Sunday, 27 July 2014

DNC Minutes, July 22nd, 2014

Minutes for DNC Board Meeting: July 22nd, 2014.
Attendees:  11 board members present.
X reads the constitution

Guest: Darryl Bickler of the Drug Equality Alliance, UK (attending via Skype).
Legal Committee
Aboriginal Committee

Legal Committee:
Darryl Bickler on Skype explains the maladministration argument. There is a failure to implement policy in accordance with human rights and the stated objective of the Act. He explains that it would be possible to submit the argument in conjunction with a request in a public interest case. Court must have jurisdiction. This leads to discussion of how to gain standing. X says that this argument could be put forward by someone dependent on opiates, as a public interest case.
Aboriginal Committee:
DNC will provide funding for cost of producing fry bread: flour, oil, yeast. X says there is an issue because X thinks that cooking with oil at market is potentially dangerous. Discussion of equipment used to make it safe. X is not in attendance at meeting so discussion is tabled.
Motion: X proposes that there be a 2nd or 3rd person in charge of stipends. All stipends should be sealed in an envelope to cover the meetings when X (treasurer) is not able to attend meeting. Motion passes unanimously.
There will be a planning meeting at the Outreach Committee meeting, Saturday morning, July 26th, 9:00 a.m. at Vandu.
A subgroup of Vandu and some other groups have organized a City Wide Housing March. Discussion of why DNC was not asked to endorse or support the march.
Motion: X proposes that DNC endorse the City Wide Housing March. Motion then passes unanimously.
X reminds group that we need to work in the context of the LAPP, as much work has been done on this and we want to build on the work that has already been done.
X reports there is an issue that went to arbitration at Atira housing. The management was told to cease and desist from asking people for i.d. as they enter the building. The case won at arbitration as such requests must be on reasonable grounds. The same problem occurred at Bourbon Hotel. People feel their privacy is invaded without reasonable grounds. Atira is now appealing that decision.

 Moment of Silence, motion to adjourn

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - July 15, 2014

DNC Minutes - July 15, 2014

Attendees: 9 board members present.

 reads the constitution
X reads the previous week’s minutes. Minutes approved.


Legal Cmte
Aboriginal Cmte
Open House
Street Market
SRO Grant
Movie Cmte
Potters Mission

Motion to adopt agenda. Motion passes.

Legal Cmte

Discussion of drug policy work. British lawyer on Skype discusses that current drug laws are not the current operation of law.
Discussion around next federal election, topical nature of Liberal stance on cannabis. Discussion of updating website and adding statements regarding this policy with Amanda as the point person for contact.

Aboriginal Cmte

X gives report. WAHRS has been contacted. Proposal letter is written for the Ab sub cmte. HHF – Homes Health and Families? Over 50 people have expressed interest in attending this first committee.
Motion: Moved by X, seconded by X: to create the Aboriginal Subcommittee of the DNC. Motion passes.

Open House Plan

List of Organizations funded by VCH. Makes sense to invite large players if we have an open house.
If we stick to VCH funded non-profits, we could challenge the huge bureaucracy built in our nbhood by VCH. It could also be a way to introduce the residents to these various agencies.

AGM discussion

Reaffirm date of August 23rd for the AGM. The whole board should be the nominating committee. X will ask Scott to be our scrutineer.

Street Market

August 7 set for date of Community Forum on Street Disorder

City Grant

X and X will write the application for SRO tenancy services


Motion to send an official letter to Ed McCurdy regarding his continued snaking of community funds for personal benefit from the film industry.


Need to update the website

 Moment of Silence, motion to adjourn

Monday, 14 July 2014

DNC Minutes - July 8th, 2014

DNC Minutes – July 8th, 2014
11 members present
Legal Committee update
Tenant’s Rights Committee update
Open House Plan
Membership Outreach
Street Market Report
Women’s Art Group
Movie Business

Legal Committee Update: Members will have position paper ready for Thursday @ 1:00 p.m.
Tenant’s Rights Committee Update: X says the location was a good place for a meeting. X signed up 60 members.
Open House Plan: X says we need tarps. Need to invite relevant organizations. Discussion of items required.
Street Market Report: X says Street Market Society working well with police. Shows very well done pamphlet. Society has created membership tags. Members required to wear these on Sundays. Need for more volunteers. Need to hire professional security guards. Ideally, two people from dtes could be trained.
AGM: Discussion that AGM should take place in August.
Membership/Outreach:  X is working on revised pamphlet.
Women’s Art Group: Grant for painting containers going through Street Market Society.

Movie Business: X says DNC should get some funds, but requires that people provide a service.
