Tuesday, 15 April 2014

DNC Board Meeting Minutes - April 15th, 2014

DNC Board Meeting

April 15 2014

Where: Second Level, Woodwards

8 board members present

10:05 AM Call to Order

X reads constitution

            1. Outreach
            2. Cards
            3. X
            4. Letter to VCH re: DNC Van

Motion to accept Agenda by X; Seconded by X

1.    Outreach Report

            Outreach committee met on Saturday. Discussed plan to move forward with setting out guidelines for execution and accountability for all those doing outreach. Will continue moving forward with kits and outreach goals.

            Suggested that there be an ethics commission to ensure that we are held accountable

            Motion to make outreach committee of X, X, X, and X with openings for anyone interested in joining. X Seconded

2. Cards

            X made customizable (name and contact info) business cards for DNC board members.

            Motion to allow X $25.00 to print cards from eprintfast.com by X; seconded by X

3. X

            Wants to keep committees working together moving forward. Doesnt suggest that the positions were moved around to often.

4. DNC Van

            X reads letter from Vandu to VCH where VANDU makes it clear that they have nothing to do with the DNC Van.
            X motions that DNC writes letter supports this position to ensure that VANDU distances themselves from the Van; Seconded by X

11:15 Meeting adjourned.

Outreach Committee met afterwards and decided to meet on April 26th at 9:00 AM at VANDU All our welcome to attend