DNC Board meeting
February 23 2012
Opening: Kelvin
Constitution reading: Herb
Clean-up after: Ivan, Dave D, Herb, DJ, Elroy
Projected closing time: 7pm
Present: Paul, Herb, Ann Marie, Roland, Jenn, Ivan, DJ, Harold, Ann, Jada, Wendy, Dave M
Guests: Jacek, Dave D, Elroy, Paul T
1) Opening and check-in
2) DICUSSION: Gentrification, interim rezoning workshop
3) DICUSSION: Violence in DTES
4) GUEST: Paul Taylor from DTES N'hd House
5) Treasurer motion
6) Committee reports
1. Shelter committee
2. Street market
3. Police committee and copwatch
4. Feed the Roots report
7) March 3 General Meeting
1. Theme
2. Framework
3. Food, location, time, etc
8) New business
1. Statements and resolutions
9) Closing
1) DISCUSSION: Gentrification and Interim Rezoning workshop
(Presentation on interim rezoning)
The Balmoral is getting threatened with shut down by the city which says we're serving underage people, but it's not true
They want to close down the Balmoral to make it more attractive to condo buyers at Pantages
We have to focus on winning a moratorium at LAPP
2) DISCUSSION: Violence in the DTES
Last night at the LAPP workshop Scott from Alive said that the DTES is violent so they don't support a moratorium
Jogi from the Strathcona BIA and Kevin from the city were nodding with agreement
Some people in the neighbourhood agree with this. The LAPP could be the place where we get the facts about violence and discuss it
The Strathcona BIA put out a newsletter claiming that some school girls were robbed on Hastings. We have to get away from stories and work on getting facts
Violence against women is a specific issue and we should talk with some people who work on stopping violence against women
If they chase women out of this neighbourhood and out to Surrey then the same women will go missing in Surrey
To hell with the statistics. This neighbourhood is violent like every neighbourhood is violent but in this neighbourhood it's all out in public.
Scott also said that too many “challenged” people in one building without “adequate supports” in buildings together create violence
Scott is not deluded, I think he's building his own political carreer
When they talk about “high impact” or “challenged” people it's disgusting. They're talking about human beings
I went to the Alive board meeting last week and was well received. I knew a lot of the people there.
Unfortunately we convinced them to join the LAPP committee.
3) Paul Taylor, DTES Neighbourhood House
The Neighbourhood House is working on food justice programs to bring food to people who are undernourished and whose right to food is impeded by low welfare rates, charity models, etc.
We are doing outreach too, taking bananas out on shopping carts in evenings, taking smoothies to groups where they don't have access to nutritious foods
We're working with Jen's Kitchen to do food support for survival sex workers
We're interested in working with the DNC on projects
Ann and I founded the Neighbourhood House and then Joyce picked it up
We need a space and we need a homemaker to run the space
How much space is there at your space?
Paul T
About 40 people worth
(Not big enough for us)
Paul M
We should talk about how we can work together
Can we do a funding proposal together to create a space that we work on together?
The Neighbourhood House is creating a space and DNC does advocacy so it would be a good partnership
Paul T
2015 to 2018 the City of Vancouver is supporting the Neighbourhood House to do a “capital investment project” for increased space for the Neighbourhood House
Paul M
The city and province aren't supporting any property buying or building
Paul T
The city kind of owes us because we are the most underfunded neighbourhood house in the city
I think we should seriously think about forming an alliance with the N'hd House, the House can run the space and the Council can do the advocacy and political work and programming
MOTION (moved Ivan, seconded Paul) To form a committee to meet with the Neighbourhood Council Board and work out a proposal on sharing a space. (Passed unanimous)
MOTION (Moved by Paul, seconded by Jada): That Harold Lavender, Ivan Drury, Tami Starlight, Jamie Richardson be signers for the DTES Neighbourhood Council bank account at VanCity Credit Union. (Passed. One abstention – Wendy).
We had a meeting at my house but everyone ran out to harrass police
We're planning two actions in March:
International Women's Day, March 8th. To have a protest against violence against women.
March 15th International Day Against Police Brutality. To have a protest starting at Main and Hastings and then outside the police station
The police committee should be open to all members. Make an announcement and send it over the DNC email list. Make sure you contact the people who signed up for the committee too
The police committee is also concerned about “The Beat” TV show
The Int'l Day against Police Brutality action will demand that the Beat stop filming, say that they're not welcome
Dave M
Can we demand instead that the BET squads be driven out?
DECISION: That the police committee have details on the actions back at the next board meeting for further discussion before we have a motion.
The shelter committee is continuing to go to meetings with BC Housing, where we'll get an update on what's going on with First United. We'll also ask about other shelters too.
We are also going to GVSS meetings and VPD meetings to be there when they talk about shelter stuff
Can the shelter committee make a budget for their work, including bus tickets and food for meetings
DECIDED: That the shelter committee will make a budget and bring it to the next meeting
We have been getting complaints from the police and the city that we are blocking the bike lanes and blocking doorways
We should
Can we have it on violence in the DTES?
I worry it's too loaded and we won't be able to have a fair discussion
Can we talk about safety and policing?
We could do it on the interim rezoning policy
The police are wrecking our community, pushing people around
I think CCAP will do a townhall on interim rezoning
I was thinking that we do something on agencies working with developers in order to make the community aware about Atira, PHS, and Lo Foundation
Could also put pressure on the agencies and
Could create a statement to send to the agencies
Straw poll to see which point we should focus on: “Do you feel safe with community policing” and “Stop agencies from collaborating with developers”
3 for policing, 3 for agencies and developers
I think we should talk about both. Keep some space for policing discussion too
Dave D
I think the market forces of gentrification are working with policing violence to gentrify the community
Should we combine the issues into one point or seperate them into two?
They are trying to gentrify the DTES by getting rid of the low-barrier shelters like First United
DECISION: Theme will be “How PHS, Atira and Terra Housing are destroying the DTES” and there will be a point on policing and safety
MOTION: To do food a half hour before the meeting and then put it all away for the rest of the meeting. (Passed unanimous)
DECISION: We will advertise sign-in at 2:15, food at 2:30, before the meeting. Meeting will start 3pm sharp until 4:30pm with no break.
Dave and Teresa doing food
Coffee will be provided by AFD and will only be available during food time and will be put away for the meeting.
(Reads a statement on banners on Hastings)
MOTION: To support and send the letter Wendy wrote regarding banners. (Passed Unanimous)
February 23 2012
Opening: Kelvin
Constitution reading: Herb
Clean-up after: Ivan, Dave D, Herb, DJ, Elroy
Projected closing time: 7pm
Present: Paul, Herb, Ann Marie, Roland, Jenn, Ivan, DJ, Harold, Ann, Jada, Wendy, Dave M
Guests: Jacek, Dave D, Elroy, Paul T
1) Opening and check-in
2) DICUSSION: Gentrification, interim rezoning workshop
3) DICUSSION: Violence in DTES
4) GUEST: Paul Taylor from DTES N'hd House
5) Treasurer motion
6) Committee reports
1. Shelter committee
2. Street market
3. Police committee and copwatch
4. Feed the Roots report
7) March 3 General Meeting
1. Theme
2. Framework
3. Food, location, time, etc
8) New business
1. Statements and resolutions
9) Closing
1) DISCUSSION: Gentrification and Interim Rezoning workshop
(Presentation on interim rezoning)
The Balmoral is getting threatened with shut down by the city which says we're serving underage people, but it's not true
They want to close down the Balmoral to make it more attractive to condo buyers at Pantages
We have to focus on winning a moratorium at LAPP
2) DISCUSSION: Violence in the DTES
Last night at the LAPP workshop Scott from Alive said that the DTES is violent so they don't support a moratorium
Jogi from the Strathcona BIA and Kevin from the city were nodding with agreement
Some people in the neighbourhood agree with this. The LAPP could be the place where we get the facts about violence and discuss it
The Strathcona BIA put out a newsletter claiming that some school girls were robbed on Hastings. We have to get away from stories and work on getting facts
Violence against women is a specific issue and we should talk with some people who work on stopping violence against women
If they chase women out of this neighbourhood and out to Surrey then the same women will go missing in Surrey
To hell with the statistics. This neighbourhood is violent like every neighbourhood is violent but in this neighbourhood it's all out in public.
Scott also said that too many “challenged” people in one building without “adequate supports” in buildings together create violence
Scott is not deluded, I think he's building his own political carreer
When they talk about “high impact” or “challenged” people it's disgusting. They're talking about human beings
I went to the Alive board meeting last week and was well received. I knew a lot of the people there.
Unfortunately we convinced them to join the LAPP committee.
3) Paul Taylor, DTES Neighbourhood House
The Neighbourhood House is working on food justice programs to bring food to people who are undernourished and whose right to food is impeded by low welfare rates, charity models, etc.
We are doing outreach too, taking bananas out on shopping carts in evenings, taking smoothies to groups where they don't have access to nutritious foods
We're working with Jen's Kitchen to do food support for survival sex workers
We're interested in working with the DNC on projects
Ann and I founded the Neighbourhood House and then Joyce picked it up
We need a space and we need a homemaker to run the space
How much space is there at your space?
Paul T
About 40 people worth
(Not big enough for us)
Paul M
We should talk about how we can work together
Can we do a funding proposal together to create a space that we work on together?
The Neighbourhood House is creating a space and DNC does advocacy so it would be a good partnership
Paul T
2015 to 2018 the City of Vancouver is supporting the Neighbourhood House to do a “capital investment project” for increased space for the Neighbourhood House
Paul M
The city and province aren't supporting any property buying or building
Paul T
The city kind of owes us because we are the most underfunded neighbourhood house in the city
I think we should seriously think about forming an alliance with the N'hd House, the House can run the space and the Council can do the advocacy and political work and programming
MOTION (moved Ivan, seconded Paul) To form a committee to meet with the Neighbourhood Council Board and work out a proposal on sharing a space. (Passed unanimous)
MOTION (Moved by Paul, seconded by Jada): That Harold Lavender, Ivan Drury, Tami Starlight, Jamie Richardson be signers for the DTES Neighbourhood Council bank account at VanCity Credit Union. (Passed. One abstention – Wendy).
We had a meeting at my house but everyone ran out to harrass police
We're planning two actions in March:
International Women's Day, March 8th. To have a protest against violence against women.
March 15th International Day Against Police Brutality. To have a protest starting at Main and Hastings and then outside the police station
The police committee should be open to all members. Make an announcement and send it over the DNC email list. Make sure you contact the people who signed up for the committee too
The police committee is also concerned about “The Beat” TV show
The Int'l Day against Police Brutality action will demand that the Beat stop filming, say that they're not welcome
Dave M
Can we demand instead that the BET squads be driven out?
DECISION: That the police committee have details on the actions back at the next board meeting for further discussion before we have a motion.
The shelter committee is continuing to go to meetings with BC Housing, where we'll get an update on what's going on with First United. We'll also ask about other shelters too.
We are also going to GVSS meetings and VPD meetings to be there when they talk about shelter stuff
Can the shelter committee make a budget for their work, including bus tickets and food for meetings
DECIDED: That the shelter committee will make a budget and bring it to the next meeting
We have been getting complaints from the police and the city that we are blocking the bike lanes and blocking doorways
We should
Can we have it on violence in the DTES?
I worry it's too loaded and we won't be able to have a fair discussion
Can we talk about safety and policing?
We could do it on the interim rezoning policy
The police are wrecking our community, pushing people around
I think CCAP will do a townhall on interim rezoning
I was thinking that we do something on agencies working with developers in order to make the community aware about Atira, PHS, and Lo Foundation
Could also put pressure on the agencies and
Could create a statement to send to the agencies
Straw poll to see which point we should focus on: “Do you feel safe with community policing” and “Stop agencies from collaborating with developers”
3 for policing, 3 for agencies and developers
I think we should talk about both. Keep some space for policing discussion too
Dave D
I think the market forces of gentrification are working with policing violence to gentrify the community
Should we combine the issues into one point or seperate them into two?
They are trying to gentrify the DTES by getting rid of the low-barrier shelters like First United
DECISION: Theme will be “How PHS, Atira and Terra Housing are destroying the DTES” and there will be a point on policing and safety
MOTION: To do food a half hour before the meeting and then put it all away for the rest of the meeting. (Passed unanimous)
DECISION: We will advertise sign-in at 2:15, food at 2:30, before the meeting. Meeting will start 3pm sharp until 4:30pm with no break.
Dave and Teresa doing food
Coffee will be provided by AFD and will only be available during food time and will be put away for the meeting.
(Reads a statement on banners on Hastings)
MOTION: To support and send the letter Wendy wrote regarding banners. (Passed Unanimous)