Tuesday, 24 June 2014

DNC Minutes - June 24, 2014

DNC Board Minutes – June 24, 2014

13 board members, 1 guest


Guest – Ron Carten WCMHN
Meeting with City
Street Market
DNC/VANDU Tenant Meeting
Film Stipend
Community Forum
Grants Update

Motion to adopt agenda, motion passes
X reads minutes. Motion to accept minutes. Motion passes.


West Coast Mental Health Network on Pender near Cambie St.
Peer program. Funding was cut in December last year by VCH, but have some funding from City.
Assertive Community Treatment – Psychiatrist, social worker, nurse, sometimes police officer. Primarily to monitor whether people are taking their medications.
Section of Mental Health Act involves involuntary treatment.
When you are in that category, you can be treated against your will.
Your rights essentially, are taken away. There is another section called Involuntary Leave. You are allowed out, but have to abide by medication, etc…
The director of the hospital determines the category, recommended by the psychiatrist.
There have been a challenge to involuntary committal under section 7. The BCCLA has produced a pamphlet – and they are hoping to challenge the mental health act.
What the act argues is that mental health is a special case and people don’t know their own good. There needs to be choice in care, and choice in treatment.
Representation agreement act – provides every BC resident a right to appoint a representative. The exception to this is mental health treatment.
Section 15 – is also possibly a good section to use – which prohibits discrimination

Book called DSM4 – this lists all the mental health disorders that psychiatrists can think of.
Group is called madcaps – write letters to politicians. Met with CoV about ACT teams. Tried to get VCH to commit to the principle of Choice in Treatment. They are committed to patients’ rights, but always qualify it.
BCCLA has a position paper.
WCMHN – has a position paper on the representation agreement act. Group was not even invited to be part of the Mental Health Task Force.  They share an office with ARA mental health which was on the task force.
Police officers may now be funded as members of the ACT team by health money.
If a person has an ACT team this means that $30k is being spent on you. This may even be for people that don’t even have housing.

Meeting with City
August some time.

Missing board members

Street Market people were not here

Tenant Rights meeting
DJ Larkin will be there, also Diane from MadCap,
$200 budget for the event

Filming notice – table the program for a month

Community Forum – Need to have an AGM before end of year

Motion to adjourn – moment of silence

Saturday, 21 June 2014

DNC board meeting minutes, June 17th, 2014.

Discussion of ideas for community forum to take place at #62 Hastings: equipment required includes P.A. system and banners.  X suggests we must contact/invite speakers from non-profits and political representatives. X suggests that security can be provided by Street Market.

X motions to vote for X as new DNC board member. Motion accepted. X is voted in as board member, unanimous.
Street Market report:  Market is getting another container. The containers are scheduled to be painted by end of August.

Members are aware that X may have vacated seat. Motion: If X does not attend next meeting X will send a letter. Motion accepted.

Legal committee report: Members working with legal expert to learn argument concerning the human rights of persons engaged with harmful drugs.

Discussion re: donations wish list. X suggests we can put such a list on website. Items required are tools, computers, vehicle, printer, coffee pot.  X states he will talk to other society about a vehicle. X states he will approach X for donations of computers.

X will research crowd sourcing and bring a report to the board.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - June 10, 2014

DNC Meeting Minutes - June 10, 2014

Attendees: 11 board members in attendance, 2 guests:

X reads the constitution


Updates: mental health TF, brochure
Street Market Report
Outreach Report
Gastown Gazette
City of Vancouver
Endorsement: Housing March
Importance of Agenda Setting

X, X, motion to accept agenda – motion passes
Xread minutes (add word ‘day’ to minutes after ‘30’)

Update on Mental Health

X of West Coast Mental Health Network, may come and speak to board on same day as X to discuss. Discussion of having an invitational board meeting and poster it to invite people. Discussion to hold tenants’ rights meeting at 62, and meet with board only and then decide to press these issues. Discussion of having Ron only at meeting so that we clearly hear one side, others argue that X should provide alternate view.
Vote on X and X wins over X only meeting


Coming soon. Firm will donate time to produce professionally for us.

Street Market

X gives report. VPD were very helpful this last Sunday. Break in on our container, also getting help from VPD on this. Container painting going ahead. Find out about major grant on Thursday.

Outreach Report

X will work with conflict resolution process, will bring copies to board soon. Arts poster co-sponsored by Street Market. X will produce a list of grants for the DNC. Gastown Gazette did not come, but may come next week.
Discussion of X calling Penny Ballem and setting up a meeting to introduce and advocate for the new DNC.

Housing March

New housing group at VANDU. Asking for DNC to support the march.

Agenda Setting

X gives summary of work on good meeting practices. Agendas, minute reading, parts of meetings that are not strictly chaired. Agenda items where specific people have responsibilities, or agenda items where motions are necessary. Also discussion of important ways to set the right atmosphere and disarm people.
Motion to adjourn, moment of silence

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - June 3, 2014

DNC Board Minutes - June 3, 2014

Attendees: 13 board members present + 2 guests

X reads minutes, motion to pass minutes passes

Gastown Gazette
Board Development
Update on Legal Club
Update on Mental Health/VPD
Other business (McGuire, StMkt, GG, Tenants)

Gastown Gazette
X reads summary on Gastown Gazette

Board Development
X discusses conflict resolution processes. In the past with the DNC, external parties have misused conflict resolution as a weapon with no real desire to have the conflict resolved. Discusses ground rules for beginning a process. Discussing ground rules for ensuring that parties are honest about wishing to resolve the conflict.

Ideas to make meetings work: Chair rotations to create fairness, decision items vs. non decision items
Bring copies of conflict resolution process for next meeting so decision can be made

Legal Club
June 5th 1pm on second floor is the legal club meeting. Idea is to educate people on the law and their rights, can be tenant issues, drug issues. There is a lawyer that will talk to us via skype.

Mental Health/VPD
ARA training. People that come there are diverse. If anyone wants to get on disability, there are resources. Darcy was going to come and give classes on getting disability. ARA also says that police cannot commit without assessment from a doctor and there has been no change to the law. They do admit that there may have been administrative changes to the way the police are intending to interpret. We may have to figure out whether this is a disagreement between ARA and VPD, or whether this will be an opportunity to defend and release a mal application by VPD after the fact.
30 assessment of person has in the past neutralized the complaint, due to the fact that person is mentally ill.
Discussion of inviting ARA person to give presentation and invite X to meeting to discuss and rebut.

BC Independent complaints office is having trouble locating persons suffering from injuries, deaths, etc…
Decision to meet with the executive and these people and report back to board.

Discussion of Street Market updates in terms of upcoming changes and grants, etc…

Motion to adjourn