Monday, 24 November 2014

DNC Board Meeting  Minutes, November 18th, 2014, Woodward’s building, 2nd floor, Conference Room.


Voting in new member: Mike.
Election Day
Jamie’s case
Alive AGM
Aviva Fund
Charitable Status and fund raising.
Women’s Day March.
Shawn’s proposal.

Voting in of New Member.
Mike is on board of St. Market. Matt motions to accept Mike as new member. Motion passed. Unanimously.

Election Day
Saturday was successful. Discussion that some people thought the survey was to vote.

Jamie’s case
Jamie reports that arbitrator has been told Atira to cease asking his guests for i.d. Atira appealed to SC. Jamie asked CLAS for assistance. Response has been filed. Residential Tenancy Branch has also been named as a respondent. Jamie has done arbitration for another tenant, with the same issue. L/L asked it be stopped. Adjourned until SC case is heard. The arbitrators have ordered Atira to cease and desist. Abitrator says this applies to all tenants. Other tenant’s guests have been asked. So the tenant’s are asking for $500 for failure to comply.

Discussion that we were non-partisan. Discussion that we have good relationships. We can lobby.
Discussion that we need to start lobbying a little harder now. Discussion of what Matt should say on behalf of DNC at meeting with Richard. Matt will report on meeting.
Discussion that we need more members with cheque signing ability. Shawn: motions that Matt, Amanda, and Ann are signers.  Motion passed.

Discussion that Alive has AGM, Monday, 5 p.m. at Ray Cam.

Rob says St. Market is averaging 40 votes per day. We need a broker for insurance if we win. Matt has a friend.

Charitable Status
Aaron continues to work on charitable status with assistance from Pivot and/or UBC.

Roland will introduce Aaron to staff person at Vancity.

Women’s March
Jamie: February 14th is the Missing Women’s March. We want DNC to be involved.

Shawn’s Proposal
He asks us to think about proposal. The idea is that we create a carefully worded survey of dtes, online and on paper. Asks group to think about it. Jezz: The DNC mission statement should be part of this online survey. Us meeting them.

Jacek reminds the meeting will be at Woodward’s next week.

Moment of Silence.

DNC Board Meeting minutes.  November 11th, Woodward’s Building, 2nd floor conference room.


Community Builders
Aviva Fund
E. Day
Legal Committee Update
Charitable Status
Coffee Machine
Aboriginal Subcommittee

Community Builders

Discussion on private rental agreements at the West. Roland: “It says you can’t use a hotplate, a safe appliance. Is this legal?” Rob: BC Housing is selling off housing to non-profits. Will all tenants have to live by these rules? Discussion. Aaron motions that Ann find out if DNC can act as intervenors. Shawn: We need to hear more info from the lawyer, then we can decide.  Motion passed: to allow Ann to allow Gratl to advise whether to have DNC as intervenor.

Aviva Fund

Rob: the Street Market has applied for $50,000, and we’ve applied for third round.
Matt:  Do we have DNC members on St. Market? Discussion. We currently have Ann and Mike. Matt motions that at least once a month we have report from St. Market from our board reps. Rob seconds. Motion passed.


Matt: We are non-partisan. We should have a way for people to write down issues of concern to them.  You get a stipend if you fill out a card to say what issues concern you.  Aaron suggests we continue booth at St. Market for membership drive. Discussion. Matt: Motions for $500 for coffee, stipend for filling out form. Rob seconded. Motion passed.

Legal Committee

There is an upcoming meeting with UBC in 1st week of December.

Charitable Status

Aaron is working with Kathleen to get charitable status.

Coffee Machine

Jacek will get St. Market coffee machine for Saturday.  Aaron will go to Jamie to get coffee machine for DNC meeting. Jacek will get coffee machine for DNC meeting if coffee machine is not available.

Aboriginal  Subcommittee

Rob: We can invite Scott and find out what Alive is doing.
Discussion that Woodward’s is location for next meeting.

Moment of Silence.


Tuesday, 11 November 2014

DNC Board Meeting minutes, November 4th, 2014, 2nd floor Woodward’s Building, conference room.
Introduction of Guest
Legal Committee
E-day Plan
Meeting next week
Voter Registration at St. Market
Vision Vancouver
Housing March
Coffee Maker
Non-charitable Status
Meeting / Stamp’s Place

Legal Committee
Amanda and Aaron give report on day at UBC.
Aaron is working with Kathleen/Pivot on Charitable Status.
Discussion: Atira asking for judicial review of Tenancy Act. Atira has lost twice. Next hearing is next year. Issue is tenants forced to show i.d.  and being prevented from having guests in their homes. Also tenants forced to sign agreements that aren’t legal.  Jacek asks is it possible to get a copy of one of the contracts.

Discussion: Adriane Carr arrives to meet with group. Introduction of Adriane Carr. Meeting breaks for discussion with Adriane Carr.

Moment of Silence


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

DNC board Meeting Minutes – October 28th, 2014. Location: Woodward’s building, 2nd floor, conference room.

Present:  1 guest, 11 board members.
Tenancy Rights
Street Market Table
Election Day
Green Party Candidate – Adriane Carr
Rob Morgan -report

This was the 2nd tour with Kirk LaPointe. Matt, Amanda, Ann, Shawn and Kirk LaPointe started at 44, went to Vandu, First United, Front Door, Food at the Corner. Ann brought great fact sheets. We had coffee at Blenz.

Aaron will ask Jamie for transcript of court ruling re: tenant’s rights and i.d. Agreement to do a tenancy meeting. Tentative date scheduled: November 18th to 22nd.

Street Market Table
Amanda and Aaron will p/u printer from Ann.  We will put posters up in advance or leaflets. Roland will talk to Ray Cam to see if it is possible to use their vans to carpool people to voting booths.  We will provide coffee and muffin at 62 and walk people to the voting booth at Carnegie. 
Discussion re: coffee maker. Jacek will bring coffee maker. Everyone to bring their own cup.

Green Party Candidate – Adriane Carr
Adriane Carr scheduled to come to next DNC board meeting, November 4th.  Matt says come with questions.

Aaron will look into rules and process for acquiring charitable status.

Rob Morgan – Report
AGM/Downtown Eastside Street Market and AGM/Alive almost done: can begin work on Aboriginal Committee.

Moment of Silence