DNC Board
October 25 2012
Present: Herb, Harold, Tami, Ivan, Kelvin
Guests: James, Jacek, Ludvik
*We don't have quorum but will discuss a couple issues to make recommendations
- The special committee of the general membership struck to resolve the conflict in the DNC is requesting that we push the AGM and board elections back one month so they have enough time to do their work.
- Can we have a report on what the special committee has done so far.
- The committee has had its first meeting and has started its work. It is contacting people concerned and getting going.
- So the plan will be to have a report finished before the AGM in December?
- Yes it is a slow process
- Some of the things that some of the parties have demanded have been dealt with. Full financial reports have been submitted from the DT East and hotel organizing project.
- Now that the structural stuff is out of the way
- Can you tell us who is on the committee?
- The committee is made up of Beth Malena, Dave Diewert, Michelle Miller, Shurli Chan, and Aiyanas Ormond.
- The first meeting was last Friday. The first thing the committee will do is contact the people involved and ensure that all people involved are comfortable with the composition of the committee.
- So this committee is asking that the AGM be pushed back to Saturday December 8th, with pre-AGM on December 1st.
- I think we should set a more specific schedule and ask the committee for:
- A progress report at the November general meeting including who is on the committee and an outline of the process they are following, and;
- A final report delivered at the pre-AGM on December 1st. That could be the one agenda point besides preparing for elections.
- I'd like the committee to circulate a timeline over email as soon as possible.
- Why should the report from the committee come before the AGM? It could look like a witchhunt where some people on the board want to get rid of other people on the board.
- That's why the committee has to work transparently and straightforwardly so that everyone feels it is fair.
- We don't have quorum tonight so can we vote on a recommendation and then circulate it by email and Tami can check in with other board members.
MOTION: To move the AGM and pre-AGM back one month to December 1st and December 8th (Moved: Tami. Seconded: Kelvin. In favour: 4 Abstain: 1)
MOTION: To hold a regular general meeting Saturday November 10. (Moved: Ivan. Second: Kelvin. In favor: 4 Abstain: 1)
MOTION: To ask the special committee to give a progress report including who is on the committee and an outline of the process they are following at the November GM, and; To circulate a timeline for the committee's process and work by email as soon as possible, and; To present a final report and recommendations at the pre-AGM on December 1st.
(Moved: Herb. Seconded: Kelvin. In favor: 5 Abstain: 0 Against: 0)
DECISION: Herb and Tami to contact other board members to measure their votes before Friday 6pm.
- Herb to contact: Ann, Roland, Jenn and Jamie
- Tami to contact: Dave H, Dave M, DJ, Richard, Ann Marie
- We could do a focus on 955 E Hastings for the November general meeting.
- We could have a presentation from the social housing coalition
- Or we could have a discussion about the HEAT shelters
- They announced Tuesday that they will open more HEAT shelter beds than last year, but because we lost 200 beds at First United there will be less beds than there was a year ago.
- On top of that the homeless count shows that there are twice as many homeless people as there was a year ago.
- At the Greater Vancouver Shelter group they talked about opening church basements
- We could also talk about the new transit policies. I'd like to organize a one-day a month fare strike.
- That's a great idea. Could be the first day of each month, the day they're out checking everyone's tickets for new monthly passes.
- The police on transit are under federal jurisdiction. They can cross over other jurisdictional boundaries.
- We could also do a discussion on 2012 in review. We will have an initial discussion at the board meeting next week and I'd like to take it forward to the membership.
- Tremblay, who killed my grand-niece will be going to trial at the Robson St courthouse Monday October 29 in the morning. He is looking for appeal and release. We need support from the community.