Tuesday, 28 October 2014

DNC Board meeting minutes , October 21st, 2014, 2nd floor, Conference Room, Woodward’s Building.

Minutes (tabled)
New Members
Legal Subcommittee
Street Market Table
Vancouver Eastside Votes

New Members
Group discussion about what criteria members must fulfill to remain in good standing or rejoin group. 

November 24th meeting at London Hotel common room to prepare for tour on November 25th, two hour walking tour with Kirk LaPointe.  Fact sheets prevented from Ann. Position paper provided by  legal subcommittee.  
Discussion that Ann will arrange tenant meeting for the SRO’s to discuss issue with tenant’s have to show i.d.

Legal Subcommittee
Meeting with Margot Young – law professor of UBC, October 29th. Committee has a goal to create experiential theatre and community forum.

Street Market Table
DNC is to pay for table for voter’s registration booth at street market. Motion by Ann. Seconded by Leo. Motion passed. DNC has purchased a printer to use for voter registration.
2:00 p.m. shift to be taken over by Leo and Jezz.

Vancouver Eastside Votes
Motion by Matt to support Vancouver Eastside Votes for advanced polling stations and additional voter registration booths in DTES. Seconded by Jezz. Motion passed.
Discussion of film liaison.
Discussion that secretary is to make phone list and distribute to members.
Discussion that Jacek will temporarily take over Sergeant-at-Arms position while Jamie’s on leave.

Moment of Silence.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

DNC Board Meeting – Minutes - Tuesday November 14, 2014

Location: Woodward’s Bldg, 2nd floor, Conference Room.


Motion to Adopt Agenda
Legal Subcommittee
Other Business

DNC 11 board members, 1 guest

1) - Reading of constitution / Reading of minutes from October board meeting

2) - Motion to adopt agenda by R Morgan, 2cnd A Boney, Passed

3) – Legal Subcommittee – Amanda B – awaiting scheduling of appointment with Margret Young UBC law dept 

3) – Film – awaiting stats so finish film liaison proposal. R Clarke

4) – Other Business - Walking Tour Saturday October 25, 2014 with Kirk Lapointe, attending John, Jamie, x.

5) – Other Business - Vision has responded to our invitation to speak at board mtg. Awaiting confirmation of date. November 23, 2014 – all candidates mtg at Carnegie.

6) – Other Business - Street Market will provide a table for DNC to set up voter registration booth every Sunday up to the civic election. Manning the booth every Amanda B / Aaron B 10-12 pm. Matthew G / Ann L 12-2pm.Rob M / John S 2-4pm.

7) – Oppenheimer Tent City – John S addressed the issue stating that 140 people are to be relocated to the 
Quality Inn on Marine Dr & Fraser which is in fact moving residents out of the neighbourhood.

8) – Motion to close mtg, 2cnd, passed / Moment of silence   

Friday, 10 October 2014

Location: Carnegie Center, 3rd floor meeting room.

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting, October 7th, 2014.

Street Market Society
Film Proposal
Law Subcommittee
Voter Registration
Location for Board Meetings
Other Business

Street Market Society/DNC Table
DNC will set up table at Street Market. Plan is for members to take two hour sessions to supervise table.  Table is to be used for voter registration and DNC sign up.

Film Proposal
Matt presented a 10 page proposal to secure DNC film liaison position.  Discussion of proposal.

Law Subcommittee
Subcommittee members waiting for call back from UBC.

Voter Registration
DNC is in process of securing documentation in order to register voters at Street Market booth. DNC will arrange safe rides to voting booth.

NPA candidate is only candidate who has responded to DNC’s invitations to meet with group.

Location for Board Meetings
Location for next meeting:  Woodward’s building, October 11th, 2nd floor conference room. Discussion of how to notify members who do not have access to internet. There are lots of places people can gain access to internet.  Members agree to notify those members in person who state they do not have access to internet.

Other Business
Discussion that Atira filed to have Supreme Court ruling set aside re tenants privacy rights.

Moment of Silence


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Downtown Eastside Neighborhood Council Meeting: September 30th, 2014

Location: 2nd floor conference room, Woodward’s Building

12 members present
Kirk: meeting/tour
Next Tour with NPA/Kirk
Location of Next Board Meeting
Executive Elections
Legal Committee
Aboriginal Committee
Street Market Table
Registry of Voters at Street Market

Kirk: meeting/tour
Reading thevancouveriwant.ca blog: Issue with residential safety. $360 million spent yearly but the funds do not reach the people. The services require an audit.
Discussion: X says we need a resident driven group to do the audit. X says there are funds going to service providers but the providers are not doing the service. The group has a discussion that we need accountability and a real economic plan. X says the way they administer welfare they have designed a system to prevent people from working.

X explains it is necessary to do a business plan. Plan is to be completed by next week.

Next Tour with Kirk
Two members will do the tour with Kirk in November to see conditions in cold weather.  X will provide information sheets to show how much funding each place gets. Tentative date: November 8th.

Location for next board meeting
X will try to book Carnegie room.
Legal Committee
Committee members have meeting with UBC Learning Exchange to find out if there are any resources to assist us to have a community forum on drug law policy.

Executive Elections
New board elected.
Two members tied for co-president.
X motions to allow three co-presidents. Motion accepted.

Street Market/DNC Table
X makes a proposal for DNC table at Street Market with DNC member to sell items made by persons with disabilities and/or as place to sign up new members. X says that there would need to be a stipend for person supervising the table.
X says co-presidents will meet to plan details re: table.

Aboriginal Committee
X says Street Market board to decide whether or not to allow deep fryer for fry bread at next meeting.

Moment of Silence