion to adjourn. Passed.
Moment of Silence.

Monday, 16 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 10th, 2015. Location: #62 East Hastings Street.


Legal Committee
Bottle Drive
Aboriginal Committee
Street Market Update

Legal Committee

Complaint is still in progress. The group discusses parts of work yet to be completed. 
Bottle Drive/ Funding

Aaron will check with U-Haul regarding truck rental.
Mike will make signs for bottle drive.
Committee will attend Friday 13th @ area #62 @ 1:00 o’clock to make signs.  The bottle drive will take place on March 28th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Amanda will make press release.
Come sign up for two hour shifts.
Chris will make sandwiches.

Aboriginal Committee

Discussion that Vandu/Wars/DNC could meet at Area #62 for general meeting. General discussion of proposal to educate public via posters, etc.

Street Market Update

City has bought a lot on Jackson and Powell with the idea of moving the Street Market there. Next meeting is Thursday March 12th regarding city to pay for advertising for Street Market move.


Moment of silence

Sunday, 8 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, March 3rd, 2015. Location: Area #62, East Hastings.


Bottle Drive/Funding
Legal Committee
Raise the Rates
Street Market
Other Business

Bottle Drive/Funding

X proposes initiating a street toll drive to raise funds. Mike suggests having signs asking for bottles from drivers.  X says bottle drive is put on hold until we hear back from Matt re depot proposal.  X proposes a $5 stipend and sandwich.  Jamie asks for more specific details re who will work and get a stipend.
X proposes info booth at area #62 during bottle drive. Jacek doesn’t think the back alley would work and proposes blocking a number of parking spots out front. 
Chris proposes signs asking for empties in front of area #62.
Jamie: I’ll take care of the flyers. We need a ream of paper to poster the neighborhood.
X proposes contacting media.
Jules suggests making a notice to pass to various meetings.
Roland proposes bottle drive sub-committee.
Jamie, Marla, Mike and X to meet Friday, March 6th, 10:00 a.m. at area #62.

Legal Committee

Amanda:  There was a case in UK where a shop was selling bongs with mj leaf on the bong and the owners of the shop were charged because this was seen as selling pipes for so-called illicit use. Darryl Bickler argued in court that this was censorship, and he won the case.  

Raise the Rates

There is a meeting at Friday at noon at the London Hotel.  Jamie and Marla will attend and report back to DNC.

Street Market Update

No news to report.

Other Business

Roland will look into AGM filing information.

Motion to Adjourn

Moment of Silence

Sunday, 1 March 2015

DNC Board Meeting Minutes, February 27th, 2015. Location: 2nd floor, Ray Cam, East Hastings St.


Meeting Time Change and Location
Legal Committee
Street Market Report
Bottle Drive
Other Business

Meeting Time Change and Location

Mike:  I think that Friday night is too late in the week and the time is too late in the day. Also this location is too far outside the dtes core.
Roland:  Tuesday at 10:00 am is better.  If it suites people better we could move it earlier, say 8:00 am or 9:00 am.
Jamie:  Jamie motions that we resume meeting at Tuesday, 10:00 am at #62, beginning March 3rd. Roland 2nd the motion. Motion passes unanimously.
Group agrees Street Market will take responsibility for the coffee.

Legal Committee

Group agrees that Amanda will send some power statements to Ann after document is finished. Ann will put the statements into power point.
Discussion that people are not being allowed to have visitors.
Mike: People being forced to put a sign on their door with a string attached. Is that legal?
Amanda: I think the duty to accommodate is supposed to be individualized.  It’s not to burden the person with rights violations.
Roland: It’s similar to the issue of administration of drugs at the shelters. Everyone is treated the same, to the point where even your vitamins are taken away and administrated back to you.
Amanda: The document will be ready in about a week, at the latest.
Roland: We should call a general meeting on this issue. This is a really big deal. We need to do it in April. Mid to late April would be best, possibly on the 18th. We have time to do posters.
Amanda asks group to think of hard questions to ask her to help her prepare. Group agrees. 

Street Market Update

Roland: The Street Market is looking at two grants. One is to do wifi outreach. The Street Market is trying to do outreach for wifi. People will put repeaters in their windows. We want to do an informal survey. We’ll know about both grants in about a month or so.  Also, the Street Market just set up a camera that looks over the bottle depot. We’re trying to put it online. It looks over our gate.

Bottle Drive

Group discusses stipends for volunteering re bottle drive.
X: It’s going to be March 28th, and we start at 10:00 am.  We’ll do it on a Saturday. We need more information from Matt on the details though.

Other Business

Ann will email Amanda re Mental Health Task Force.

Moment of Silence
